Chapter 39 Yo ~ Didn't Run?

Nalan Shaojin blinked: "So... you asked me to keep it secret for you again?"

Yu Lingchu smiled and nodded: "Brother, you are worthy of being a big business person, your brain is smarter than the average person, the term "talent" is definitely tailor-made for you!

How go back today first, and we can make an appointment another day.Think about it, if you don't leave here and wait for me, won't it be easy for me to attract others' attention?Are you right, bro~"

"That's okay." Nalan Shaojin smiled: "I'll ask the driver to take me to the road outside the manor to wait for you in a while."

"Brother~ You said that your luxury car, which represents your status, is parked on the side of the road, isn't it still very conspicuous, isn't it?
Be obedient, let's go back to rest early, and make an appointment next time. "

Nalan Shaojin smiled: "I'm afraid I won't be able to make an appointment next time, so let's not change the day. It doesn't matter if you are afraid of publicity. I came out today with two cars. I will let the bodyguard take my car and I will wait in the bodyguard car. You, don't you stop showing off?"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Nalan Shaojin, you really don't let me go, what kind of grudge do we have...

"Hehehe..." She tried to smile.

Nalan Shaojin also laughed: "Go and do your work, I'll wait for you."

Yu Lingchu lowered her eyes and glanced at her watch.

It's 09:30, and it's time to leave in half an hour.

When the time comes, the lie she said about getting off work in two hours will be exposed naturally...

If she was caught lying, she doesn't want to lose face T^T
This Nalan Shaojin is almost as good as the system, and it's all here to defeat her!

Since she can't get rid of it, and she doesn't want her face to be exposed by her lies, she might as well go with him first.

Anyway, the work has come to an end, so it's fine for Xiaoan and the others to finish it.

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin again: "Brother, I thought about it, I feel really sorry for making you wait for me so late.

Allow me to call and ask, if there is nothing else, I will go with you first. "

Nalan Shaojin looked at her thoughtfully: "It will affect your work, won't it?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter!"

As Yu Lingchu spoke, she took out her phone, walked aside, and called Xiao An, the second in command of this mission.

When the phone was connected, she first asked about the situation in the banquet hall, and after learning that the guests had left for most of the time, she told Xiao An a few more words, and then said: "I have something to leave first, and I will leave it to you to finish it. When the time is up, you take them to evacuate, stop by for a late-night snack on the way back, send me the bill after eating, and I will reimburse you."

"Okay, Miss Chu, if you have something to do, go and do it first."

Xiao An happily agreed, and ended the call with Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu just hung up the phone when Nalan Shaojin's phone rang.

Nalan Shaojin took out his mobile phone and was about to answer it, when he heard a joyful female voice from a distance: "Mr. Nalan!"

Seeing an outsider coming, Yu Lingchu took off the work badge neatly and hid it.

Nalan Shaojin glanced at the woman who was approaching quickly, and calmly swiped the screen to answer the call.

Yan Yue's voice came from the phone: "Master Jin, I'm done here. The Yu family has already left by car. Where are you? I'll go find you."

"You ask the driver to drive the car in the direction of the entrance of the banquet hall, find a quieter place and wait, I will go there."


Nalan Shaojin hung up the phone, but when he turned around, Yu Lingchu was nowhere to be seen.

He subconsciously frowned.

That cunning girl, did she escape while he was off guard?
Wu Feifei walked up to Nalan Shaojin a little unsteadily, and said with a smile, "Mr. Nalan is really easy for me to find."

Nalan Shaojin gave her a distant look, and asked softly, "Miss Wu, what do you want me to do?"

"My father was worried that Mr. Nalan was drinking too much and he was unwell, so he specially asked the kitchen to prepare sober soup for Mr. Nalan. I'll invite Mr. Nalan to come over."

"Don't bother." Nalan Shaojin refused in a warm voice: "After blowing the wind here for a while, the alcohol has dissipated. It's getting late, so I won't bother you at home."

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, he passed Wu Feifei and returned along the way he came.

Wu Feifei hastened to follow.

After taking two steps, she suddenly exclaimed.

Nalan Shaojin noticed the movement behind him, and stepped sideways to avoid it.

There was a muffled sound, and Wu Feifei lay on the ground, frowning in pain.

"Are you okay?" Nalan Shaojin stood aside and asked perfunctorily out of politeness.

Wu Feifei raised her eyes, her watery eyes were filled with tears, she looked at Nalan Shaojin pitifully: "Mr. Nalan, I'm in so much pain~"

Nalan Shaojin hurriedly asked kindly: "Is it serious? You try to stand up and take a look."

Wu Feifei pursed her lips and reached out to Nalan Shaojin: "Mr. Nalan, can you help me?"

Nalan Shaojin stood still and said, "Miss Wu, try to get up by yourself. If you fall and hurt yourself, I will help you even if it is not serious. It will not be good if the injury is aggravated."

Wu Feifei: "..."

I'm very angry, very frustrated...

Holding back her tears, she struggled to get up from the ground.

As soon as she stood up, she let out another exclamation, staggered and bent down.

"Mr. Nalan..."

She was weak and weak, looking at Nalan Shaojin pitifully: "I seem to have sprained my ankle, can you come over and help me?"

"Are you sure?"

Nalan Shaojin asked.

"Well, sure." Wu Feifei nodded, answering very positively.

"That's it, then don't move here, so as not to aggravate the injury, I will find someone for you."

Nalan Shaojin turned his head and left after speaking.

Wu Feifei felt uncomfortable.

This Nalan Shaojin, why is he so ignorant of pity and pity!
She hurt her foot, and she didn't even want to come over to help her?
Seeing Nalan Shaojin turn around and leave, Wu Feifei hurriedly said pitifully: "Mr. Nalan, don't go, I'm afraid of the dark~"

A trace of impatience appeared on Nalan Shaojin's brows, he stopped in his tracks, and turned around: "Ms. Wu should know that black is a color. Besides, there are lights here, so it's not very dark."

Wu Feifei's heart was blocked.

She tried so hard to show weakness, but she couldn't get even the slightest sympathy from Nalan Shaojin...

When Nalan Shaojin said that black is a color, she seemed to hear disgust from Nalan Shaojin's tone...

In the night, Nalan Shaojin's cell phone rang.

Glancing at the screen, he picked up the phone.

Yu Lingchu's voice came from the receiver: "Nalan Shaojin, where is your car? What's the license plate number, I'll go to your car and wait for you."

Hearing Yu Lingchu's words, a smile appeared on Nalan Shaojin's face: "You didn't run away?"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Pooh!Who are you looking down on!

"Run? Why should I run? Brother, you are not a scourge, are you?"

Even if it is a beast of a flood, isn't there still the precedent of Wu Song fighting the tiger and Dayu controlling the water?

(End of this chapter)

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