shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 338: Put away your worthless piece of shit

The system is silent.

Yu Lingchu said angrily: "If we say that the older generation of our family is the same, why do they have to come up with a bad idea to maintain their friendship through marriage? Those two old men took advantage of the life-saving grace and bowed to each other. Isn’t the son pretty good?

If neither side of the generation gave birth to a girl, why not just give up and extend the agreement to the next generation?

If they want to keep their word, don't they even consider whether their descendants will do it? !
This has made it so hard for me to regain my freedom now! "

Yu Lingchu was secretly complaining to the system in his mind, when Nalan Shaojin looked over at this moment.

"After filming this movie, what are Lingchu's next plans?"

Suddenly asked, Yu Lingchu raised his eyes to look at Nalan Shaojin and gave a perfunctory smile: "Thank you, Mr. Nalan, for your concern. I have no plans."

Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly: "I also have some connections in the entertainment industry. If Lingchu needs it, I can help you contact them."

"No need." Yuling refused without thinking.

"Okay." Nalan Shaojin agreed without thinking: "I respect Lingchu's ideas and will not interfere in your affairs, but if you need any help, you can tell me at any time and I will be very happy to help. "

Reaching out to avoid hitting the smiling man, Yu Lingchu nodded when faced with Nalan Shaojin's attitude: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Nalan for his kindness first."

Nalan Shaojin picked up the water on the table and looked at Yu Lingchu with smiling eyes: "Lingchu never has to be polite to me."

He had vaguely mentioned the idea of ​​helping Yu Lingchu develop his career to Yu Lingchu before on the set, but was rejected by the other party without hesitation.

Therefore, he had long known Yu Lingchu's attitude.

The purpose of bringing up old things now is just to tell some people that the help he can bring to Yu Lingchu is beyond the reach of some people.

After a period of flight, the plane landed smoothly at Haicheng Airport. After Yu Lingchu said goodbye to Nalan Shaojin, he took Yu Chengze away.

She did not follow Yu Chengze back to the Yu family, but arranged for Yu Chengze to go back first, while she followed Ling Xuan directly to the security company.

Tian Tian knew that Yu Lingchu was coming back and was waiting at the company early in the morning.

Seeing Yu Lingchu enter the door, she immediately greeted him with excitement: "Sister Lingchu~"

Yu Lingchu smiled and hugged her, and couldn't help but poke Tian Tian's lovely plump cheeks: "It's been a while since we last met, and my Tian Tian is getting prettier and prettier."

"Sister Lingchu, you are too, you are so beautiful that I can't take my eyes away! Give me some stickers~"

Tian Tian said, holding Yu Lingchu's arm, and rubbed her sideways, as cute as a clingy cat.

Yu Lingchu couldn't help but touch her head: "I brought you a gift."

Tian Tian smiled even more happily: "Sister Lingchu, I knew you loved me the most~"

"What about me?" Fang Yu suddenly spoke quietly, looking at Yu Lingchu with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Damn girl, she stole all of his girlfriend's attention as soon as she came back, I'm not happy!
Tian Tian looked at Fang Yu, blinked, and held Yu Lingchu's hand without any intention of letting go: "Sister Lingchu and I have a pure sisterhood, which is different from yours."

Yu Lingchu smiled and looked at Fang Yu: "That's right, junior brother, why are you so jealous of everything? You are so ungrateful. You are so petty and will trouble my little Tian Tian~"

Fang Yu gritted his teeth: "Yu Lingchu! I'm your senior brother! And! Where did you learn this damn green tea style of talking? If we haven't seen each other for a while, you'll fix this for me when you come back, right?!"

Yu Lingchu approached Tian Tian and deliberately said in a sweet voice: "Xiao Tiantian, why is he so fierce~ so scary~ so irritable~ It must be very hard for you to be with him~ Oops~ I feel so sorry for you~"

"Jade! Spirit! Chu!"

Fang Yu gritted his teeth: "You can learn a little bit, okay?"

Yu Lingchu looked at Tian Tian and blinked: "Xiao Tiantian, am I not good?" Tian Tian quickly shook his head: "Sister Lingchu, you are the best, don't listen to his nonsense."

Fang Yu looked at Tian Tian aggrievedly: "Daughter-in-law, why are you turning your elbows outward?"

Tian Tian blinked innocently and said seriously: "Ayu, sister Lingchu is one of our own!"

Why is the elbow turned outward? Is Sister Lingchu an outsider?

So, she disagreed with Fang Yu's statement!

"Look, our little Tiantian is Hui Zhilan and is very annoying."

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu glanced at Fang Yu proudly: "I am Xiao Tiantian's half-sister, and I am Xiao Tiantian's biological family. A certain pig who takes away my food should be aware of current affairs. Come on, be polite when you say and do things!"


Fang Yu looked at Tian Tian aggrievedly and complained: "Look at her, she is threatening me!"

Tian Tian blinked: "Is it a threat? Why didn't I feel it?"

Fang Yu pursed his lips in depression: "Daughter-in-law, do you still love me?"

Tian Tian nodded without hesitation: "Love!"

Fang Yu opened his arms and said, "Then come here."

Hearing Fang Yu's request, Tian Tian's hand holding Yu Lingchu's arm tightened a little: "Fang Yu, please don't make trouble. Sister Lingchu finally came back and I want to stay with him for a while. There are so many things going on in the company recently. , you go and do your work quickly, don’t worry about us.”

Fang Yu: "."

After all, I paid it by mistake (ó﹏ò)
It turns out some people win just by standing there.

Yu Lingchu, why should she...

That's his wife!His wife!Why did she steal all the attention from his wife when she appeared?
He refused.
Fang Yu looked at Tian Tian sadly.

Tian Tian ignored his gaze and affectionately took Yu Lingchu's arm upstairs.

Fang Yu followed the two people with his eyes.

Senior brother Jiang Youhui stepped forward at this time, patted his shoulder, and comforted him: "Quickly put away your worthless look. Isn't it normal for Lingchu to come back once in a while and Tian Tian to accompany her."

Fang Yu was not convinced: "Why should my wife's eyes be filled with hers when she appears? I'm not convinced!"

"Hmph!" Jiang Youhui chuckled: "Go and rob someone if you can. If you can't rob someone, just hold back. Be careful if you make Tian Tian anxious, she will run away with Lingchu tomorrow."

Fang Yu lamented: "Brother, you can't understand my feelings."

His girlfriend would be lured away every time he saw Yu Lingchu, which made him heartbroken.
Jiang Youhui glanced at him: "What you said is like someone who doesn't have a wife. Then my wife-to-be, your senior sister is filming with Lingchu every day. When the two of them are together, they have endless things to talk about. You see When have I ever complained?

Men, you just have to be generous. Isn’t it normal for older sisters to meet and get together?Don't be jealous of everything, it will appear stingy.

You have to know that a small job will make you happy, but a big job will annoy your wife. "

After Jiang Youhui finished speaking, he patted Fang Yu on the shoulder and took out his mobile phone: "Ze Xin shouldn't be busy at this time. I'll give him a call. There are a lot of things going on in the company. You should go and deal with it quickly.

Long time no see Lingchu. I will set a place tomorrow for us senior brothers and sisters to get together. "

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