Chapter 47 Extras
Yu Lingchu carried her things back to her office upstairs.

She glanced at the time, took out her mobile phone and called Xiao An.

Not long after, Xiao An who received the call hurried over.

"Sister Chu, if you want me to help you just say it, I will never hesitate to go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire~"

Yu Lingchu pointed to the chair opposite her: "Sit down first, we'll talk later."

"Okay." Xiao An sat down obediently, and folded her hands on her knees neatly.

After Xiao An sat down, Yu Lingchu asked casually, "Xiao An, do you have a girlfriend?"

There was a hint of confusion in Xiao An's eyes.

The first sister called him to come to the office, and said that she needed help from him.

Why did he come here and care about his personal problems?
Could it be that the help that sister Chu meant was asking him to help a certain young woman solve her single problem?

Thinking of this, Xiao An faintly revealed a hint of joy, and quickly replied: "No."

"Is there a girl you like?"

"No." Xiao An quickly shook her head, and asked with a smile, "Sister Chu, are you going to introduce me to a girlfriend?"

"No." Yu Lingchu ruthlessly broke Xiaoan's fantasy: "I want to ask you for a favor."

Xiao An: "..."

Why do you ask me a personal question?I am so happy to ask so carefully...

"Xiao An~" Yu Lingchu said with a smile: "Do Miss Chu a favor and pretend to be my boyfriend for a while."

Xiaoan (⊙o⊙)
"First sister, I don't understand what you mean, why do you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?"

"Hey~" Yu Lingchu sighed, and began to talk: "To be honest, Xiaoan, your first sister and I really encountered difficulties..."

Xiao Anjing listened to Yu Lingchu's narration quietly, and waited for Yu Lingchu to finish speaking before she said, "So sister Chu, you have a fiancé who is married with your fingertips?"

Yu Lingchu nodded.

"You don't want to fulfill the marriage contract with him, but he insists on fulfilling the marriage contract with you?"

Yu Lingchu nodded again.

Xiao An asked seriously: "Miss Chu, is that man resistant to beating?"

Yu Lingchu looked at Xiao An suspiciously: "?"

Brother, why do you ask this question?
Xiao An said again: "Does he know that you are the champion of martial arts? Does he know how good you are?"

Yu Lingchu shook her head: "I don't know."

"No wonder! Hahaha..." Xiaoan smiled: "I guess if he knew, he wouldn't dare to force you to fulfill the marriage contract. After all, sister Chu, you are so skillful. If you have seen it before, you have to consider whether you can resist being beaten after marriage... "

Jade Lingchu→_→

Xiao An's laughter stopped abruptly, she straightened her expression and said, "Sister Chu, what I mean is that you want to break off the engagement, why bother?
You go directly in front of him and perform a show of splitting bricks with your bare hands, breaking steel bars with both hands, and kicking a wooden board with one foot, and you let him think for himself, whether he can resist the beating or not is over. "

Yu Lingchu: "..."

"Xiao An, things are not as simple as you think. My fiancé is a bit difficult to deal with, otherwise sister Chu would not be able to ask you for help, right?"

Xiaoan thought about it seriously: "Miss Chu, you've already said that. I think that person is really difficult to deal with. But pretending to be your boyfriend...I...I can't..."

"Is there anything wrong with that? I'll ask him to meet at noon the day after tomorrow. We'll find time to rehearse today and tomorrow, and then you can help my sister deal with it."

"Is it okay?" Xiao An was not very confident.

"Okay!" Yu Lingchu nodded solemnly.

Xiao An scratched her head: "Then I will do my best, first sister."

"Xiao An, whether I can become single again or not depends entirely on you, first sister, and the bonus will be doubled after it is done~"

"Okay!" Xiao An gritted her teeth: "For my first sister to get rid of the feudal marriage, I will do my best!"

At the end, Xiao An did not forget to give himself a cheering gesture.

Yu Lingchu made another point: "Xiao'an, you know about this matter, let's rehearse secretly, and don't let other people in the company know, understand?"

Especially not letting that kid Fang Yu know, or she would have to laugh at her to death.

Xiaoan patted her heart: "Don't worry, sister Chu! I will keep it strictly confidential."

Yu Lingchu nodded in satisfaction: "It shouldn't be too late."

She beckoned Xiao An to come closer, took out her mobile phone and started tinkering face to face.

After a while, Xiao An looked at Yu Lingchu: "Sister Chu, is this okay?"

Haicheng Qianshu Hotel, Presidential Suite.

Nalan Shaojin sat on the sofa with a sullen face, and Yan Yue stood behind him in fear, even subconsciously breathing lightly.

Master Jin was cuckolded...

Master Jin is in a bad mood...

He felt that he should disappear for a while.

But... there will be a video conference in a while...

It's almost time...

He reminded him aloud that he shouldn't be silenced... right...

"Master Jin?"

Finally, Yan Yue tentatively said: "You have a video conference later, you see..."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue with deep eyes.

Yan Yue swallowed nervously.

If he told Master Jin that he didn't hear anything at the restaurant, he didn't know if Master Jin could believe it...

Nalan Shaojin withdrew his gaze and stood up, walking towards the computer desk.

Yan Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly followed to prepare to operate the equipment and connect to the meeting room.

Nalan Shaojin's cell phone buzzed and vibrated twice.

After a while, it vibrated twice again.

Nalan Shaojin took out his mobile phone, unlocked it and clicked on WeChat to chat.

Yu Lingchu sent a screenshot and a sentence.

"My darling promised to see you at noon the day after tomorrow."

After reading the news, Nalan Shaojin silently clicked on the screenshot sent by Yu Lingchu.

The screenshot is the wechat page where Yu Lingchu chatted with another person.

On the nickname at the top of the page, the words "Dear" are written brightly.

The content of the chat under the nickname is extremely nasty and extremely annoying.

Nalan Shaojin fixed his eyes on the screen, and secretly tightened his grip on the phone.

He raised his head and took two deep breaths, with a smile on his face, tapped his finger, and exited the WeChat page.

Yan Yue relaxed his breathing again.

Why does he feel that the temperature of the air conditioner in this hotel is a bit low...

A gust of cold air shot up from the soles of his feet and rushed straight to the top of his head, making him feel so cold...

In winter, the days are short and the nights are long, and it is dusk in the blink of an eye.

At the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, Yuling opened the door of the house.

The Yu family members in the room heard the movement and all looked towards the door.

Seeing Yu Lingchu coming in, Yu Chengze quickly stood up, came up to meet him and asked, "How is your chat with Nalan Shaojin? Have you explained everything clearly?"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly, and said in a voice that everyone in the room could hear: "Brother, the matter has been explained clearly."

Yu Chengze breathed a sigh of relief.

Father Yu, who was sitting in the living room, listened to the conversation between the two siblings.

Hearing Yu Lingchu's answer, he also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but he was still annoyed by Zheng Yashuang's actions in his heart.

Their Yu family had raised her for so many years, but she actually wanted to compete for his daughter's marriage, or used slander to slander his daughter. This kind of low-level method, this inappropriate supercilious look, is revenge for kindness!

 Thank you for the little friends who voted for the recommendation, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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