Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu.

The deep eyes made Yu Lingchu suddenly feel very unsure.

She weakly asked the system: "System, am I asking this question a little too radically?"

The system pondered for a moment: "Host, the question you asked is indeed a bit... uh... strange. Who is a good person who would not be angry if he was offended? You are asking this question as if you are asking someone else. Is there anything wrong with your mind? ?”

Yu Lingchu: "Okay, I'm too radical."

But these words have already been spoken, and it is difficult to recover.

She had better quickly think about how to come back.

Sister Wang on the side couldn't help it. She glanced at Yu Lingchu and gently held her forehead.

My kid, I asked you to talk like this, but I didn’t ask you to ask this question.

What kind of question is this?
  Otherwise, I'll leave and you can just get straight to the point and ask him if he has any psychological problems...

Nalan Shaojin was silent for a while and then said with a smile: "It depends on who offends me. I will naturally be angry with others, but if it is you, Lingchu, I will be infinitely tolerant."

Sister Wang: "..."

The air was suddenly filled with the sour smell of love.

She was asked to take this job, how about she leave?


Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin and asked again.

Nalan Shaojin chuckled, put down his chopsticks and looked at Yu Lingchu: "Because of cherishment."

Sister Wang: "..."

Suddenly I feel that sitting here is redundant.

System: "Because of love~how can there be vicissitudes~"

Yu Lingchu: (ー_ー)!!
  "System, shut up!"

System: "I'm sorry host, the atmosphere has been heightened so much, I can't help it."┐(-`)┌

Yu Lingchu also put down his chopsticks: "Mr. Nalan, how many days have we known each other? With all due respect, what you said makes me feel..."

Yu Lingchu made an expression that you should understand, but did not say the word.

Nalan Shaojin looked serious: "Lingchu, I am not a frivolous person. Besides, feelings should be measured by sincerity, not the length of time."

"Mr. Nalan! I have made my attitude clear before. You have many things to do, and I don't want to waste your precious time.

You probably don’t want to waste time on something that has no results, right? "

“How can it be a waste of time when your heart desires it?”

Yu Lingchu looked at Sister Wang.

Sister Wang, who was eating melon seriously, caught her gaze, straightened her posture quickly, cleared her throat, and pretended to be nonchalant, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

What are you looking at her for?
  She is a psychiatrist, not a love guru.

Seeing that Sister Wang was ignoring him, Yu Lingchu could only pick up his chopsticks and change the subject: "Mr. Nalan, look at me. I'm just chatting with you. This dish will get cold if you don't eat it. Please eat more."

Seeing her escaping, Nalan Shaojin followed her wishes, picked up the chopsticks again and said with a smile, "Lingchu has kindly invited me, so I will definitely eat more."

Yu Lingchu quietly ate a few mouthfuls of food, thinking about what Sister Wang asked her to say, she thought about it and called out again: "Mr. Nalan."

Nalan Shaojin turned to look at her and responded with a smile: "Yes."

Yu Lingchu blinked and smiled: "I heard that shopping malls are like battlefields. Can you tell me about what you encountered in the shopping malls?"

"What does Lingchu want to hear?"

"About you and your competitors, is it convenient?" "Let me tell you about the time when I first took over the Nalan Group. I was young and fledgling, and there were quite a few people who wanted to step in and try their hand at it. Do you listen?"

Yu Lingchu nodded, looking very interested: "I want to hear it!"

Nalan Shaojin took a sip of the tea on the table and spoke slowly in a low voice: "At that time, I had just taken over the family business. Many people thought that I was young and immature and could be bullied, so they tried their best to exclude me. , suppress me, want to seize power from me for profit..."

Nalan Shaojin's voice was calm, and he slowly and unhurriedly recounted his experience when he first entered the mall.

Yu Lingchu listened intently.

After all, it is not always possible to hear the history of shopping mall battles told by business tycoons themselves.

Sister Wang also listened carefully to Nalan Shaojin's story.

In her mind, speculations about Nalan Shaojin's identity slowly came together.

When that guess came out, she glanced at Nalan Shaojin subconsciously.

After Nalan Shaojin finished telling an old story, she calmed down and asked casually: "Mr. Nalan, after we have been chatting for so long, can I ask where you are from?"

"I'm from the Imperial Capital." Nalan Shaojin replied warmly and politely.

Sister Wang couldn't help but swallowed her saliva: "Are you... from the Imperial Capital... from the Nalan family?"


Sister Wang smiled, forced herself to calm down, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, but she almost choked.

She said why she felt familiar when she saw Nalan Shaojin, and thought she had seen her somewhere...

I've seen it, I've definitely seen it...

I saw it on the financial program of Imperial Radio...

Mom, she is so successful that she can diagnose psychological problems for such a business tycoon.

Sister Wang quietly took a few deep breaths and couldn't help but glance at Yu Lingchu.

Miss Yu is more promising.

The leader of the Nalan family pursued her, but she actually thought he had a mental problem!
  He even came to her to give her the right medicine to see how to deal with the other party...

Just... outrageous!

No wonder she felt an inexplicable sense of oppression sitting with Mr. Nalan.


The boss was right next to her, and it was strange that he didn't feel oppressive with his air of demeanor.

She didn't want to continue eating this meal at all!
  If the boss knew that she had negotiated with Yu Lingchu and deliberately pretended to meet him by chance to diagnose his psychological problems, would he feel insulted and be so angry that he destroyed her little psychological studio?

It's scary to think about...

Sister Wang put down the tea cup in her hand, hesitated for a moment, stood up, picked up her coat, looked at Yu Lingchu and said: "I just remembered that I have something else to do, so I left first. Lingchu, Mr. Nalan, please use it slowly."

Regarding Sister Wang's sudden request to leave, Yu Lingchu looked at her very puzzled.

What do you mean?
  Why are you leaving suddenly?

Do you understand what kind of psychological problems Nalan Shaojin has?
  She said: "Sister Wang, why are you so anxious? You haven't finished eating yet."

Sister Wang tried her best to keep smiling.

Still eating! She was afraid that if she ate too much and exposed her ability to spy on the boss's mind, she would be killed by the boss again!

Whoever wants to eat at the Hongmen Banquet will eat it, but she won’t eat it!
  "Worry! You eat slowly." Sister Wang picked up her coat and bag neatly, said perfunctorily to Yu Lingchu, turned around and walked towards the door of the box, without any sloppiness in her actions.

"Then please pay attention to safety on the road." Yu Lingchu could only give a polite warning to Sister Wang's back.

The professionals he hired withdrew, and Yu Lingchu simply stopped trying to find topics to test Nalan Shaojin, and could only chat with him casually and exchange a few words.

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