Chapter 51 Money can make a grinder

Yu Lingchu looked at Xiao An: "Relax, dear~"

"Okay, okay, baby, baby."

"My dear~ I will perform tomorrow, and I will double the bonus for you!"

"Honey, you're so generous!"

Yu Lingchu: "System, see if you see it, it will stop stuttering."

"Honey, from now on, as long as you call me baby affectionately, I will give you 200 yuan."

Xiaoan (⊙o⊙)

Money, let him overcome all fears.

Yu Lingchu immediately took out her phone and transferred two hundred to Xiaoan.

Seeing the two hundred yuan immediately credited into the account via WeChat, Xiaoan had a bright smile on his face (⌒o⌒)

Money, makes him happy, happy, makes him customer service difficult~
"Ding~" Another two hundred yuan came into the account.

Xiaoan: "Lingchu baby~"

Yu Lingchu: "System, do you see that, it's called money can make ghosts turn the millstone."

System: "...emmm has been taught..."

When the door of the martial arts training room was pushed open, Yu Lingchu was holding Xiao An's arm, and Xiao An was facing Yu Lingchu sideways, calling out "Dear baby~"

Tian Tian, ​​who was standing at the door, looked at Xiao An curiously, blinked, and then looked at Yu Lingchu.

Beside Tian Tian, ​​Fang Yu opened his mouth wide and looked at Yu Lingchu and Xiao An: "You..."

"Xiao An has a girl he likes." Yu Lingchu let go of Xiao An's arm and said calmly.

Fang Yu looked at her suspiciously: "You said you and Xiaoan..."

Yu Lingchu gave Fang Yu a look: "What nonsense! He has a girl he likes and doesn't know how to get along with her, so he has to drag me to help him rehearse."

The system silently said: "Host, it still has to be you, how did you do it, and lie come out of your mouth?"

Yu Lingchu sneered: "You can tell any kind of lie, I call it improvisation."

Fang Yu looked at Yu Lingchu, and then at Xiao An: "You... hold her to rehearse how to get along as a couple?"

Xiao An blinked.

The first sister put the blame on him so simply and neatly. Since he took people's money, he naturally wanted to eliminate the disaster for others.

You can't drag the first sister back, it's easy to get beaten.

"Ah, yes. I asked my first sister to help me rehearse, hehe."

As Xiao An spoke, she still scratched her head pretending to be embarrassed.

Yu Lingchu was afraid that Xiao An would reveal his flaws, so he quickly changed the subject and looked at Fang Yu: "Are you here to find me?"

"En." Fang Yu nodded.

Yu Lingchu patted Xiaoan on the shoulder: "Go and do your work first, and I will help you rehearse when I have time."


Xiao An hurriedly nodded obediently: "Then sister Chu, you should do your work first."

Yu Lingchu walked towards Fang Yuhe Tian Tian: "Let's go to my office."

Tian Tian took Yu Lingchu's arm, followed Yu Lingchu out of the martial arts room, and whispered, "Sister Lingchu, yesterday Fang Yu took me back to the house I rented to pick up things. Except for my adoptive father, the rest of the Tian family Everyone is in my rental house."

Yu Lingchu's expression turned cold: "Are they embarrassing you again?"

Tian Tian shook her head: "With Fang Yu and his people around, they are powerless and furious. They can't do anything except say some nasty words."

Yu Lingchu asked again: "They scolded you?"

Tian Tian nodded indifferently.

Ever since she was a child, she has been scolded by Tian's family a lot, and she has long been used to it.

"Did you scold me back?"

Yu Lingchu asked again.

Tian Tian pursed her lips.

When Yu Ling first saw her like this, she knew she was not.

I couldn't help poking her little head with my fingers: "You, you, what are you afraid of with Fang Yu around? If they scold you, just scold me back! It's the first time you are a human being, so why spoil them!"

Tian Tian bit her lip and said with determination: "Sister Lingchu, don't worry, I will try to scold you back next time!"

"En." Yu Lingchu responded and encouraged: "Don't be afraid, we have your backing, we don't bully others, and we can't let others bully you, you know?"


Tian Tian hugged Yu Lingchu's arm, leaned her head on her shoulder, her eyes were moist: "Sister Lingchu, you are so kind."

She will have someone to support her in the future~

Fang Yu followed behind the two, feeling sour in his heart.

His girlfriend actually left him alone and went to hold that woman's arm in Yu Lingchu.

snort! ╯^╰

He even leaned his head on Yu Lingchu's body, hum! _

How could that woman in Yu Lingchu rua his girlfriend's head, it's too much, hey! ←_←

The two of them were chatting and laughing, it seemed that his boyfriend was a bit redundant...

The three walked into Yu Lingchu's office.

After the door closed, Fang Yu said solemnly: "Since the Tian family knows that Tian Tian is with me, they should find the company soon."

Tian Tian frowned, then nodded and said: "I know my adoptive parents' family very well. They can't suck my blood, and they will definitely make trouble if they find me, and it will bring trouble to the company..."

Yu Lingchu smiled: "What are you afraid of? We run a security company. If a few rogues can't deal with it, it's better to close it as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu looked at Fang Yu again: "Have you contacted the lawyer? What should I say?"

Fang Yu said: "I have already contacted the lawyers, and Tian Tian entrusted them to come to negotiate with the Tian family. If the Tian family is willing to obediently terminate the adoption relationship with Tian Tian, ​​I can promise to compensate the Tian family with a sum of money, just to avoid disaster.

If the negotiation fails, the lawyer will directly represent Tian Tian to sue the Tian family, requesting the termination of the adoption relationship. "

Yu Lingchu nodded, looked at Fang Yu and said, "It's great that the Tian family is willing to take the initiative to terminate the adoption relationship, but we also have to prepare for the worst to prevent the Tian family from jumping over the wall in a hurry."


The weather in Haicheng is always changing.

Although the sky was still clear in the morning, there was a strong wind in the evening.

At night, dark clouds overwhelm the environment, and the fine snowflakes do not know when they start to fall.

At dawn, the earth was already vast and white.

The fine snow fell scatteredly, and it gradually stopped around noon.

In the center of Haicheng City, the private room on the fourth floor of the Chinese restaurant.

Nalan Shaojin stood in front of the window, looking down at a white SUV driving into the parking lot in front of the restaurant.

The car came to a complete stop, Xiaoan drove down independently, trotted all the way around the front of the car, and opened the co-pilot's door.

Yu Lingchu stepped out of the car and took Xiaoan's arm very naturally.

Xiao An looked around and approached Yu Lingchu: "Sister Chu, this restaurant is very busy on weekdays, why do you feel that there are not many people today?"

Yu Lingchu also looked around.

Xiaoan said again: "Something is wrong? Why are the cars parked in this parking lot all of the same brand and level?

So neat and tidy, a wedding car?Where is the wedding banquet held? "

Yu Lingchu frowned: "Which wedding car do you see that doesn't decorate?"

Xiao An walked side by side with Yu Lingchu towards the entrance of the restaurant, while thinking seriously: "Yes ~ why is it so abnormal?"

When he was about to reach the entrance of the restaurant, he suddenly touched his heart: "Sister Chu, do I suddenly feel a little hairy in my heart?"

 Thank you Xiaohuangyu for your reward and recommendation, more heartfelt

(End of this chapter)

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