Chapter 71
Zheng Yashuang didn't understand why this happened.

Why every time she did something in front of Nalan Shaojin, Nalan Shaojin would turn around and tell the Yu family!

She didn't know exactly what Nalan Shaojin had said to the Yu family, so she could only try her best to remedy it.

"Then... Auntie, explain to Brother Shaojin that I really didn't mean anything last time..."

"Zheng Yashuang!"

Mother Yu's anger interrupted Zheng Yashuang's defense: "Did you tell Shaojin that our Yu family kicked you out of the house?"

Zheng Yashuang's heart turned cold, and she blurted out to argue: "No! I didn't say that!"

Mother of Yu turned on the handset and glanced at Nalan Shaojin's direction: "You mean, Shaojin is lying?"

Zheng Yashuang on the phone fell silent.

If she said yes, it would be tantamount to denying Nalan Shaojin's character.

Nalan Shaojin, an existence who stands at the top of the pyramid and is looked up to by countless people.

She, a young [-]th-line actor who lives under the fence.

She said that Nalan Shaojin slandered her, who would believe it?

But to say no, wouldn't that be the same as telling Yumu blatantly that she did say that and slandered Yu's family in front of Nalan Shaojin.

Then how would she go back to Yu's house and see Yu's family in the future?
The Yu family is her current support, and it is also an excellent springboard for her to lead to the upper class!
Before she becomes successful, she must not turn against the Yu family, and must not lose the protection of the Yu family!

Zheng Yashuang was thinking of countermeasures quickly in her mind, and after a while, she called out aggrievedly and innocently: "Aunt~"

Since she's in a dilemma, then she'll be ambiguous and throw the blame away!
Zheng Yashuang's voice was full of aggrieved tears: "I don't know what Elder Sister Lingchu said to Brother Nalan, Brother Nalan seems to have a big opinion on me..."

The implication: I did say something, but it didn't mean what you thought.Because Yu Lingchu was still angry about the incident before, she deliberately provoked Nalan Shaojin, causing Nalan Shaojin to have a bad opinion of me and misinterpret the meaning of my words.

"Miss Zheng."

After Zheng Yashuang's wronged accusation, Nalan Shaojin calmly said, "When Lingchu and I got along, I never took the initiative to mention you.

I really don't understand why you always want to drag Lingchu in because you did all the bad things.

Of course, if you must think that I was instigated by Lingchu to deliberately target you, then the lobby of the five-star hotel is monitored. We can call up the surveillance to see if I deliberately targeted you, or you deliberately pestered me. "

Hearing Nalan Shaojin's voice from the phone, Zheng Yashuang turned pale.

She didn't expect that Yumu was actually calling her in front of Nalan Shaojin.

And, the hands-free should still be on...

Otherwise, how could Nalan Shaojin hear her words and make rebuttals...

Didn't Nalan Shaojin hear all the words she deliberately confused right and wrong before?
Her image in Nalan Shaojin's heart will definitely get worse because of this...

Damn Lu Huaqing!

He kept saying how he felt sorry for her, that he would take care of her as his own daughter, but what happened?

If the Yu family really treats her as their own daughter, why should it be Yu Lingchu who fulfills the marriage contract with Nalan Shaojin and not her? !

She worked so hard to strive for happiness for herself, yet they still cheated her in front of Nalan Shaojin!
"Miss Zheng, do you need to adjust the monitoring?"

Nalan Shaojin's calm and cold voice reached Zheng Yashuang's ears again.

Zheng Yashuang couldn't think of words to prevaricate and appease Nalan Shaojin, and could only say helplessly: "It's all a misunderstanding! Things are not what you think!"

"Miss Zheng, if you want people not to know, you have to do nothing about it yourself. A misunderstanding cannot cover up the truth."

"Zheng Yashuang!"

Father Yu said in a cold voice: "Obviously you saw the incident of framing Lingchu come to light, and you were afraid of being blamed by us, so you secretly packed your bags and ran away from home, but when you said it, it turned out that our Yu family can't tolerate you!

The Yu family can't accommodate you, so they will support you for so many years?How can my Yu family feel sorry for you?You want to spread rumors and slander our Yu Family as heartless and ruthless!snort! "

Father Yu sneered: "Since you said that, I will simply grant you, and you will have nothing to do with my Yu family in the future, and you will never have to come back!"

"Uncle, I didn't intend to slander the Yu family..."

Zheng Yashuang cried and explained, and called Yumu as if asking for help: "Auntie, help me, explain to Uncle and me, I didn't want to discredit Yu's family, everything is a misunderstanding, really..."

Father Yu looked at Mother Yu coldly.

Mother Yu's heart tightened when she met Father Yu's eyes.

She clearly understood the meaning in Father Yu's eyes.

Her husband, who has been with her for many years, is silently warning her to be clear.

Mother Yu knew that in the current situation, if she chose to defend Zheng Yashuang, what she would face would be separation between husband and wife.

She loves Zheng Yashuang, the only flesh and blood of this younger sister left in this world.

But at the same time, she also loves her husband very much...

Yumu sighed.

She couldn't figure out why Zheng Yashuang would do these wrong things again and again to tarnish the reputation of Lingchu and the Yu family...

Yu family, how did I feel sorry for Zheng Yashuang?
Holding the phone, Mother Yu said in disappointment: "Ya Shuang, the Yu family raised you, and they don't ask for anything in return, but only hope that you can distinguish right from wrong, and don't be ungrateful and ruthless.

When you grow up, you can support yourself, so you can live a good life outside by yourself..."

After Yumu finished speaking, she cut off the phone without hesitation.

Father Yu looked at Mother Yu with a relaxed look.

Fortunately, his wife didn't let him down, she didn't hesitate to separate from him, and she didn't hesitate to favor Zheng Yashuang.

Yu Lingchu upstairs knew nothing about what happened in the living room downstairs.

In order to avoid Nalan Shaojin, she stayed in the bedroom until noon.Until Yu Chengze came over and told her to go down for lunch.

When Yu Ling first saw Yu Chengze, he hurriedly asked, "Brother, has Nalan Shaojin left?"

Yu Chengze smiled: "Go down and see for yourself, don't you know?"

Yu Ling gave him a first look: "If I want to see it myself, do I need to ask you?"

Yu Chengze looked at her: "Then do you want him to leave ~ or not?"

Yu Lingchu's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile, "I don't think he left, is it useful?"

Yu Chengze smiled: "Go down and have a look, maybe what you want will come true?"

Yu Lingchu sat on the sofa without moving.

Since Yu Chengze said that her wishes come true, Nalan Shaojin probably hasn't left yet.

Unable to provoke her, she decided to hide to the end.

"Tell my parents for me, I'm not hungry, so I won't have lunch."

Yu Chengze frowned: "That's impossible! Parents specially asked me to come down and have lunch with Nalan Shaojin."

Yu Lingchu picked up the pillow on the sofa and covered her face.

Her muffled voice came from under the pillow: "I——don't—go."

 Haha, finished coding Chapter 2
(End of this chapter)

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