Chapter 70 is off the charts
Yu Lingchu tried hard to maintain a tense expression, looking at Nalan Shaojin.

Little one, do you feel in a dilemma?


She said that ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

Thanks to the old girl of the system for providing inspiration!

Nalan Shaojin clasped his hands together: "I was wrong!"

Yu Lingchu sniffed: "Forget it, I don't care about you like you. I'm a generous person, since you don't think of me as a girl, it's okay to look at me as a boy. But I believe that Mr. Nalan's sexual orientation should be is very normal.

Since you treat me like a boy, it's better to forget about the marriage contract. You probably don't want to marry a brother back home, so naturally I can't make it difficult for you to marry my brother home.

Since we can't be husband and wife, let's make a vow!How old are you older than me? I recognize you as my elder brother. "

At the end of Yuling's first words, she raised her hand and clasped a fist at Nalan Shaojin: "Brother!"

Nalan Shaojin stared at her with deep eyes.

After making such a big circle, Ganqing is waiting for him here.

The system is speechless.

This host, in order to withdraw the engagement, really racked his brains...

Such a roundabout route, she can think of...

Jade Father and Jade Mother stared at the two, then looked back at each other.

Look at your good girl, her fiancé will soon be turned into a big brother by her!
Yu Chengze helped his forehead.

God damn big brother!

With his sister's operation, the good peach blossoms were stunned, and she was afraid that she would be a bachelor in the future...

Yan Yue: "..."

Master Jin intended for Yu Lingchu to be the mistress of the Nalan family, but Yu Lingchu wanted to be Master Jin's younger brother...

Just... outrageous!

Nalan Shaojin held Yu Lingchu's clasped hand, his eyes were warm and tender, and he smiled like a spring breeze: "My orientation can be changed for Lingchu."

Yu Lingchu ⊙⊙?
Yu Chengze ⊙⊙!
Depend on!The peach blossom beside his sister is a steel peach blossom, it cannot be strangled!
Yu Lingchu quickly pulled out the hand that was held by Nalan Shaojin.

this man...

It's really hard to deal with...

"Mr. Nalan, one life is only a few dozen years, so don't force yourself, don't wrong yourself."

Nalan Shaojin had an affectionate appearance: "As long as it is the beginning of the spirit, it will not be forced."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Brother, I'm reluctant, please let me go, okay?

This man can act better than her!
very scary!
Get away!
Yu Lingchu stood up "swish": "I just cried and ran out of oxygen, go back to the room and rest for a while!"

After speaking, she ran upstairs without looking back.

I really don’t know how to accept the move, so the best policy is to go~
Father Yu and Mother Yu frowned as they watched Yu Lingchu leave, and sighed.

Father Yu stepped forward to smooth things over: "Shaojin, this child Lingchu is a bit out of character, please bear with him."

Nalan Shaojin's eyes were introverted and deep, and he smiled warmly: "Lingchu is...very cute."

Yan Yue blinked, and after a while, stepped forward.

"Master Jin, here is another gift."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue, his expression darkened.

Holding the gift box in his hand, Yan Yue looked embarrassed, looked at Father Yu and Mother Yu as if asking for help, and asked tentatively: "Mr. Yu, Mrs. Yu, Miss Zheng Yashuang...are you really kicked out of the house by you?" gone?"

Father Yu and Mother Yu's smile froze when they heard Yan Yue's words.

They didn't understand why Yan Yue asked this question.

But since Yan Yue asked this question, it must be not that simple!
Nalan Shaojin scolded in a deep voice: "Yan Yue! Don't be rude!"

Yan Yue looked like he had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly lowered his head as a gesture of admitting his mistake, and was about to step back while holding the gift box.

"Shaojin." Father Yu said seriously, "You subordinate, why do you ask such a question?"

Facing Father Yu's inquiry, Nalan Shaojin quickly stated his position: "Uncle Yu, don't think too much, I respect Uncle Yu and Aunt Yu very much. This will not change because of anything or anything."


Father Yu waved his hand: "There must be a reason for things to happen. Since your subordinate, Shaojin, asked this question, there must be a reason.

Since it is related to the Yu family, I think it is necessary for us to know. "

Nalan Shaojin hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth and said, "I don't intend to interfere with the Yu family's affairs, but since uncle wants to listen..."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue: "Since Uncle Yu asked, you can tell me."

Yan Yue nodded and looked at Father Yu: "Ms. Zheng Yashuang stopped us in the hotel where Master Jin was staying yesterday. Miss Zheng cried to Master Jin, saying that she was kicked out of the house by Yu's family. She was pitiful and hopeless. If our Master Jin can take care of her, it is best to take her in."

When Father Yu heard Yan Yue's words, his blood pressure instantly rose.

"This bastard! My Yu family has had a dog for so many years, and they all know how to wag their tails at me instead of biting back!"

Father Yu's face turned red, and he gasped heavily.

Yu Chengze hurried over to support Father Yu: "Dad, calm down!"

Father Yu waved his hand, looked at Mother Yu, and said coldly: "From now on, Zheng Yashuang is not allowed to step into my Yu's house again! You...don't take money from my Yu's house to feed that white-eyed wolf !"

Mother Yu shook her head as if she had been shocked: "Impossible! Impossible! Yashuang called me yesterday, saying that she was going to film in another place..."

"Madam Yu." Yan Yue frowned, "We don't need to lie to you!"

Mother Yu took out her mobile phone and dialed Zheng Yashuang's number with trembling fingers.

The phone rang for a while, and was quickly connected.

Zheng Yashuang's aggrieved voice came from the phone: "Auntie..."

"Where are you?"

Yumu's voice was stagnant, numbly asking.

Zheng Yashuang on the other side of the phone sniffed, and said with a faint cry: "I'm at the airport... Auntie, sister Lingchu is still angry with me, I know I'm wrong, please help me speak nice words to her, let her Don't be angry with me again, okay? Huh..."

At the end of the conversation, Zheng Yashuang sobbed.

In normal times, if Zheng Yashuang said so, Yumu would definitely ask Zheng Yashuang what happened.

But now, Mother Yu just wanted to find an answer, and didn't even bother to think about the meaning revealed in Zheng Yashuang's words.

She opened her mouth and asked directly, "Did you go to see Shaojin yesterday?"

Zheng Yashuang on the other side of the phone cried, and a bad feeling rose in her heart.

She tentatively replied: "I was at the hotel yesterday and ran into Brother Nalan..."

"What did you say?"

Yumu asked again.

Zheng Yashuang frowned.

Mother Yu's questioning made her flustered for no reason.

She stabilized her mood, and said innocently and aggrieved: "Brother Nalan and I explained what happened last time, but he didn't believe me, and even ordered me to be kicked out of the hotel to prevent me from staying there...

Huh... Auntie, I don't know how Sister Lingchu told Brother Nalan that Brother Nalan hates me so much..."

Mother of Yu closed her eyes and let out a dull breath: "Shaojin came to the house today."

Zheng Yashuang's heart trembled when she heard this.

So, is it because of what Nalan Shaojin said that my aunt called her?
(End of this chapter)

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