shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 348 A brain-racking set of seals

Sister Wang smiled and nodded.

What Nalan Shaojin said was in line with what Yu Lingchu told her before, that Nalan Shaojin was under great pressure at work, which led to psychological problems. "

"Mr. Nalan is so humble. Your family has a big business, so you must be very busy and hard at work, right?"

"well enough."

"Then how do you relax when you are under great pressure at work?"

Sister Wang asked again and then explained: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious. If it's not convenient for Mr. Nalan to answer, just pretend that I haven't asked this question, okay?"

"There's nothing inconvenient to answer."

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "After work, I occasionally get together with friends, play ball, swim or play a few games of chess."

While speaking, Nalan Shaojin glanced at Yu Lingchu and said with a smile: "If I have a family in the future, I think I will focus more on accompanying my lover and children. Having a loved one will give me the opportunity to work harder. Motivation. I want to provide the best material life for the people I love.”

Sister Wang nodded, then smiled and said: "From what Mr. Nalan said, you must have someone you like, right?"

Nalan Shaojin glanced at Yu Lingchu and nodded to Sister Wang: "Yes. I like it very much."

Sister Wang glanced at Yu Lingchu, lowered her eyes and smiled.

There was a knock on the door, and the waiter pushed the dining cart in and placed the dishes Yu Lingchu had ordered on the table one by one.

Yu Lingchu glanced at Sister Wang quietly, and while the waiter was serving the food, she picked up her phone and edited a text message.

Sister Wang heard the message prompt and picked up her phone to take a look.

Yu Lingchu: "How is it? Do you see any problem?"

Sister Wang quickly typed out: "I don't see any problems at the moment. You can ask him some other questions."

It was the first time she met Nalan Shaojin, and it was not appropriate to ask too many questions rashly.

Yu Ling first glanced at the news of Sister Wang's return, quickly typed and asked: "What are you asking?"

After replying to the message, Yu Lingchu put the phone back on the table.

After the waiter finished serving the food, he said "take your time" and pushed the dining cart out of the private room.

While waiting for Sister Wang's reply, Yu Lingchu pretended to be nonchalant, picked up the serving chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish and put it on Nalan Shaojin's plate: "Mr. Nalan, try it and see if his fish tastes good." very good."

The mobile phone on the table vibrated, and Yu Lingchu put down his chopsticks and took a look.

Sister Wang: Just talk about some life topics, such as what kind of animals he likes, what kind of animals he wants to raise, etc. "

Nalan Shaojin picked up the chopsticks, picked up the fish, put it into his mouth, chewed it carefully and swallowed it. He turned to look at Yu Lingchu with a smile: "It tastes really good."

Yu Lingchu had already read the message, put down his phone and said with a smile, "Mr. Nalan, just eat more if you like it."

"Lingchu will eat too." Nalan Shaojin picked up the serving chopsticks, picked up a shrimp and put it into Yu Lingchu's bowl.

Yu Lingchu thought about Sister Wang's words, picked up the shrimps, looked at Nalan Shaojin and said with a smile, "Has Mr. Nalan ever raised any small animals?"

Regarding her sudden question, a trace of surprise flashed in Nalan Shaojin's eyes, but he still replied seriously: "I once raised a wolf dog when I was a child. Later, that dog died of old age, and I never raised another one. Other pets.”

"Why don't you raise them anymore?" Yu Lingchu ate the shrimps and asked again casually.

"At that time, I was busy learning various things and learning to handle the family business. I didn't have time to accompany him, so I stopped raising him." Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly, and then asked: "Where is Lingchu? What kind of pet do you like?"

"Me?" Yu Lingchu smiled: "I like cats and dogs, but I am careless and afraid of trouble. I can barely take care of myself, so I don't keep them."

"If you were asked to raise a cat and a dog, what kind would you like to raise?" Nalan Shaojin asked again.

Yu Lingchu felt something was wrong.

She couldn't help complaining in her mind and system: "That's wrong! Shouldn't I test Nalan Shaojin with questions? Why does it seem like it's the other way around now, and it's Nalan Shaojin who is asking me questions?"

The system said: "Host, according to my analysis, the reason for this phenomenon may be that Nalan Shaojin is very interested in the topic you asked."

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "I don't care if he is interested or not, my current task is to help Dr. Wang explore his psychological problems!
  No, I must take back the initiative to ask questions! "

Yu Ling seemed to have thought about it seriously at first, and replied to Nalan Shaojin: "If I were to raise a dog, I would probably raise a large dog. As for cats, any kind is fine.

Mr. Nalan feels that he does not have time to spend with pets, so he does not keep them. What about flowers and plants? Have you ever raised them? "

"No." Nalan Shaojin smiled and said: "I have never raised flowers and plants, but I have a flower house at home, and I hired a dedicated gardener to take care of it. Lingchu is also interested in flowers and plants? There are many kinds in my flower house. What kind of flowers does Lingchu like? I can get them for you."

Yu Lingchu: "."

She asked a question, and Nalan Shaojin asked two questions in return.
  What's going on? Is this guy's main focus a double bonus? !

"Flowers and plants, I'll see if they're okay. If I were to raise them, I guess they wouldn't survive more than a week under my hands, and I really wouldn't be able to raise them at all.

Mr. Nalan just said that he is very busy and is under great pressure at work. Does he feel annoyed? "

Nalan Shaojin thought about Yu Lingchu's question seriously and said with a smile: "I rarely feel stressed at work. When I am stressed, I occasionally feel tired, but not irritable. I feel that my emotions, It’s still relatively stable.”

Yu Lingchu smiled, racked her brains to think of the question, and then continued to ask: "What color does Mr. Nalan like?"

Facing Yu Lingchu's questions, Nalan Shaojin became even more confused.

The questions Yu Lingchu asked were all relatively personal, and they were a way of getting to know him better.

Suddenly, why did Yu Lingchu want to know him so much.

Based on Yu Lingchu's current attitude towards him, he didn't think that the other party wanted to know him out of any desire to like him.

Then what is her purpose?

Regarding the doubts that arose in his heart, Nalan Shaojin did not show any signs of it, and only replied truthfully: "I like green, blue, and black."

After saying that, I picked up some vegetables and ate them calmly.

Yu Lingchu took advantage of him to concentrate on eating and glanced at Sister Wang quietly with questioning eyes.

Yu Lingchu: Are these questions I asked okay?

Sister Wang received her gaze and nodded slightly, almost imperceptibly: Very good.

The two thought they had a seamless exchange of information in an instant, but they didn't know that Nalan Shaojin had already noticed it.

Yu Lingchu took a few bites of the food and then said, "Mr. Nalan, if, I mean if, you were offended, would you be very angry?"

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