Yu Lingchu actually regarded his passionate love as a psychological problem? !

Nalan Shaojin quietly took a deep breath and looked at Sister Wang: "Use your subjective judgment and tell me frankly, what is your diagnosis of me?"

Sister Wang immediately said seriously: "Mr. Nalan, I think your mentality is very healthy and there are no problems."

As soon as Sister Wang finished speaking, her cell phone on the table rang.

She glanced at the phone screen subconsciously, hesitating between hanging up and answering.

Yu Lingchu. Why are you calling her at this time? Hey!

She already feels sorry for Yu Lingchu when she surrenders to the enemy. If she answers Yu Lingchu's call at this time, and the other party doesn't know her situation and says something that shouldn't be said, won't she screw up Yu Lingchu?

Just when Sister Wang was about to raise her hand to hang up the phone, Nalan Shaojin's voice rang: "Lingchu's phone number?"

Sister Wang paused when she went to pick up the phone, glanced at Nalan Shaojin, and nodded in resignation.

Nalan Shaojin smiled faintly: "Take it."

Yan Yue reminded him at the right time: "It concerns Master Jin. There is nothing that our Master Jin cannot listen to, right?"

The implication is, please turn on the speakerphone and let us listen to what Yu Lingchu has to say.

Sister Wang sighed secretly, picked up her phone and clicked on the hands-free answer.

"Hello? Lingchu, what's going on?"

Yu Lingchu on the other side of the phone did not hesitate and asked straight to the point: "Sister Wang, how are you? Do you see any mental problems with Nalan Shaojin?"

Sister Wang raised her eyes and glanced at Nalan Shaojin, who had a faint smile and unpredictable emotions, and said, "Lingchu, I've seen it. Mr. Nalan is mentally healthy and has no problems."

"you sure?"

Yu Lingchu's tone on the other side of the phone was a little questioning.

Sister Wang said seriously: "Of course. You can question my character, but you cannot question my professionalism."

"But..." Yu Lingchu's tone was hesitant.

She does not mean to question Sister Wang's professional ability.

It's just that she heard that Nalan Shaojin had a problem in his heart. She heard from Nalan Shaojin's confidant Yan Yue, so the credibility of this is still very high...

"The system, that mind-reading pill, won't fake the voices of people around you, right?" Yu Lingchu decided to ask the system.

The system instantly became excited: "Host, look at what you are saying. The products produced by the system must be high-quality. You can say that I am the best at the system, but you cannot question the quality of my products!"

Sister Wang felt very excited when she heard that Yu Lingchu seemed to have something to say.

Sisters! If I tell you it's no problem, then just stop being okay, okay?

If you say something too offensive, we might both be in trouble!

"Are you questioning my professional ability?" Sister Wang chose to preemptively silence Yu Lingchu.

"That's not true. It's just that Nalan Shaojin has a mental problem. It's not just my subjective judgment. It's... what I heard from the people around him...

So Sister Wang, why don't you analyze Nalan Shaojin's words and deeds carefully? What if his illness wasn't so obvious? "

Sister Wang: "..."

When Yu Lingchu finished speaking, Nalan Shaojin's eyes instantly locked onto Sister Wang.

He raised his head slightly to indicate.

Yan Yue also looked at Sister Wang who was on the phone at this time.

There are actually other people who also suspect that Jin Ye has a mental problem?


Han Yang?

Chen Er? Or who else?

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

How could he be so careless and question Mr. Jin's psychology behind his back, but Miss Lingchu actually heard it.

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

This is digging holes into Mr. Jin’s already troubled road to pursuing his wife! If Miss Lingchu confesses this, he will be punished by Master Jin even if he is not dead, right?

Sister Wang instantly understood Nalan Shaojin's hint.

This is what she was told to do to Yu Lingchu!

People are under the roof, and a dead Taoist friend cannot die a poor Taoist...

"The person around Mr. Nalan? Lingchu, could it be that person who deliberately wants to discredit Mr. Nalan?"

"probably not."

Yu Lingchu's voice was affirmative.

"Are you so sure?" Sister Wang questioned: "Who is that person? You are so confident? Lingchu, although I am not in business, I also know that the shopping mall is treacherous. Many people will do whatever they can to discredit their competitors. There is no such thing as commercial espionage. Ah, could it be that someone is deliberately trying to spread rumors about Mr. Nalan?"

"No, this person is loyal to Nalan Shaojin. And as an old fox like Nalan Shaojin who has been practicing for thousands of years and has eight hundred scheming minds, who can play Infernal Affairs under his nose?"

Nalan Shaojin raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

Old fox? Eight hundred tricks?

Did he actually have such an impression in Lingchu's heart?

Yan Yue lowered his eyes and glanced at Nalan Shaojin.

Although Miss Lingchu's description was not very good, it was still accurate.

Sister Wang gave Nalan Shaojin a weak look and saw that he did not show any displeasure because of Yu Lingchu's evaluation of others, so she pretended to be curious and asked: "You have been talking for so long, but I started to get curious. Who is that person?"

Yu Lingchu didn't answer immediately.

"Isn't it convenient to tell?" Sister Wang waited for a while and asked tentatively.

"There's nothing inconvenient." Yu Lingchu spoke again.

Yan Yue's eyes were full of gossip, and he stared nervously and expectantly at the hands-free phone in Sister Wang's hand.

who is it! who is it! Who is that unfortunate guy? !

Yu Lingchu's slow voice came from Sister Wang's cell phone: "Have you seen the man who followed Nalan Shaojin today and sent him to the private room?"

Sister Wang thought for a moment, and her eyes fell on Yan Yue with some shock and some words that could not be explained.

If she remembered correctly, that person was the gentleman named Yan Yue in front of her, right?

Nalan Shaojin turned his head slightly, and his deep eyes fell on Yan Yue.

Yan Yue blinked in panic.

No. It can’t be him, right?

How. How could it be him? !

Yu Lingchu's voice continued to come from the receiver: "That man is Nalan Shaojin's personal assistant. He follows Nalan Shaojin all day long. Nalan Shaojin also thinks highly of him, so...his words should be It has very important reference value, right?”

Yu Lingchu asked Sister Wang.

Yan Yue looked as if he had been struck by lightning.

This seems to describe him.

But...he is not the only confidant of Lord Jin, and when did he tell Miss Lingchu that Lord Jin had a mental problem?

How could he go to Miss Lingchu and say this? It's not like he had his brain kicked by a donkey because he thought his life was too long!

The key is that Miss Lingchu didn't name her clearly, so he must not claim this pot rashly!

Yan Yue looked at Sister Wang and gestured wildly, refusing to accept his fate.

Sister Wang hesitated and said: "I seem to have an impression of what you said. When I just left, I saw him in the restaurant. I heard someone calling his name, what did he call Yan Yan? Look at my brain!"

"Yan Yue." Yu Lingchu opened her mouth and spoke out Yan Yue's name clearly.

Sister Wang looked at Yan Yue and said to Yu Lingchu on the other side of the phone: "Yes! That's the name. Are you talking about him?"

"Yeah. That's him."

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