shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 352 Mr. Jin, listen to my quibbles

Yan Yue=()

He looked at a huge cauldron and said, "Bang!" It hit him with one sound! T^T

Can't avoid it, can't avoid it at all! T^T

He admitted that he had questioned Jin Ye's state of mind.

But.but.who leaked the news!

This is a rhythm that wants to trick him to death! ! ! !

Strict reading is like examining an heir in mourning.

Sister Wang glanced at him and saw that she had already extracted the information she wanted, so she said to Yu Lingchu on the other side of the phone: "What you said has certain reference value. Wait for me to go back and sort it out, and then we can draw a conclusion."

"Okay, let's talk later." Yu Lingchu responded.

"Let's talk later." Sister Wang hung up the phone, glanced at Yan Yue, then looked at Nalan Shaojin and said tentatively:

"Mr. Nalan, the matter has almost been made clear. Do you think if there is nothing else, can I leave?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded lightly.

Sister Wang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, picked up her things, stood up and was about to leave when she heard Nalan Shaojin say unhurriedly: "Miss Wang, regarding Lingchu's doubts about me..."

Sister Wang immediately understood what Nalan Shaojin meant: "Mr. Nalan, don't worry! I am very professional! Although... I don't know what happened to cause such a big misunderstanding, but I believe in my own judgment. You Very healthy, no problems.

Regarding this result, I will also give truthful feedback to Miss Yu Lingchu. "

Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly and said hello to the door: "Han Yang, see you off."

Sister Wang took her things and walked out of the private room, secretly breathing a sigh of relief.

Turn danger into safety ()

As for the one called Yan Yue...

I wish you good luck and wish him good luck (ˊˋ*)

In the private room, Nalan Shaojin held his forehead with one hand and looked at Yan Yue with a half-smile.

Originally, his road to pursuing his wife was not smooth. Unexpectedly, someone close to him who he regarded as a confidant stabbed him in the back without him noticing.

If he hadn't been alert, wouldn't Lingchu have misunderstood him greatly?

Facing Nalan Shaojin's gaze, Yan Yue swallowed hard.

He was wrong T^T

How could he suspect that Jin Ye had a mental problem...

Forgetting the key suspicion, why was he still so unlucky? At some point, Miss Lingchu found out about his suspicion...

If Miss Lingchu rejects Master Jin even more for this reason, wouldn't he become a sinful person with Master Jin?

"Don't you want to explain?"

Amid Yan Yue's uneasiness, Nalan Shaojin spoke calmly.

Yan Yue's mind was spinning rapidly.


Must explain!

But where should I start with this explanation...

After quickly organizing his words, Yan Yue said, "It's just... Miss Lingchu always wants to go against you and doesn't accept you very much..."

Nalan Shaojin adjusted his sitting position and looked at Yan Yue: "So, what does this have to do with you spreading rumors about me?"

Yan Yue smiled guiltily and said: "Just you, Lord Jin, you are handsome and graceful, you have a jade tree in the wind, you have a wealth of wealth, you are a dragon and a phoenix among people..."

Nalan Shaojin interrupted Yan Yue's flattery: "If you don't want to talk, you can shut up."

The implication is that if you keep talking nonsense, you will lose the opportunity to make excuses!

Yan Yue quickly stopped the flattering words that were about to blurt out, and said seriously: "Master Jin, don't worry, what I said is all related to this misunderstanding."

Nalan Shaojin looked at him with an unclear expression.

Yan Yue gritted his teeth and continued: "With your conditions, how many famous ladies, Xiao Jia Biyu, will fall in love with you? When they see you, which one of them will not be gentle and carefree, charming and charming, and want to use all their strength to win you?" favor.

But you didn't even bother to give me a look.

But Miss Lingchu..."

At this point, Yan Yue glanced at Nalan Shaojin and continued: "I clearly have an engagement with you, but I don't want to fulfill it. I can't wait to draw a clear line with you. The first time I met you, your attitude was extremely perfunctory. The second time I met you, your attitude was extremely perfunctory. Pour you strong drinks, run thousands of miles away to avoid you, and try not to give you a good face if I can...      But with this attitude at Lingchu, you still let go of those gentle, considerate, charming and naive things. I admire you so much that I rush after Miss Lingchu...

Mr. Jin... I have been with you for so many years, and when I saw this situation, I was inevitably worried and afraid... I was afraid that because you are in a high position, you are under too much work pressure, and under the spotlight, you feel depressed and difficult to find. When people talk to each other, they will... inevitably think of other ways to vent their emotions...

Lord Jin! My loyalty to you can be seen from heaven and earth, and can be expressed by the sun and the moon! I swear, after I had this suspicion in my mind, I really didn't say anything at all. It was just out of concern that I couldn't help but secretly consult a psychiatrist.

After learning that you had no mental problems and simply liked Miss Lingchu, I thought this matter would be over.

I really don’t know, did he let Miss Lingchu know about these random thoughts of mine! "

When did the news leak out, Yan Yue was really completely confused.

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue lightly: "Do you have anything else to say?"

Yan Yue's heart tightened: "Master Jin, I was wrong. I shouldn't have thought wildly and questioned your strong psychological quality..."

Nalan Shaojin raised his hand.

Yan Yue received the signal and immediately shut up without delaying for a second.

Nalan Shaojin said calmly: "I am very unhappy when I see you now."

Yan Yue(′へ`、)

It's over, Master Jin hates him.

"Please explain to Yan Ming and stop following me recently."

Yan Yue_(`‖∠)__

Master Jin drives him away, Master Jin doesn’t want him anymore...

"When you figure out what you should do and what you shouldn't do, come back."

Yan Yue_(_`‖∠)_

die? Suspended death? There is still hope to live!

Yan Yue's eyes burst with hope.

"Han Yang!"

Nalan Shaojin greeted, and Han Yang immediately stepped forward and respectfully waited for instructions.

"Take him away, pack him up and send him to Jincheng."

Han Yang carefully observed Nalan Shaojin's expression, lowered his head and said, "Yes, Master Jin. I will make arrangements right away."

After finishing his words, Han Yang looked at Yan Yue who looked hopeless.

Come on, brother, don’t bother Master Jin here~

"Master Jin, take care!" Yan Yue reluctantly bid farewell to Nalan Shaojin, but only received a cold look from him.

His heart tightened, and he quickly lowered his head and followed Han Yang out of the private room.

Coming out of the private room, Han Yang looked at Yan Yue sympathetically, raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

"Brother, please be careful!"

Yan Yue looked at Han Yang.


What does it mean to be more careful?

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Han Yang blinked.

Wasn't his message clear enough?

"I mean, don't think about it when you have nothing to do."

He actually suspected that Jin Ye was mentally abnormal.

Forget about the suspicion, Miss Lingchu actually found out...

He really didn't know what to say to Yan Yue...

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