Chapter 57 Gift Arrangement
When Father Yu called, Mother Yu's cell phone was busy.

Helpless, Father Yu had no choice but to hang up the phone and dial the landline number at home again.

This time, the call was quickly answered by the servant at home.

Knowing that Yufu wanted to find Yumu, the servant hurriedly put the receiver aside and ran upstairs to call Yumu.

At this time, Mother Yu was sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, answering Zheng Yashuang's call with her mobile phone.

On the phone, Zheng Yashuang cried bitterly.

"Auntie, woo woo woo... The previous incident was really a misunderstanding. I know that my cousin doesn't like Nalan Shaojin. I really just wanted to help my cousin get rid of the engagement. You must believe me..."

"Although my surname is not Yu, I grew up in Yu's family. Yu's family has been kind to me in nurturing me. How could I deliberately smear and slander Lingchu cousin?"

"Wuuu...Auntie, I was raised by you. You know me well, right? I won't do that kind of thing..."

"And those two pieces of jewelry in my room, I didn't steal them.

I just used it up and hadn't had time to put it back in my cousin's room. "

"Woooooo... Auntie, can you help me explain it to my uncle and my cousins?"

"Wuuu... Aunt, you are my relatives in my heart, please don't want me..."

"Ya Shuang, please don't cry." Yumu said sadly: "Auntie knows that you are not bad, but what you did was too thoughtless! You not only ruined Lingchu's reputation, but also our Yu family. reputation!"

"Woooo... Auntie, I really know I was wrong. Sister Lingchu hit me and scolded me, but I don't blame her.

Huh...I don't care, I just hope she can calm down..."

"Hey~" Mother of Yu sighed: "You should live outside for the time being. After a while, your uncle and the others have calmed down. I will talk to them carefully and apologize seriously when you come back. It should be over."

"Yeah." Zheng Yashuang said with tears in her voice: "I listened to my aunt, I just received a new announcement recently, and I will return to Yu's house after I finish my work."

Mother Yu sighed, and was about to tell Zheng Yashuang a few more words when there was a knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards, the servant's voice came into the room through the door panel: "Madam, sir is calling for you."

"Oh, I got it!" Mother Yu responded, hastily ended the call with Zheng Yashuang, opened the door and went downstairs, and picked up the receiver of the landline a little nervously.


Father Yu's obviously happy voice came: "Hua Qing, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, Shaojin is going to be a guest at home, you should bring your servants to make arrangements.

There is also the lunch menu at home tomorrow, please discuss it with the chef at home. If possible, I would like to have Shaojin at home for a light meal at noon tomorrow. "

"Oh, good." Mother Yu hurriedly agreed.

Father Yu said: "Then the house will be handed over to you, and I will call Lingchu again."

"it is good."

Mother Yu came down and was about to hang up the phone when Father Yu said again: "Also, you should dress up Lingchu well tomorrow morning. Shaojin's first visit, don't let her dress too casually. ..."

in a moving car.

After Nalan Shaojin finished talking with Yufu, he looked at Yan Yue, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and ordered: "Go back to the hotel in a while, and bring me the good tea from Haicheng, and pack it together with the custom-made white jade teapot. , Take it to Uncle Yu tomorrow.

I remember that there was an imperial green bead chain photographed in the safe, which was also packed in a gift box and given to Aunt Yu tomorrow.

in addition……"

Nalan Shaojin thought seriously, and made his first official visit, giving gifts to everyone in Yu's family.

Yufu, Yumu, Yu Chengze, he quickly made arrangements.

When he came to Yu Lingchu, he pondered for a moment, and then thought about it after saying something.

Yan Yue heard that he had read all the members of the Yu family, but did not mention Zheng Yashuang, so he reminded: "Master Jin, there is another Ms. Zheng in the Yu family. It's also half of the Yu family. Look, how about I prepare something casually and bring it to her tomorrow?"

Otherwise, everyone in the Yu family would have a gift, but Zheng Yashuang would be embarrassed if he missed this one, even if the Yu family would also feel embarrassed...

"Last time she smuggled Lingchu's headband, I think she likes it quite a bit, I'll buy another one and give it to her tomorrow." Nalan Shaojin said lightly.

Yan Yue was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

To say loss...

In terms of wit, it has to be their Master Jin.

Sending the same headband as last time, what a gift, isn't this purely satirizing Zheng Yashuang?

That Ms. Zheng must have had a wonderful face when she received such a gift.

Their Master Jin is simply a silent slap in the face!

That Miss Zheng deserved it too!
The Yu family has raised her so much, so it's fine if they don't know how to repay their kindness, but they even repayed their kindness, slandered Miss Lingchu, and tried to seduce Master Jin, tsk tsk...

Just... a woman who is morally corrupt, hmph!

"Okay, Master Jin. I'll send someone to send you a similar headband later."

The driver in the cab drove the car to Qianshu Hotel, stepped on the brake lightly, and the car stopped firmly at the hotel entrance.

Yan Yue got out of the car and opened the door for Nalan Shaojin.

In the car behind, two bodyguards dragged Xiao An, who was drunk, out of the car. One of them held Xiao An's arm, followed Nalan Shaojin, and walked into the hotel.

The bodyguards escorted Nalan Shaojin into the hotel, and Zheng Yashuang came face to face.

When she got close, she looked like she had just seen Nalan Shaojin, and her eyes widened in surprise: "Brother Nalan?"

Nalan Shaojin's progress was stopped.

He gave Zheng Yashuang a slight nod in respectful manner, then bypassed Zheng Yashuang and continued to go inside.

"Brother Nalan, why are you here?"

Zheng Yashuang quickly followed Nalan Shaojin into the hotel.

"Our Master Jin is staying here temporarily."

Yan Yue replaced Nalan Shaojin and answered Zheng Yashuang.

Zheng Yashuang tried her best to force a smile: "Really, then I will be neighbors with Brother Nalan from now on. Which room does Brother Nalan live in? Can I go to you?"

Nalan Shaojin stopped walking, and looked at Zheng Yashuang in a calm manner: "Miss Zheng, the three generations of Nalan's family have no girls, so I don't have a younger sister.

As a person, I don’t like people who have no sense of boundaries. You and I are not brother and sister, so let’s call me Mr. Nalan from now on.

Of course, if you really want to be more friendly with me, that's not impossible.For Lingchu's sake, you can also call me - brother-in-law. "

Zheng Yashuang bit her lip, looked at Nalan Shaojin aggrieved and pitifully: "Brother Nalan, did you misunderstand me?

I can explain what happened in the movie theater that day, things are not what you think..."

"Miss Zheng, don't think wildly."

Nalan Shaojin spoke calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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