shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 46 I want to see your true love

Chapter 46 I want to see your true love
Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu: "If Ms. Lingchu is willing to go astray and find her way back, I can ignore the past."

Strict reading "(Д*)
Master Jin, do you want to listen to what you are saying? !

"Impossible!" Yu Lingchu waved her hand without hesitation: "We are true love!"

Nalan Shaojin smiled.

Like being laughed at.

Yu Lingchu hurriedly said again: "Mr. Nalan, I know that I am sorry for you. Go and break off the engagement, just say that you didn't like me, that you dumped me, I promise not to argue. "

Nalan Shaojin stared at Yu Lingchu, and slowly exhaled: "Lingchu really made a good plan! Not only let me withdraw the engagement, but also make me bear the responsibility of breaking the contract in front of the elders!"

"It seems to be true. Lian Lian is so innocent. I thought you, the host, are really concerned about Nalan Shaojin's face. You are really 6, the host!"

Yu Lingchu ignored the system that suddenly spoke, looked at Nalan Shaojin, and said very eloquently: "If Mr. Nalan wants to say that, you can also tell the elders on both sides that there are people outside me, and it's all my fault. I am the one who wants to retire! If the elders want to punish me, I, Yu Lingchu, will bear it all, how about it?"

"Then everyone knows that I was cheated on by you, and I lose face?" Nalan Shaojin asked lightly.

Yu Lingchu frowned: "Do you have to say that you were cheated? Just say that I don't like you, and refuse to fulfill the marriage contract."

"Then let the elders on both sides think that I am too bad, so you are unwilling to fulfill your marriage contract with me?"

Yu Lingchu was angry: "This is not acceptable! That is not acceptable! What do you want!"

"Host! Host! I am weak and kind, and my mission is still in progress. Please pay attention to your attitude when talking to Nalan Shaojin!"

The system beeps to remind you.

Yu Lingchu quickly took a deep breath.

Yan Yue looked at her in disbelief.

It's obvious that this woman has cheated on Lord Jin, why is she in such a hurry? !
Nalan Shaojin said calmly, "I want to meet your true love."

System: "Host, he said he wants to meet your true love."

Yu Lingchu: "I heard it, you don't need to repeat it!"

System: "I don't want to repeat it, I just want to know where you can find a true love for him to meet."

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin and refused: "Impossible!"

Nalan Shaojin pursed his lips, and said in a firm tone, "Then you don't want to call off my engagement!"

"If you don't cancel the engagement, then you will have to wrong Mr. Nalan's head on the grassland!"

The smile on Nalan Shaojin's face remained unchanged: "It doesn't matter, but Lingchu, your true love, will be wronged, and you will always be a third son who can't see the light!"

Yu Lingchu suddenly smiled: "Mr. Nalan is really generous, aren't you afraid to help others raise their children in the future?"

"It doesn't matter."

Nalan Shaojin looked calm: "Children, whoever takes care of them, you have to call me daddy. Right? Fiancee~"

Strict reading Σ()

Can he listen to these explosive contents?

I'm afraid he is not far away from being silenced...

Yu Ling pursed her lips.

The door of the private room was pushed open, and the waiter put the newly prepared dishes on the table.

Neither Yu Lingchu nor Nalan Shaojin spoke again.

The waiter put the dishes on the table, smiled at Yu Lingchu and said, "Your dishes are ready, please take your time."

After speaking, the waiter exited the private room.

Nalan Shaojin picked up the chopsticks, put some vegetables into his mouth, and said with a calm smile, "It tastes good."

Yu Lingchu stared at him: "Mr. Nalan insists on seeing my darling, isn't it because he wants to embarrass him?"

Nalan Shaojin paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "My fiancée was robbed, I have to know who robbed him, why is he better than me?"

"The snatches are all snatched, do you know what's the point of these?"

"Of course it makes sense! My fiancée is gone, but I don't even know who my opponent is, what a shame~"

"I let him come to see you, and you promise to break off the engagement and fulfill us?"

Nalan Shaojin picked up a shelled shrimp and put it into his mouth. After eating, he replied, "It's possible."

Yu Lingchu glared at him, his eyes revealed that he wanted to kill someone alone.

"Warning! Warning!..."

The voice of the system rang in Yu Lingchu's mind, reminding her that there was still a task to be done, so she calmed down her anger.

Yu Lingchu closed her eyes and let out a deep breath.

Nalan Shaojin ate the vegetables without haste.

"Lingchu, let me remind you. If you bring someone to see me, I may agree to dissolve the engagement.

If you don't bring him to see me, a bastard who doesn't even dare to show his head, then let him be shamed for the rest of his life. "

Yu Lingchu took a deep breath: "Okay! Since Mr. Nalan is willing to give up only if he sees him, then I will bring my darling to meet you!"


After asking, Nalan Shaojin took a sip of the tea on the table.

"The day after tomorrow, at noon, it's still here."

"Okay." Nalan Shaojin put down his water glass and got up: "I've finished eating, thank you Lingchu for your hospitality."

After speaking, he picked up the coat on the table and was about to leave.

Yu Lingchu called him to stop, and looked at the gift boxes on the table, "Nalan Shaojin, take your things away!"

Nalan Shaojin smiled: "I said, I will not take back the things I send out."

After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Yu Lingchu looked at his back: "I won't accept your love, if you insist on keeping me, I will give it all away!"

Nalan Shaojin didn't turn his head back, and when he opened the door and left, he only left a sentence: "It's up to you."

The door of the private room was closed, Yu Lingchu sat on the back of the chair, and let out a foul breath.

The voice of the system sounded: "Host, where are you going to find a dear to meet Nalan Shaojin the day after tomorrow?"

Yu Lingchu picked up the tea on the table and took a sip: "Don't forget that I run a security company, there are unmarried men in the company?"

"If you're fake, aren't you afraid of revealing yourself?"

Yu Lingchu picked up the chopsticks, picked up a mouthful of food and put it into his mouth: "That's why I said to bring someone to see him the day after tomorrow. After a while, I will go to the company and find a suitable candidate. I will rehearse for a day tomorrow and bring him the day after tomorrow. Come."

System: "Host, you are quite thoughtful, 6."

Because she had a glass of wine before, Yu Lingchu came out after eating and simply called a substitute driver.

After getting in the car, she reported the location of Deze Security Company, and while sitting in the car, she began to think about who should accompany her to perform in front of Nalan Shaojin the day after tomorrow.

It is not good to have a girlfriend, it is easy to cause misunderstanding and affect the relationship between couples.

If you are not familiar with it, it will be awkward and easy to expose...

After much deliberation, Yu Lingchu finally settled on a suitable candidate.

This person is single and familiar with her.

The substitute driver sent Yu Lingchu to Deze Security Company.

Yu Lingchu walked into the lobby of the company with the unreturned gift.

The phone in my pocket vibrated twice.

Yu Lingchu took it out and took a look.

It was Nalan Shaojin who refunded the money she transferred earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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