Chapter 58
A trace of joy filled Zheng Yashuang's heart.

He looked at Nalan Shaojin more and more pitifully.

She knew that as long as a woman behaved softly and attractively enough, a man would be soft-hearted.

Brother Nalan told her not to think about it, it was to comfort her.

She opened her mouth, and was about to say something more vigorously, so as to win more sympathy from Nalan Shaojin.

Before she could make a sound, Nalan Shaojin continued: "I don't have the time to misunderstand an irrelevant person. If Ms. Zheng insists on making up something by herself, don't involve me."

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, he continued to walk towards the elevator.

Zheng Yashuang was startled.

She felt that Nalan Shaojin must still be angry about what happened last time, that's why he said such heartless words to her.

She had to explain clearly what happened last time today, she couldn't let Nalan Shaojin misunderstand her!

She did that... because she loves him!

How can he say that she is irrelevant...

Zheng Yashuang chased after her and blocked Nalan Shaojin's path with open arms.

Nalan Shaojin frowned, and said indifferently, "Miss Zheng, is there anything else?"

Tears slipped from the corners of Zheng Yashuang's eyes, crystal clear, I felt pity.

"Brother Nalan, I really didn't mean it last time.

It was Sister Lingchu who said she didn't like you and wanted to break off the engagement with you. I did that to help her, please forgive me... woo woo woo..."

At the end of Zheng Yashuang's speech, she burst into tears: "After my uncle and aunt found out what happened last time, they kicked me out of Yu's house in a rage, woo woo woo... I really just want to help sister Lingchu. A favor, is it so unforgivable..."

"Brother Nalan... woo woo... It's true that sister Lingchu doesn't like you. You are such a good person, and I also don't want you to marry someone who doesn't love you. Brother Nalan, you are so outstanding, you deserve it." To have a better half who loves you more..."

"Miss Zheng!"

Nalan Shaojin's voice turned cold: "It's not your turn to talk about the matter between Lingchu and me! I hope you can make it clear that if you didn't have such a superficial relationship with the Yu family, you wouldn't even stand in front of me. You are not even qualified to talk to me!
Don't let me hear you call me brother again, I won't be happy.

Of course, if you insist on calling it that way, I don't mind letting you know what will happen if you make me unhappy! "

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, he gave the bodyguard in front of him a cold look.

The bodyguard understood, and immediately said coldly: "Miss, please step aside, or we will attack."

Zheng Yashuang bit her lip and looked at Nalan Shaojin with tears in her eyes.

"Miss Zheng, don't embarrass yourself."

Yan reads timely reminders.

Zheng Yashuang had no choice but to take a step back unwillingly, clenched her hands into fists, and watched Nalan Shaojin walk into the elevator.

The elevator closed and slowly ascended.

Nalan Shaojin casually ordered Yan Yue: "Tell the hotel manager that Miss Zheng has harassed me maliciously, let them deal with it."


Yan Yue nodded, and then said: "Miss Zheng just said that she was kicked out by Yu's house, so when I visit Yu's house tomorrow, don't you need to prepare her gift?"

"Get ready, take them with you."

Nalan Shaojin's eyes were deep, and he smiled deeply: "Yan Yue, when you arrive at Yu's house tomorrow, you have to know what to say."

Yan Yue lowered her eyes and thought for a moment: "Master Jin, I understand."

After leaving the hotel, Yu Lingchu drove to the security company alone.

Halfway there, the phone rang.

She connected the phone with the Bluetooth in the car, and Yufu's voice came from the car stereo.


"Dad, what's the matter?" Yu Lingchu asked.

"Shaojin is going to visit at home tomorrow, you go home early today, and don't go out and run around tomorrow, you know?"

"Huh? Dad, what did you say? I didn't hear clearly?"

"Let me explain that Shaojin tomorrow..."

"Hello? Dad? Why is your voice intermittent?"

"Yu Lingchu! Did you hear me?"

"Dad! I'm driving, maybe the signal is not very good, can you hear me?"

"Yu Lingchu!"

"Dad? You answer me? No signal?"

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

At the red light ahead, she slammed on the brakes to stop the car, staring at the traffic light ahead, holding the steering wheel firmly with her hands, and said irritably, "Nalan Shaojin! I can't afford to provoke you, and I can't even hide from you? You Why did you take him home!"

The system silently said: "This...maybe it's fate~"


Yu Lingchu spat: "Damn fate! This is at most a man-made accident, and the ghost lingers! Let me ask you from the system, I have to endure Nalan Shaojin for a few more days before I can complete that damn mission?"

"Three days." The system replied quickly, and then asked again: "So the host, you just pretended not to hear your father's words, did you intend to use ignorance as an excuse to stay overnight at the company tonight, so as to avoid seeing Nalan Shaojin tomorrow?
Host, you can't do this~ The task of 'weak and kind me' is only completed if you treat Nalan Shaojin kindly and friendly when you come into contact with him during this week.

You are supposed to meet, but you deliberately avoid him, you will be judged to be negative about the mission, and when the mission time is up, no reward will be issued. "

As the red light passed, Yu Lingchu sneered as he drove forward, "Did you forget the system, I was in the hotel just now, and Nalan Shaojin was so angry that I was almost judged to have failed the mission.

Do you think it is better to be judged to treat the task negatively, or to be judged to fail the task? "

"Uh..." The system was silent for a moment, and then said: "So host, you decided to hide tomorrow and not see Nalan Shaojin?"

Yu Lingchu sighed: "I really want to, but unfortunately... no way~"

"Huh?" The system was puzzled, and then felt relieved: "Host, you have finally realized that you have decided to do the task well to earn rewards, right?"

"No!" Yu Lingchu said expressionlessly, "Because of Zheng Yashuang's incident, my parents are in a bad mood.

If I disobey my parents at this time and deliberately avoid seeing Nalan Shaojin, it will make their bad mood worse. "

"Since you have already decided to meet Nalan Shaojin, why did you deliberately pretend not to hear what your father said just now?" The system was puzzled.

"Because it's annoying! Now when I hear the words Nalan Shaojin, my head is buzzing!"

The system hehe: "Is Nalan Shaojin that scary?"

Yu Lingchu sneered: "Nalan Shaojin is not scary, let's not talk about it, he can always release some wonderful missions in time, the pig teammate who stabbed me twice is really scary..."


Signal disconnecting...

Pretend not to hear what the host is saying.

Yu Lingchu drove to the vicinity of the company, and saw a group of people standing at the entrance of the company from a distance, looking lively.

When the car drove closer, she understood that someone was making trouble at the gate of her company!

(End of this chapter)

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