shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 41 I will give you an explanation

Chapter 41 I will give you an explanation

Yan Yue, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly turned to look at Yu Lingchu when he heard Yu Lingchu's words.

"But I went to Yu's house to deliver things, and they all said you were at home."

Yu Lingchu frowned: "What are you bringing to my house?"

"Didn't you see what Master Jin asked me to send you?" Yan Yue subconsciously raised his voice.

Yu Lingchu frowned: "I'm not even at home, where can I see the things you sent?"

After finishing speaking, she turned to look at Nalan Shaojin again: "Did you ask him to give me something?"

"Just a little gift."

Nalan Shaojin spoke calmly, staring at Yu Lingchu: "The day before yesterday, I asked Yan Yue to deliver a letter to your house for me, and asked you to come out to watch a movie with me. Have you... received the news?"

Yu Lingchu frowned even tighter: "I said I'm not at home anymore, where can I get the news."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue: "Who did you inform about my invitation to Lingchu to watch a movie that day?"

Yan Yue's expression was very ugly at this time.

Hearing Nalan Shaojin's question, he didn't dare to hide anything, and said honestly: "When I went that day, only Miss Lingchu's cousin, Miss Zheng, was at home. She said to call Miss Lingchu for me."

"Did she call in front of you?" Nalan Shaojin asked again.

"No." Yan Yue already had a bad guess in his heart at this moment.

He truthfully told Nalan Shaojin about his visit to Yu's house that day.

After speaking, he looked at Yu Lingchu: "Miss Lingchu, your cousin... didn't call you?"

"No." Yu Ling replied very simply: "I haven't received any calls."

"Then... what about the pearl headband she's wearing? Did you give it to her?" Yan Yue asked unwillingly.

Confusion appeared in Yu Lingchu's eyes: "What pearl headband?"

"do you know?"

"Why should I know?" Yu Lingchu asked Yan Yue back.

Yan Yue's heart became heavier and heavier, and he explained to Yu Lingchu: "Miss Lingchu didn't go to the cinema that day, it was your cousin, Miss Zheng who went.

She said that you were playing with your friends and you didn't have time to watch a movie with Master Jin, so let her go there for you.

At that time, she was wearing a pearl headband on her head, which was one of the gifts Master Jin asked me to give you.

When she saw that I noticed the headband, she said that you gave it to her, that you... thought the headband was worthless, so you gave it to her..."

In Yu Lingchu's heart, a surge of anger arose.

She stared at Yan Yue: "Is what you said true?"

"Of course!" Yan Yue frowned: "I don't need to lie to you, if you don't believe me, you can ask Lord Jin."

Yu Ling first looked at Nalan Shaojin.

Nalan Shaojin nodded and reminded, "Lingchu, that cousin of yours doesn't look like a good girl."

Yu Lingchu clenched her hands on her lap, looked at Nalan Shaojin and said, "Do you still remember what gifts you sent people to my house?"

Nalan Shaojin pursed his lips, suddenly feeling guilty.

Although he verbally said that he would pursue Yu Lingchu for half a year, he didn't really care much about what he pursued.

All the gifts given before were chosen by Yan Yue.

As for what Yan Yue sent, he really didn't know anything.

At this time, facing Yu Lingchu's question, he could only prevaricate: "I...don't remember clearly."

Yu Lingchu was obviously disappointed by his answer, and turned to look at Yan Yue: "Since you gave the gift, do you remember what you gave it?"

Nalan Shaojin quickly winked at Yan Yue.

He, the gift giver, said he couldn't remember clearly, so if Yan Yue, the errand runner, said he remembered, wouldn't it immediately reveal that he didn't care about giving gifts at all.

It's a pity that this time, Yan Yue was immersed in the shock and anger suspected of being played by Zheng Yashuang, and he didn't react at all to the hint in Nalan Shaojin's eyes.

Hearing Yu Lingchu's question, he replied casually: "Remember!"

The words blurted out before he reacted slowly.

Master Jin said he didn't remember, but he said he did. Didn't he tell Yu Lingchu clearly that the gift from Master Jin was chosen by him on his behalf, and Master Jin didn't care at all!
My mind turned around, and Yan Yue quickly made amends: "I was the one who went with Mr. Jin when he bought the gift, and I also put the gift invoice back. If Miss Lingchu needs a list of gifts, let me go back and check the invoice, after all It's been a long time, and I'm afraid I won't remember it very accurately, so I'll check it out and send it to you."


Yu Lingchu nodded, and then asked again: "Can you check it out tonight?"

Yan Yue had already made a mistake before, and when he heard Yu Lingchu's question, he immediately looked at Nalan Shaojin and asked with his eyes: Yes, or not?

Seeing that Nalan Shaojin nodded slightly, he replied with confidence: "Yes, I will check when I get back."

"Okay." Yu Lingchu said calmly, "Send me the gift list tonight.

Regarding the gift, I will give you an explanation as soon as possible.”

"Lingchu." Nalan Shaojin said warmly, "There's no need to be so serious, I don't need your explanation.

Now that you know what your cousin is doing, I advise you to be on guard against her in the future. "

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin seriously: "I'm very angry about this matter, you don't need to persuade me.

Advice is useless!After all, I am not the kind of person who just swallows my anger when I am wronged and slandered! "

Zheng Yashuang dared to rely on her not being at home, and put such a big black pot on her body, pouring dirty water on her to ruin her reputation, it's really good!

The next day, early in the morning.

The morning sun pierced through the mist and cast a glorious light.

Yu Lingchu carried the suitcase and rang the doorbell of her villa.

The servant at home opened the door, and seeing Yu Lingchu standing at the door, she hurriedly turned around and shouted to the room: "Miss Lingchu is back!"

Father Yu, Mother Yu and Yu Chengze, who were having breakfast in the restaurant, immediately put down their chopsticks excitedly and walked out of the restaurant when they heard this.

"Yo~! My dear sister is finally willing to go home?"

Before Yu Chengze arrived, a mocking voice came over.

Yu Lingchu carried the suitcase into the house, saw her parents and elder brother coming towards her, and ignored Yu Chengze's sly teasing.

She pushed the suitcase to the side corner, looked around, but did not find Zheng Yashuang, so she asked the people in the room with a sullen face: "Where is Zheng Yashuang?"

Seeing that Yu Lingchu's expression was not right, Yu Chengze replied subconsciously: "She went to the banquet last night and drank a lot of wine, and she is sleeping in the room now, and she hasn't woken up yet."

After receiving the answer, Yu Lingchu immediately went upstairs and went straight to Zheng Yashuang's room.

The Yu family noticed that Yu Lingchu's expression was wrong, and after looking at each other, they also hurried upstairs.

A few people walked halfway when they heard a "bang".

The members of the Yu family paused, their hearts tightened, and they quickly ran upstairs.

As soon as they ran upstairs, several people heard exclamations from Zheng Yashuang's room again.

(End of this chapter)

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