Chapter 45

Yu Lingchu followed suit and drank up the wine in the glass.

Putting down the wine glass, she turned around and picked up the bag she had brought that was on the chair.

She put the bag on her lap, reached out and took out a gift box, opened it and placed it in front of Nalan Shaojin.

Then he took out another one, opened it, and put it in front of Nalan Shaojin.

Big and small, Yu Lingchu took out a total of seven gift boxes and put them on the table.

Nalan Shaojin looked at her.

Yan Yue looked at the gift box on the table, and then at Yu Lingchu.

"Mr. Nalan, I won't be rewarded for nothing, I can't bear these expensive gifts, you should take them back.

As for the pearl headband that Zheng Yashuang wore before..."

Yu Lingchu lowered her head, took out the last gift box from her bag, and opened it.

The pearl headband lay quietly inside.

Yu Lingchu took out the headband from the box and held it in her hand.

"Since Zheng Yashuang has already used this headband, I am ashamed to return it to you.

I have seen the receipt that Yan Yueyi sent me. This headband is the latest model of the Xiangdu brand, and the store price is 99.I will forward it directly to you on WeChat. "

Nalan Shaojin stared at Yu Lingchu, with a cold smile: "There's no need to transfer the money! I don't think there's any reason to ask for a gift back!"

Yu Lingchu operated the mobile phone to transfer funds non-stop, and after transferring the hair band money to Nalan Shaojin neatly, she smiled slightly: "Mr. Nalan, I have no habit of accepting gifts from others for no reason."

After saying that, Yu Lingchu directly broke off the headband she was holding in her hand, and threw it into the trash can not far away without hesitation.

What Zheng Yashuang did was disgusting to her, and she felt disgusted by keeping this headband, so she might as well destroy it and throw it away, leaving it clean.

Nalan Shaojin pushed the gift on the table back to Yu Lingchu: "Lingchu, we have a marriage contract. I think it's only natural for your fiancé to give you a gift. Why do you refuse so much?" Where am I thousands of miles away?"

Yu Lingchu straightened his expression, and looked at Nalan Shaojin very seriously: "Mr. Nalan, can I ask you a question?"

Nalan Shaojin signaled, "Say it."

"Why do you have to fulfill the engagement?"

Nalan Shaojin didn't answer immediately.

Yu Lingchu said again: "This marriage contract between you and me is absurd. It started from the kindness of the older generation, because there were no girls born in our father's generation, it was extended to you and me, and you and I grew up before we were adults. Never seen, no affection at all.

Mr. Nalan, we are all thinking, independent adults.Even if you want to repay your kindness on behalf of your grandfather, you can choose other ways.I don't think it is necessary for us to sacrifice the pursuit of love for the sake of that kindness, and forcibly bind us together by marriage. "

Nalan Shaojin faced Yu Lingchu and tapped his fingers on the table lightly.

"It's very reasonable. But I think things like feelings can be cultivated.

Since it can be cultivated, why can't we try it? "

Yu Lingchu breathed out: "Mr. Nalan is young and promising, I don't think I'm good enough for you, so don't waste each other's time."

"Why should Lingchu be so presumptuous? If you don't deserve it, how will you know if you don't try?"

Yu Lingchu secretly gritted his teeth.

Why is this person so reticent!

"Mr. Nalan, can you answer my initial question? Why do you insist on fulfilling this engagement?"

"Because I think you and I are quite suitable."

Yu Lingchu took a deep breath: "The number of times you and I have met can be counted on five fingers. Mr. Nalan just opened his mouth and said it was appropriate, don't you think it is rash?"

"I don't think so. Don't worry, Lingchu, I'm never a hasty person. Every decision I make is deliberate."

Yu Lingchu took a deep breath: "Then let me tell the truth, I have someone I like! Mr. Nalan shouldn't have the heart to beat the mandarin ducks, right?"

"Host, why are you lying again?" The system complained feebly.

"He forced me!" Yu Lingchu gritted her teeth.

System: "Ding~! It has been detected that the host has repeatedly lied, violating the principles of truth, kindness and beauty in the Bailian system, and now deducting 25 mission points from the host."

Yu Lingchu: "? What!"

System: "Host, don't get excited!"

Yu Lingchu: "Can I not be excited! I've worked so hard on the task, you only have ten points. Five points are rewarded for searching, and you will deduct 25 points for the next panic? Huang Shiren is not as ruthless as you! And return the Bailian system , The way the capitalists f*ck is for you to play and understand, right?"

System: "Emm host, you didn't just say you were panicking this time."

Yu Lingchu: "My old lady quit!"

System: "Then destroy together?"

Jade Lingchu T^T
"Destroy it! I'm tired! Hurry up and blow yourself up! Quick!"

System: "... we can discuss with the host."

"Destroy quickly!"

"Actually, the system is very tolerant towards the host. The host will only trigger the punishment mechanism once if he tells a lie several times.
That is to say, after the punishment this time, the host can lie a few more times before the punishment mechanism will be triggered again, and white lies will not trigger the punishment mechanism. Does the host feel relieved? "

Yu Lingchu: "...No, thank you!"

System: "'re welcome..."

Jade Lingchu→_→

Who the hell is being polite to you, garbage system!
After Nalan Shaojin uttered Yu Lingchu's words, he paused with his fingers tapping on the table, and stared at Yu Lingchu with his deep eyes inexplicably.

The private room fell into an eerie silence.

Yan Yue looked at Nalan Shaojin and then at Yu Lingchu, feeling that the air around him was frozen...

He's a bit of a mess...

What is this situation now?
Master Jin was cuckolded by his fiancée?
What a proud person Master Jin is, can he bear this?

Although he always thought that Lord Jin should withdraw from Yu Lingchu's engagement before, it couldn't be such a way of withdrawing, could it? !

Nalan Shaojin inspected Yu Lingchu for a moment, then quietly said, "Is that so~"

Yu Lingchu was still secretly scolding the system for being rubbish and cheating. Hearing Nalan Shaojin's voice, he quickly recovered and nodded: "That's it! Mr. Nalan, such a noble person, shouldn't bother to make a third party. Is it a matter of meddling?"

"Hehe!" Nalan Shaojin smiled lowly: "Did Lingchu forget that the marriage contract between you and me has been effective since you were born. Speaking of it, your so-called true love is the third party!"

Yu Lingchu nodded: "That's right! A man as noble as Mr. Nalan should be even more unable to bear the green on his head?"


Yan Yue was almost choked to death by his own saliva.

Green is green, why are you asking so bluntly.

This Miss Lingchu is really... not afraid of death...

Nalan Shaojin turned his head and glanced at Yan Yue with cool eyes.

Yan Yue was so frightened that he quickly covered his mouth.

He really didn't make noise on purpose...

If possible, he hopes that he is transparent at this time...

 Thank you my dear editor, hahaha, I was called by me to unblock my author authority during the annual leave, and finally I can upload and update normally. I wish you all a safe and happy new year and a lot of money~~~
(End of this chapter)

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