shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 65 The Acquaintance with Edamame

Chapter 65 The Acquaintance with Edamame
Maodou nodded: "Sister Chu, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will take care of things."

Yu Lingchu nodded, then turned to look at Fang Yu, "Do you have Maodou's contact information?"

Fang Yu shook his head: "No."

Yu Lingchu smiled and said: "Then add one now, and Tian Tian will also add one. In the future, as long as the Tian family comes to pester you, you should notify Maodou as soon as possible, and ask him to go to the Tian family immediately with the IOU to collect debts."

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu told Maodou again: "Recently, please work hard, and listen to your brother Fang and sister Tiantian at any time."

Maodou raised her head and patted her chest to promise: "Miss Chu, don't worry! I have designated the debt collectors to collect those people. When I see Brother Fang and Sister Tiantian, I wish I could take a detour!"

"Okay, but you should also pay attention to your sense of propriety." Yu Lingchu smiled and said, "We should collect debts reasonably and legally~ It's up to you during this period. After the Tian family's affairs are settled, I will ask Brother Fang to please you." Please."

"Miss Chu, you don't have to be so polite with me."

Maodou smiled foolishly: "If you were not willing to help me, I might have gone astray now. I am very happy to be able to help you!"

"Host, Maodou seems to respect you very much, how did you help him back then?"

The system couldn't help gossip.

Yu Lingchu recalled: "One day, in order to save time and get home early, I walked into a secluded alley, Maodou suddenly rushed out, blocked my way, threatened me, and asked me to hand over the money I had on me. hehe……"

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "Do you think I can be afraid of this? Just him, robbing me? Isn't that the old birthday star eating arsenic and looking for death? I didn't treat him politely at all, and beat him up directly, you Guess what?"

The system cooperates and asks: "What's wrong?"

"He is still not convinced!"

Yu Lingchu sneered: "Within two days, he brought a group of younger brothers to block me and wanted to take revenge on me~
Do you think I can be afraid of this?It's not that I said, just their group of fighting scumbags are not enough for me to warm up. "

Yu Lingchu curled her lips: "Since they came to your door, I beat them up together."


To say it is brave, it has to be its host...

Yu Lingchu continued: "After that time, he didn't dare to trouble me again, but I paid attention to him.

I thought that since he dared to block the road to ask me for money, and even dared to bring his younger brother to seek revenge from me, I thought he would have done some wicked things in normal times.

We martial arts practitioners put righteousness first, help those in need, punish evil and promote good.If I don't know that there is a person like him, it's fine. Now that I know, can I let him continue to do evil and bully others?

So, I followed him for several days.He went to street vendors to collect protection fees, but I stopped him.

He blocked the students at the school gate asking for money, and I stopped him.

He went to a restaurant to eat and used tricks to extort money, but I stopped him.

He went to bump into Cier's driver on the road, and I stopped him. "

The system asked weakly: "Host, can I ask, how did you stop it?"

Yu Lingchu said meaningfully: "Convince people with reason~"

The system pondered for a moment: "Principle or physics?"

It feels that with the behavior of the host, the possibility of the physical level is relatively high...

"Hey~" Yu Lingchu breathed out: "Principle plus physics, two effects in one. I followed Maodou for seven or eight days, and finally..."

"Is he influenced by you just like that?" the system guessed.

Yu Lingchu said: "He cried, crying so badly~~It's like a dead parent, crying ah~"


It suspects that Maodou was beaten and cried by the host, but it has no evidence...

Yu Lingchu sighed: "While crying, he knelt down and kowtowed to me, begging me to let him go."


It can fully imagine the scene at that time, its host must be more like a black and evil force than Maodou...

"Host, just tell me how badly you beat him back then."


Yu Lingchu thought about it seriously: "I just followed him that day, and didn't beat him at all. He suddenly cried and knelt down, which really shocked me.

But I'm not at all soft-hearted.I said that unless he stops bullying others, I will always follow him.

Then he got anxious and accused me of not being qualified to criticize him from the highest point of morality. He asked me, is there anything wrong with trying to live?

I said that it is right to live hard, but it is wrong to deceive and bully others.

He cried again, and said while crying that his father died when he was a child, his mother left him and remarried, and there was no news after he remarried. He grew up with his scavenger grandma, living in poverty, and her grandma was sick again. He really couldn't do anything about it. That's why he was tricked into trying to get more money for grandma's medical treatment. "

"And then?" The system moved: "Host, you helped him immediately, right?"

Yu Lingchu calmly said: "No, I'm not a fool, how can I believe what others say."


It suspects that the host is internalizing it, but it has no evidence.

"But since what he said is so pitiful, I certainly can't ignore it."

Yu Lingchu changed the subject and continued: "I asked Maodou to take me to see his grandma. I want to see with my own eyes whether what he said is true."

When Yu Lingchu said this, he sighed, frowned, and said, "He took me there. His home is in a village in the city, in a very, very dilapidated shack. The house leaked wind in winter and rain in summer. It was dark and damp.

His grandma was lying on a dilapidated wooden bed at the time, as weak as if she would die at any moment.

I said I was a friend of edamame.The old man struggled, and remembered to pour me a glass of water. He kept talking about Maodou's life, and begged me to take care of her grandson.

After I left Maodou's house, I took Maodou directly to the bank and withdrew a sum of money for him.

I asked him to take the money and send his grandma to the hospital for treatment, and I also left my contact information.

I told him that he didn't have enough money for medical treatment, please contact me anytime, and I will pay.But he must abide by my regulations after taking the money. Firstly, he is not allowed to cheat or cheat again, and secondly, he is not allowed to squander the life-saving money I gave him, otherwise I will not spare him.

He was holding money in his hand at the time, and he almost knocked me another one when he bent his knee.Fortunately, my hand quickly caught him.

A few days later, Maodou contacted me, saying that his grandma's illness was much better, and he wanted to find a serious job, earn enough money to treat grandma's illness, and pay back my medical expenses.

I said that's great, have you found a job yet?

He said no...

Because the image of him as a rogue and rascal has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no shops around are willing to hire him.

He has to take care of his sick grandma, and he can't go far away from home.

System, you say this is not a coincidence?Others fear that he was a gangster before, but I am not afraid~

I simply recruited him to the security company and prepared a staff dormitory nearby for him to live with his grandma. "

(End of this chapter)

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