shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 40 Thanks to you, I don't live in Yu's house

Chapter 40 Thanks to you, I don't live in Yu's house
Nalan Shaojin smiled, and reported the location and license plate number of his car: "You wait for me in the car, I'll go over right away.

Also, do me a favor and call two security guards to the spot where I just met you. "

After hanging up the phone, Nalan Shaojin stood aside indifferently, without any intention of going over to help Wu Feifei.

Wu Feifei looked at Nalan Shaojin unwillingly, and said softly, "Mr. Nalan, my feet really hurt, so you can come and help me, is that okay?"

Nalan Shaojin lowered his eyes and looked at him lightly: "Miss Wu, let me advise you one last time. If your foot really hurts, just wait for help. My support will not only not relieve your pain, but may also cause harm to you." The second injury, that would be a result that neither you nor I want to see, right?"

"But it's tiring to keep my position still~Mr. Nalan, can you come and help me~" Wu Feifei continued to pester me unwillingly, her voice was susu soft, and there was some coquettish taste in her grievance.

Nalan Shaojin glanced at her: "If Miss Wu is tired, you can put your hands on the floor and sit down or lie down slowly."

Wu Feifei bit her lip: "It's cold on the ground, Mr. Nalan~"

"Isn't that just right? Applying ice to a sprain can relieve pain and dissipate heat."

Wu Feifei: "..."

This Nalan Shaojin looks gentle and moist as jade, but he is actually a straight steel man who doesn't understand his style!
She acted coquettishly and showed weakness over and over again, but she didn't even want to come over to help her.

What's the matter?Does she have any germs? !
It's so cold!
Ice a hammer!
Whoever sprained his foot and sat on the ground directly, and put ice on the floor!
Yu Lingchu walked all the way to the place told by Nalan Shaojin, and saw Yan Yue standing by the car at a glance.

Yan Yue was looking in the direction of the entrance of the banquet hall, waiting for Nalan Shaojin to appear.

He didn't notice until Yu Lingchu approached.

But the two bodyguards guarding the car noticed Yu Lingchu, and when she approached, they stretched out their hands to stop her.

"Miss, this is not your car, please don't approach it."

Yan Yue heard the movement and turned to look over.

Seeing Yu Lingchu, Yan Yue was startled.

He clearly remembered hearing from Yu's family tonight that Yu Lingchu didn't like lively places, so he didn't come to the banquet...

There is no need for the Yu family to lie...

But if it wasn't for the Yu family to lie, then who is this person in front of him?Ghost?
Yu Lingchu met Shang Yanyue's gaze and smiled slightly: "Nalan Shaojin begged me to come over and wait for him in his car."

Yan Yue frowned: "Miss Lingchu, why are you here?"

"Is it strange that I'm here?" Yu Lingchu asked back, "It's cold outside, can I get in the car first?"

The two bodyguards heard that Yan Yue knew Yu Lingchu, and looked at him inquiringly.

Yan Yue waved his hand, and the two bodyguards withdrew their barriers.

Yu Lingchu walked to the car door unimpeded and opened it neatly.

"Where is Master Jin?" Yan Yue asked before she bent down to get into the car.

"In this manor."

Yu Lingchu replied casually, got into the car, and closed the door neatly.

Yan Yue couldn't help rolling her eyes.

What is the difference between saying this and not saying it? !

Yu Lingchu got into the car and looked down at his watch again.

At 42:10, there are less than [-] minutes left, and the people she brought should close the team.

She took out her mobile phone and called Xiao An.

As soon as the phone was connected, she immediately asked, "What happened to the place I asked you to go to just now?"

"Miss, it's all right."

Xiao An's voice came: "It was Miss Wu who said that she twisted her foot there. After our people passed by, they helped her back to the banquet hall."

As soon as Xiao An finished speaking, Yu Lingchu heard Yan Yue call from outside the car: "Master Jin!"

She turned her head to look out the car window, and saw Yan Yue, who was standing beside the car just now, was walking towards the banquet hall.

On the other side of the banquet hall, Nalan Shaojin was also walking towards the car.

From the phone, Xiao An's voice came out again, "Miss Chu, let me tell you that when our two brothers passed by, Miss Wu was with a very noble man.

When the man saw our brothers passing by, he said she would leave it to you, then turned around and left.

At that time, Miss Wu's family looked at the back of the man leaving, her face was wonderful~
Our brother kindly went to help her, but she actually took it out on our brother, making her talk ugly, a stinky security guard, and a low-level person.

First sister, let me tell you, our brothers are of good quality, and we don’t want to be as knowledgeable as her, otherwise we have to really wring one of her feet to see if she has time to bite people after she feels the real pain! "

"Real pain? You mean..." Yu Lingchu caught the point of Xiao An's words.

Xiao An didn't pretend to be a joke, and said directly: "According to the observation of the brothers we sent, Miss Wu's family didn't sprain her foot at all, she was just pretending!
She probably wanted to win the sympathy of the man who left, but he didn't buy it!That brother is really discerning, he should have seen that she is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he is so unwilling to talk to her! "

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Okay, let's not discuss other people's affairs. The two brothers were wronged tonight. Tell them, after the salary is paid, I will give them an extra bonus."

Through the car window, Yu Lingchu saw Nalan Shaojin approaching the car, and quickly ended the call with Xiao An.

The car door opened, and Nalan Shaojin bent down and got into the car.

Yu Lingchu turned to look at him.

Thinking of what Xiao An said just now, she couldn't help but want to gloat.

"Mr. Nalan has been here for so long, but there is an appointment with a beautiful woman. What about the flowers and the moon? If I had known that I would not have left so early just now, maybe I could still watch a good show."


Nalan Shaojin smiled lowly, and turned to look at Yu Lingchu: "If Lingchu wants to watch a play, I will send you to Yu's house in a while, and we can start at any time, such as... a bar, such as... this manor."

The smile on Yu Lingchu's face froze: "I don't like watching theater!"

"Oh, really?" Nalan Shaojin smiled lowly.

Yu Lingchu tried hard to pull the corners of her lips: "Yes! Also, I don't live at home now, so tell the driver not to go to Yu's house, and take me to where I live now."

"You don't live in Yu's house?"

Nalan Shaojin frowned, and confirmed Yu Lingchu's words again.

Yu Lingchu blinked: "That's right, what's the problem? It's normal for me not to live with my family, right?"

"Then when did you move out?" Nalan Shaojin asked again in a casual manner.

Yu Ling gave him a first look: "Since you appeared, on the day of the banquet! Speaking of it, it was all thanks to Mr. Nalan!
If you refused to dissolve the engagement, my parents would take turns talking about me like Tang Seng, asking me to be as honest and trustworthy as you, and fulfill the engagement. I was afraid of being talked about to death by them, so I had to pack my luggage and run out. "

(End of this chapter)

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