shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 50 Nobody Believes You Two Have One Leg

Chapter 50 Don't even believe you two have an affair

Zheng Yashuang stood in the hotel, unwillingly watching Nalan Shaojin's car slowly drive away from the hotel.

She didn't believe that Nalan Shaojin didn't hear her call, but why didn't he stay...

Zheng Yashuang bit her lip.

It must be Yu Lingchu!
Yu Lingchu went to see Nalan Shaojin yesterday, and must have said a lot of bad things about her, which made Nalan Shaojin unwilling to talk to her.

you wait for me!

In the driving car, Yan Yue sat in the co-pilot's seat, looking at Nalan Shaojin cautiously through the rearview mirror from time to time.

Nalan Shaojin leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The bed was a bit uncomfortable last night, which prevented him from getting a good night's sleep.

"Master Jin?"

Yan Yue's cautious voice sounded.

Nalan Shaojin opened his eyes and looked over.

"Just now in the hotel lobby, it's Ms. Zheng..."

"So?" Nalan Shaojin asked him, with no emotion in his voice.

"She's greeting you."

Someone greeted Mr. Jin, but Mr. Jin ignored him. This is not like Mr. Jin's usual style of doing things.

Their Master Jin has always been a person who is not pleasing to the eye, no matter how much he doesn't want to see him, and will try his best to give each other a face and a step when they meet him head-on.

Regardless of the other party's status, even if they turn their heads and beat people to death, they will not show the slightest hostility in person, and the etiquette is absolutely comprehensive.

It is extremely rare to completely ignore a person like today.

"Do I have a younger sister?" Nalan Shaojin asked indifferently, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

Yan Yue blinked, thought about it carefully, and understood.

That Ms. Zheng was so affectionate to their Master Jin and Brother Nalan, even though they didn't know each other very well. Their Master Jin felt disgusted and ignored her, hoping that she would be able to get acquainted with her.

Deze Security Company.

The first thing Yuling did when he came here was to call Xiaoan to the office to rehearse how to pretend to be a couple to deal with Nalan Shaojin.

"Couples, it must be a bit more crooked." Yu Lingchu looked at Xiaoan and spoke carefully.

"Why... how tired?" Xiao An asked humbly.

Yu Lingchu thought for a while, and said, "When we go to the appointment tomorrow, we should hold hands and get closer."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand: "Come on, let's rehearse now, so as not to be unfamiliar tomorrow."

"Oh." Xiao An stretched out a hand.

Yu Lingchu raised her eyes to look at him: "I said hold hands and walk side by side, not face to face to shake hands and say hello, hurry up and stand beside me."

"Oh." Xiao An obediently stood beside Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu held his hand: "Come on, let's take two steps together."

"Oh." Xiao An agreed, and walked two steps hand in hand with Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu stopped and turned to look at Xiao An: "Can you not walk with the same hands and feet?"

Xiao An's face collapsed: "Sister~ I'm nervous!"

"Letting you and I pretend to be a couple doesn't kill you, so what's there to be nervous about?"

"As soon as I hold your hand, I can't help but think back to the scene where you grabbed me with these hands and threw me on the ground like a sack... I couldn't help worrying that you suddenly shot and threw me out..."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

"Sister, all the physical contact between the two of us in the past was when we were exercising martial arts. You beat me with your hands, so now when your hands touch me, all the muscles in my body start to tense."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

"Sister, let go first, I want to slowly..."

Yu Lingchu let go of Xiao An's hand.

Xiao An shook her shoulders.

The pressure is gone in an instant.

Yu Lingchu looked at him and sighed.

Xiao An looked at Yu Lingchu: "Sister Chu, no, let's stop holding hands."

Yu Lingchu looked at him: "If you don't show intimacy, how can you make people believe that we are a couple in love?

I didn't say Xiao An, why are you so cowardly, am I that scary, huh? "

Xiaoan blinked: "Why don't sister Chu go to the martial arts room to practice two tricks, and you let me, let me find confidence?"

Yu Lingchu frowned: "All right."

Xiaoan quickly bent down and made a "please" gesture.

after an hour.

From the martial arts training room, Xiao An cried out in grief and indignation.

"Chu Sister~ Didn't you tell me to do a few tricks?"

Yu Lingchu picked up the mineral water next to her and drank a few sips, looked at Xiao An who was thrown on the ground with disgust, and said melancholy: "I have been giving way, my hands have been behind my back since the beginning and have not moved! "

Xiao An felt wronged: "Your leg moved..."

Yu Lingchu: "If I don't even move my legs, am I going to stand here and let you beat me like a wooden Zhuangzi?"

Xiao An: "..."

Yu Lingchu: "After a few rounds, I didn't do anything, now you..."

Yu Lingchu shook her hand.

Brother, are you still afraid of holding hands with me~?

Xiaoan cried and said, "Sister Chu, I am more and more respectful and afraid of you now, otherwise you can find someone else to play with you for tomorrow's event~"


Yu Lingchu moved his wrist: "Xiao'an, Miss Chu, I hate dishonesty the most, if you said yesterday that you can't do it, I can't make things difficult for you, can I?
Tsk... I'm not happy for letting me go halfway, you, the culprit, have to let me vent my anger, right? "

Xiao An felt wronged.

Woohoo~ Still venting his anger, from the beginning of the competition to now, he has been unilaterally abused for an hour.

Yu Lingchu approached Xiao An with a smile on her face: "Are we girls, occasionally we like to hold grudges, and when we get angry, we like to turn over old scores. If Miss Chu is not happy in the future, she will think of the fact that you put pigeons on her and pull you to compete. Please take care of me. "

Xiao An: "..."

This means that it is not enough to beat him up today, and he will be beaten at any time in the future...

"Sister Chu!" Xiao An looked at Yu Lingchu as if death was at home: "I think I will be able to successfully complete the task that Sister Chu entrusted to me, and pretend to be a good couple with you! Mmm! I have confidence!"

Yu Lingchu stopped approaching Xiaoan.

Xiao An secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and tried to discuss again: "That's right...can we stop holding hands?"

Yu Lingchu thought about it seriously, looked at Xiao'an and said, "Stand up."

Xiao An trembled in fear: "It's actually okay to hold... holding hands~"

Yu Lingchu: "Stand up and I won't beat you!"

"Oh." Xiao An silently got up from the ground.

Yu Lingchu came to his side and took his arm: "Come on, take two steps like this."

"Huh~" Xiaoan took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"How is it?" Yu Lingchu asked, "Do you feel less stressed this way?"

"The pressure is less." Xiao An felt it carefully and replied.

"Honey~" Yu Lingchu said with a smile.

Xiao An was shocked.

"My dear~" Yu Lingchu tried to call out softly again.

Little Anton swallowed.

Yu Lingchu frowned and looked at him: "I call you dear, but you want to call me baby."


"Baby baby."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

System: "Host, I think with the current state of the two of you, let alone Nalan Shaojin, even ghosts, I can't believe that you two are having an affair."

 About male and female protagonists.

  The heroine is extroverted, cheerful, rough and subtle, and her ideal since childhood is to be a hero, to fight for justice, and to be chic and comfortable.In order to practice martial arts, she has made a lot of efforts and fought a lot with her family. In the following articles, she will express it to everyone through other people's mouths.

  The second heroine has a wealthy family background, but her family background is not enough to look down on in the wealthy circle.

  The hostess herself understands this, and knows better that the higher the lintel of a wealthy family, the more complicated the entanglement of interests in interpersonal relationships, and the more complicated the rules of etiquette.And the male lead, from the top famous family in the imperial capital, is the richest of the rich.

  The three male and female protagonists did not fall in love at first sight. The male protagonist began to feel that it didn’t matter who he married, so he was willing to fulfill the marriage contract. The female protagonist felt that the rich family was deep, and she didn’t want to be trapped in a deep house or even lose herself in the future, so she was extremely repulsed to fulfill the marriage contract.

  In order to be at ease for the rest of her life, the heroine tried every means to hope that the hero would break off the marriage contract with her. It can be said that she had exhausted all the reasons and tricks, and she almost did all the bad things to the hero to make him hate herself. She didn't fulfill her wish. It can be said that she saw the trick, but she didn't expect to get stuck in it...

  Fourth, the male protagonist has countless people, and he has the ability to judge tea and whore, and will cut off all the rotten peach blossoms that come by himself.And the male protagonist has always been very clear about what he wants, once he realizes his feelings for the female protagonist, he will not be awkward, doubt, or hesitate, and will immediately be full of sincerity and make a decisive move. , look at me, the author's mood.

  ~In order to avoid being hammered by readers, I put a lid on the pot before slipping away~

(End of this chapter)

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