Chapter 78

Yu Lingchu was held by Tian Tian's arm, she smiled, and handed her the cake and fruit in her hand: "You did a good job just now, this is a reward."

Tian Tian took the things Yu Lingchu handed over, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Sister Lingchu, have you seen it all?"


Yu Lingchu nodded, and then praised: "You did a good job just now. You should let those who bully you know that you are not easy to mess with!"

The praised Tian Tian frowned: "Yes! Sister Lingchu, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to become stronger!"

Yu Lingchu smiled dotingly: "Come on! But don't put too much pressure on yourself. Remember, you still have us to support you."


Tian Tian took Yu Lingchu's arm, leaned her head on her shoulder, and said coquettishly, "Sister Lingchu~you are so kind~"

Yu Lingchu couldn't hold back, and raised her hand to rub Tian Tian's hair.


hair so soft~

The coquettish Tian Tian is so cute~

The system complained helplessly: "Host, calm down your turbulent mind, and watch out for your saliva to flow out..."

Yu Lingchu swallowed subconsciously.

The system continued to complain: "Host, you are a woman! How can you be so engrossed in girls, with a look on your face..."

Jade Lingchu→_→

"Who stipulates that women can't like to look at beautiful women and cute girls.

Gender is not an obstacle to my appreciation of beauty.No matter male or female, I like to watch good-looking ones. Do you have any opinions? "


"System, answer me with your conscience, isn't Tian Tian very sweet?"

The system glanced at Tian Tian and said truthfully, "Yes!"

"Does it look soft and cute?"


"Close your eyes and imagine, a sweet-looking, soft and well-behaved girl, holding your arm, calling you Sister Bailian~ in a sweet voice, how do you feel?"


(*︶*) "Hey... so cute, I miss rua"

Yu Lingchu smiled gratifiedly: "Can you understand my current mood?"

System: "Hey..."

Jade Lingchu→_→

"System, quickly stop your imagination, your saliva is about to flow~"

System ←_←

Garbage host, he and the beauty post, it can't be seen, can't even think about it...

But having said that, the host is bright and majestic, and she is definitely a beauty.

If the host becomes gentler and softer...

Thinking about it, the system suddenly felt a chill.

A picture suddenly appeared in Yu Lingchu's mind without warning.

A bald man with a full face and beard, with his orchid fingers up, a smile on his lips, and a gentle expression holding a needle to embroider...

The strange picture that popped up in his mind suddenly made Yu Lingchu shudder.

Tian Tian noticed Yu Lingchu's strangeness, and hurriedly asked: "Sister Lingchu, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Lingchu smiled calmly: "It's okay, I just feel a little cold all of a sudden."

Hearing what she said, Tian Tian quickly quickened her pace: "It's quite cold outside, let's go inside quickly."

After perfunctory Tian Tian, ​​Yu Lingchu hurriedly greeted with concern in her mind: "System? Are you going to die?"

The system frantically shut down the screen that was accidentally released due to my YY, and said solemnly: "Just now the program has a short-term disorder, and it has been repaired..."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

(°ο°) Program disorder?

Was the weird picture just now a procedural disorder?
What exactly is she bound to?

What's not normal? !
Tian Tian took Yu Lingchu's arm, walked quickly into the security company's room, walked all the way to her temporary room, and quickly poured a cup of hot water to Yu Lingchu.

"Sister Lingchu, drink a cup of hot water to warm up."

Yu Lingchu took the water glass with both hands.

Tian Tian's concern made her feel warm in her heart.

Noticing the travel bag that Yu Lingchu put aside, Tian Tian asked with some expectation: "Sister Lingchu, do you want to come back to the company for a stay?"

If Sister Lingchu stays at the company temporarily, she can make breakfast for Sister Lingchu every day, and she can also have some private conversations with Sister Lingchu. Thinking about it, she feels so happy...

Facing Tian Tian's question, Yu Lingchu smiled guilty: "Just stay for one night, tomorrow I'm going on a business trip."

"Ah?" Tian Tian was surprised, her round eyes fixed on Yu Lingchu: "How long are you going, sister Lingchu?"

Yu Lingchu gave a dry laugh.

I'm afraid it won't work for a few days, she wants to go all over the place, and for half a year...

"I'm probably going to be out for a long time."

Tian Tian looked at her and became reluctant.

How long is a long time...

"Sister Lingchu, I will miss you..."

Tian Tian's soft and cute voice reveals the sadness of the upcoming parting.

Yu Lingchu's heart softened, and he quickly comforted: "If you miss me, you can make a video call to me at any time."

Tian Tian was a little happier, looked at Yu Lingchu expectantly, and asked tentatively, "So...will it disturb Lingchu's sister's work?"

"No!" Yu Lingchu hurriedly promised without any worries.

Anyway, she didn't really go to other places for work.

At once……

I can't afford it, hide~

Tian Tian bit her lips, and asked anxiously: "Then...Sister Lingchu...will you miss me?"

After asking, Tian Tian lowered her head and moved her fingers uneasily.

In her heart, Yu Lingchu is a benefactor, a relative and friend who gives her warmth and courage.

She really cares about Yu Lingchu...

Tian Tian looks uneasy, like a kitten who is looking for a spoiled child from its owner, but is afraid of being rejected by its owner, so cute and soft that it is a foul.

Yu Lingchu couldn't help reaching out to poke Tian Tian's small round face lightly.

"Of course sister Lingchu will miss you. When I come back, I will definitely bring you many, many presents!"

Because of Yu Lingchu's words, Tian Tian's eyes bent into crescent moons happily.

"Sister Lingchu, it's the best gift for you to come back early!"

Sister Lingchu said she would miss her too~

hee hee~

My heart is so sweet, so happy~

"Ah~! Ah~! Ah~! Ah~!"

Yu Lingchu screamed in her heart: "What should the system do! There is such a soft and cute little sister at home, and I suddenly don't want to leave T^T"


Show off, hum!

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to go."

Yu Lingchu gritted her teeth and was ruthless.

"No! For the rest of my life to be free and easy, I still have to run!"

With a decision, Yu Lingchu held Tian Tian's hand: "You wait for sister Lingchu to settle outside, and then you go on vacation, and sister Lingchu will pick you up to play with me."

She wants to run, and she can't leave her behind!
Tian Tian nodded obediently.

The system asked casually: "Host, do you mean to invite Tian Tian and Fang Yu to travel to your hiding place in the future?"

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes: "I'll take my sister to play, what's the matter with Guan Fangyu?"

The system gave her a white look: "Tian Tian is Fang Yu's girlfriend, you can't separate the couple who are in love, can you?"

(End of this chapter)

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