Yu Lingchu looked at Tian Tian who was still a little confused on the small screen, and smiled: "It's still early, you can sleep a little longer."

"Yes." Tian Tian responded obediently and closed his eyes with peace of mind.

She was indeed still very sleepy. The reason why she opened her eyes alertly whenever there was any movement was entirely because of the conditioned reflex she had developed from living in the Tian family for so many years.

During those years of living in the Tian family, not only did she not have the right to sleep a little longer, she even got up earlier than the chickens. Even if you are feeling unwell or sick, there are no exceptions.

As soon as she got up a little late, the Tian family would beat and scold her mercilessly.

In those years, she was like a free slave, the Tian family wantonly squeezing the value of her labor. After taking a short breather to rest, what awaited her was the merciless abuse and beating.

Even though she later moved out to rent a house by herself, the Tian family members who visited her from time to time and broke into her rental house without her permission still made her have to be alert to the movements around her in her sleep.

Fortunately, that nightmare life is now over.

When she opened her eyes in the morning, she saw sister Lingchu's bright and warm smile. Tian Tian felt happiness and peace of mind overflowing in her heart.

She felt that Sister Lingchu was like a warm sun. As long as she saw her, she would feel warm all over her body. If she closed her eyes, it would be a good dream.

Tian Tian raised the corners of her lips and fell asleep with a smile.

When she opened her eyes again, Yu Lingchu had returned from morning exercises.

On the table is the breakfast brought back by Yu Lingchu.

"Sister Lingchu~"

Tian Tian stretched and sat up, looking at Yu Lingchu with a smile to say hello.

"Get up, wash up, and have breakfast." Yu Lingchu greeted Tian Tian with a smile.

Tian Tian looked at the breakfast on the table, and her smile became brighter and cheerful: "Sister Lingchu, how did you know that I wanted to eat Xiao Long Bao?"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Of course it's because my Tian Tianxin and I have a good connection~"

Tian Tian put on her shoes, trotted up to Yu Lingchu, hugged her arm and said coquettishly: "Well, with sister Lingchu here, I feel like the happiest person in the world~"

Yu Lingchu touched her head and said in a doting tone: "The little girl is getting more and more glib."

"It's all true!"

Tian Tian blinked her sincere almond-shaped eyes, her face full of promise.

Yu Lingchu smiled happily and raised her hand to pinch Tian Tian's cheek: "Sister Lingchu also likes Tian Tian the most."

Oops, the little girl’s face is covered with collagen, it feels so good.

Having breakfast with Tian Tian, ​​Yu Ling first met because it was still early, so she helped with some work at the security company.

When it was almost noon, she drove away and headed to the restaurant she had booked yesterday.

Yu Lingchu arrived at the restaurant, parked the car at the door, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the psychiatrist she had made an appointment with.

The other party responded quickly.

When Yu Lingchu received the reply, she put away her phone, opened the door and got out of the car.

She walked into the restaurant, announced her name, spoke to the waiter, then found a seat in the lobby on the first floor and sat down to wait.

Not long after, Nalan Shaojin walked into the restaurant accompanied by Yan Yue.

When Yu Ling first saw her, she immediately waved: "Mr. Nalan, this way."

When Nalan Shaojin heard Yu Lingchu's voice, he looked in her direction with his deep eyes and raised his lips with a warm smile: "Sorry, am I late?"

It was rare for Lingchu to ask him out.

There is no reason to make a girl wait on a date. He should come earlier.

Yan Yue, who was following Nalan Shaojin, silently raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. Eleven thirty.

If his memory was correct, the appointment time between Miss Lingchu and Master Jin should be at noon.

Where is it late? Their Jin Ye has arrived half an hour early, okay?

Speaking of which, Miss Lingchu arrived really early. Both parties arrived more than half an hour in advance. Do they really value this date so much?

"It's not too late. I happened to have nothing to do, so I came a little early."

Yu Lingchu smiled lightly, then called to Nalan Shaojin and said, "Mr. Nalan, the private room I reserved is upstairs. Let's go up."

Nalan Shaojin nodded and was about to follow Yu Lingchu upstairs when he heard a surprising voice suddenly come from behind him: "Lingchu?"

Yu Lingchu, who was about to walk upstairs, stopped when he heard the sound and looked around in surprise.

When she saw who was coming, a look of surprise appeared in her eyes, and she smiled and said, "Sister Wang? Why are you here?"

Sister Wang smiled and walked up to Yu Lingchu: "I came here to do some work. It's lunch time. Come in and have some food. I looked at your back from a distance and tried to shout. Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence. .”

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "It's quite a coincidence. Are you alone?"

Sister Wang nodded.

Yu Lingchu followed with a smile and said, "How about we go together?"

Sister Wang looked a little interested in Yu Lingchu's suggestion, and looked at Nalan Shaojin hesitantly, and said with a smile: "Isn't it inconvenient?"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "No, I just want to invite friends to dinner. Sister Wang, you are not an outsider, so let's come together. It just so happens that we all get to know each other."

After saying that, Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin again: "Mr. Nalan, do you mind if I bring another friend?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled warmly: "Guests do as they please."

"Then let's go upstairs together." Yu Lingchu greeted the two of them and headed to the reserved private room upstairs together.

When they arrived at the place, Yu Lingchu took a seat at the main table as the host, and Nalan Shaojin and Sister Wang took their seats next to her.

Yan Yue stepped forward, placed a gift box in front of Nalan Shaojin, and then exited the private room.

Nalan Shaojin pushed the gift box in front of Yu Lingchu: "Don't dislike this little gift, Lingchu."

"Mr. Nalan is so polite." Yu Lingchu accepted the gift with a smile.

She treated her to dinner, and Nalan Shaojin brought her a gift as a courtesy.

So she couldn't refuse this gift, so she had no choice but to accept it.

Taking the gift and putting it aside, Yu Lingchu introduced it to Nalan Shaojin: "Mr. Nalan, this is Sister Wang, a good friend of mine."

Nalan Shaojin's deep eyes fell on Sister Wang, nodded and smiled: "Nice to meet you."

"Sister Wang, this is Mr. Nalan I told you about. He is young and promising."

Sister Wang smiled and nodded, and said politely: "I heard that Mr. Nalan was mentioned in the early days of Ling. Today, when we meet him, he is indeed a dignified person with extraordinary bearing."

"Thank you." Nalan Shaojin responded with a faint smile.

Sister Wang looked at him: "Mr. Nalan looks a bit familiar, as if he has seen him somewhere."

Nalan Shaojin glanced at Sister Wang: "I haven't been in Haicheng for a long time, so we probably haven't met each other before."

Sister Wang looked at him: "But I just think Mr. Nalan looks familiar. I wonder where you are employed?"

"I can't talk about being high." Nalan Shaojin smiled faintly: "Thanks to the blessing of my ancestors, I am in charge of several companies in my family."

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