Chapter 66

In Haishi, an old residential area, the Tian family, like a defeated rooster, walked into their unit building with a look of despondency.

Tian Baogui complained as he climbed the stairs: "I didn't get any benefit from going out this time, and I paid [-] yuan in it. How unlucky!"

Tian Baozhu complained indignantly: "It's all caused by that lowly girl Tian Tian! She actually wore other people's jewelry to show off in the market, and if it breaks, we have to pay for it. What a bad luck!"

Tian Baogui looked at Tian Baozhu angrily: "Are you so embarrassed to say? If you didn't insist on robbing, would we be able to take in 10 yuan?"

"What do you mean I have to grab it?"

Tian Baozhu was not happy: "Didn't you help at that time? How dare you say that you don't want something so valuable as diamonds?"

Tian Baogui glared at her: "If you want to, you can't break it!"

Tian Baozhu said unconvinced: "I didn't break it!"

Tian Baogui sneered: "You mean to blame our mother?"

Tian Baozhu rolled her eyes at him: "I didn't say that."

Father Tian was already in a bad mood, but now he heard them arguing, his anger suddenly became even bigger, and he said angrily: "Shut up! One by one, they are not doing enough, and they are not doing enough!"

When Tian's mother heard Tian's father's words, she became anxious immediately, and shouted: "What do you mean? Are you blaming me? The gods know how the necklace is broken! Maybe the necklace is broken at all! Let me tell you, we did it at the time. You shouldn't have signed that IOU!"

"What's the use of you talking about it now!" Father Tian scolded: "Shut up! If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it at home. Why are you shouting outside?!"

Mother Tian glared at him, but stopped talking.

The four members of the Tian family climbed up the old stairs to the fifth floor where they lived.

Mother Tian took out the key, and the family opened the door and entered the house.

As soon as the door was closed, Mother Tian immediately yelled: "No! I can't afford to be dumb! Even if I have to lose money, we shouldn't pay!"

Tian Baozhu quickly echoed: "Yes! The jewelry is worn by Tian Tian, ​​why should we make us lose money?"

"It's just you guys!" Tian's father pointed at Tian's mother and Tian Baozhu, and complained: "Things with long hair and short knowledge! You shouldn't be in a hurry to grab the jewels at that time! At that time, before Fang Yu came, I quickly took Tian Tian with me." Come back, where will so many things happen!?"

"That's right!" Tian Baogui echoed Tian's father: "If we brought Tian Tian back then, would we be afraid that the jewels were not ours? If you teach Tian Tian that little bitch a lesson, she will have to obediently go home to take the money !"

"Knock knock..."

The Tian family was talking when there was a knock on the door.

The Tian family was in a bad mood at this time, when they heard someone knocking on the door, Mother Tian got up, frowned and walked towards the door, asking in a bad tone: "Who is it?"

While speaking, Tian's mother had already stretched out her hand to open the door.

Outside the door, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes was holding a black briefcase in his hand.

Seeing Mother Tian who opened the door, the man showed a standard smile and said politely, "Excuse me, is this the home of Ms. Tian Tian's adoptive parents?"

Mother Tian frowned: "Who are you?"

"Are you Ms. Tian Tian's adoptive mother?" the man asked without answering.

Mother Tian frowned and hummed.

The middle-aged man smiled: "Hello, Mrs. Tian, ​​I am Ms. Tian Tian's attorney. My surname is Li. I am entrusted by Ms. Tian Tian, ​​and I am here to communicate with you."

"Communicate what?" Tian's mother said in an unhappy tone.

Lawyer Li didn't mind her attitude at all, and still smiled and said, "Can we talk in the room?"

Mother Tian frowned and made way.

Lawyer Li walked into the room and faced the Tian family members who were full of room, without any stage fright. After nodding his head, his eyes fell on Tian's father, and he said calmly, "You must be Ms. Tian Tian's adoptive father, right?"

Father Tian frowned and nodded.

Lawyer Li smiled and said to Father Tian: "That's it. I was entrusted by Ms. Tian Tian to come to discuss with you about the dissolution of the adoption relationship between the two parties."


Lawyer Li explained the purpose of coming here, and Mother Tian raised her voice and yelled with spittle: "Rescission of the adoption relationship? Damn! You go tell that little bitch that you want to dissolve the adoption relationship with us unless she dies! You are an ungrateful wolf with a heart and a heart. Something! If our Tian family hadn't adopted her, she would have died somewhere!

Now that the wings are stiff, you want to get rid of us?There are no doors! "

"Mrs. Tian, ​​don't get excited." Lawyer Li said calmly, "Because my client, Ms. Tian Tian, ​​was indeed raised in Tian's family, if you are willing to get together and get together, she said that she is willing to give you a financial compensation."

"How much?" Tian Baogui immediately interjected when he heard the money.

Lawyer Li smiled and replied, "20."

The Tian family was silent for a moment when they heard the amount of money that lawyer Li said.

Father Tian looked at Mother Tian.

The husband and wife made eye contact for two seconds, and Tian's mother said arrogantly: "No way! We raised her so big, and she wants to send us away for just 20? There is no way! 500 million! If she can give us 500 million, We agreed to end the adoption relationship with her."

"Yes! 500 million! Not one less!" Tian Baogui agreed greedily, as if money was beckoning to him.

Faced with the Tian family's lion's mouth, Attorney Li's face turned cold: "Mr. Tian, ​​Mrs. Tian, ​​Ms. Tian Tian is still a student at school, and her financial situation is not rich. She borrowed 20 yuan, and she is already able to give it to her." Your compensation limit.

And as far as I know, during the years you raised Ms. Tian Tian, ​​you didn't actually pay anything for her.Instead, she has been taking care of and subsidizing you.Based on this premise, before parting ways, you can still get 20 yuan from her, which is already a steady profit. "

"What is a steady profit without compensation!" Mother Tian poked her neck: "Since she can borrow 20 yuan, she can borrow more! It's only 500 million yuan, not even a penny less!"

"Ms. Tian, ​​Mr. Tian, ​​with all due respect, you can't be too greedy, otherwise it will be a waste of money."

"Who are you scaring!" Tian's mother yelled, "If you don't have 500 million, you can talk about it!"

Lawyer Li thought about it, and said, "Well, I can discuss with my client and see if I can give you an additional tens of thousands."

"Bah!" Tian's mother spat: "How many tens of thousands are you sending beggars? You go back and tell that little bitch that it's only 500 million! You can't do anything less!"

Lawyer Li laughed angrily: "Mrs. Tian, ​​your request is really outrageous. It's better for us to be more realistic. What do you think?"

"You don't understand human language!" Tian's mother said coldly, "It's not negotiable! It's only 500 million!"

The lawyer's eyes were cold: "In this case, there is nothing to say. I also tell you clearly that more than 20 yuan can be negotiated, but 500 million yuan is absolutely impossible. If you insist on this unrealistic request, then we can only Able to go through the judicial process.

My client will go to court to sue and request to terminate the adoption relationship with you.

Don't blame me for not telling you in advance, if you sue through judicial procedures, you won't get a penny. "

(End of this chapter)

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