Chapter 79
After listening to the system's words, Yu Lingchu felt disgusted and shrugged: "It's a pity that my soft, sweet and caring sister, who is as beautiful as a flower, stuck a flower in Fang Yu's pile of cow dung..."

Although Fang Yu and her teacher came from the same school, it didn't affect her dislike for Fang Yu as always...

The system was speechless for a while, and reminded: "If there is no Fang Yu, the host, you probably wouldn't be able to get to know such a cute girl as Tian Tian, ​​right?"

Yu Lingchu couldn't refute what the system said.

"Uh...what you said...has a bit of truth, that kid Fang Yu is of some use."

Yu Lingchu pondered for a while, and said again: "Actually, think about it carefully, Fang Yu also has quite a lot of advantages."

System ⊙⊙?
Just now the host looked like he disliked Fang Yu, why did he suddenly boast again?

Was it influenced by its words?

When did it talk so well?

"Look at the system, although Fang Yu is annoying, his life is really good.

Although he looks rough, but his girlfriend is beautiful.

Although he is ignorant, his girlfriend is sensible.

Although he is simple-minded, he has smart brothers and sisters like us~

Although he has a bad mouth, I never thought of beating him to death~”


"Host, you've been talking for a long time. Let's just forget about Fang Yu's strengths. Why are they all weaknesses?"

Yu Lingchu looked innocent: "I said it~"

System: "That sentence?"

Yu Lingchu: "I said his fate is good."


Just... can't even refute...

The warm sun hanging high in the sky dispelled some of the coldness of winter.

Tian's father and Tian's mother looked gloomy, walking one after the other on the side of the busy road.

Suddenly, Mother Tian, ​​who was walking behind, gritted her teeth and snorted, "No way! You can't just take it so cheap, that damn girl Tian Tian! She wants to get rid of us, but there's no way!"

Tian's father stopped, turned to look at Tian's mother, and said unwillingly: "Now that she has a backer, those people can't afford to provoke us, what else can I do?"

"Hmph!" Tian's mother sneered, lowered her voice and said to Tian's father: "I don't believe that damn girl can hide in that security company for a lifetime, she hasn't graduated from university yet, why don't she go to school?"

Father Tian understood: "You mean, let's squat her at the school?"

"Yes!" Mother Tian nodded heavily: "I don't believe that the backer she found can have people follow her 24 hours a day! That tiger still has time to nap!"

Tian's father thought about Tian's mother's words, and then said: "But I still have to go to work."

Tian's mother glanced at him: "You go to your class, I will let Bao Bao follow me to guard the door of that damn girl."

"That's fine." Tian's father nodded, leaned closer to Tian's mother and whispered: "When you have the opportunity, don't get entangled with that dead girl, and take her home quickly. If there is anything, you can talk about it when you go home!"

Tian's father believes that as long as there is no outsider's intervention, Tian Tian will be the good girl who let them rub her flat again.

"I know!"

Mother Tian agreed very happily.

After suffering so many losses, she also agrees with Father Tian's opinion very much at this time.

She believes that as long as there are no outsiders meddling in other people's business, Tian Tian will never make any trouble, so she can only obediently respect them as before.

"Then you go to guard her school gate tomorrow!"

Tian's father spoke, hoping that Tian's mother could bring Tian Tian back to Tian's house as soon as possible.

Tian Tian grew up eating their Tian family's food, and if she is not at the age where she can make money and help him share the pressure, she doesn't care about their family's reasoning!

As the sun sets, a bitter cold wind rises from the ground, and the temperature drops sharply, making the coldness of winter night into the bones.

This coldness lasted until the dawn of the next day. The morning sun failed to arrive as promised, the north wind howled, and the world was gloomy.

Yu Lingchu led a team of [-] employees from the security company and boarded the high-speed train to Yuncheng with their luggage on their backs.

This job was contacted by Han Zexin, a senior sister in the entertainment industry.

Han Zexin's new drama will be filmed in Yuncheng, and Yuncheng is located on the border, and the surrounding small countries bordering it are not very peaceful. Occasionally, some vicious people sneak into Yuncheng, cheating, abducting or even hurting people.

Therefore, for the safety of the crew, the crew decided to hire a security company to accompany and protect them throughout the process.

As the top executives of the company, the members of Yu Ling Chu valued this cooperation with the crew very much.

This is an opportunity for Deze Security to expand its business.

A sea city cannot meet the development needs of their company, and they need to continue to expand their business outward.

Becoming the No. [-] security company in Haicheng is not the goal of Yu Lingchu.

Their dream is to become the strongest in the industry with the Deze security company they founded!
The high-speed rail is galloping, and the scenery outside the window flies by. As time goes by, the scenery changes from the bleak winter to the warm spring.

When the car pulled into the station, Yu Lingchu changed out of the heavy winter clothes and walked out of the high-speed rail station in light spring clothes.

Standing at the gate of the high-speed railway station, she sent a location statement to her fellow travelers, and everyone quickly gathered at the location designated by Yu Lingchu, and took a taxi to the hotel reserved by the crew.

Yu Lingchu and others arrived one day earlier, and the crew will arrive one after another tomorrow, so there is actually no work on the first day.

In addition, it was already in the evening when they arrived, and everyone put down their luggage. Yu Lingchu took people to observe the layout of the hotel, familiarized themselves with the surrounding environment, and finally emphasized the work discipline, then let everyone disband and go back to the room to adjust and rest went.

After she arranged everything herself, she took a taxi and went straight to Yuncheng Hospital.

Her dear senior sister, Han Zexin, arrived in Yuncheng yesterday afternoon, a day earlier than her.

After the senior sister arrived in Yuncheng, she called her and agreed to pick her up at the station today.

But at around nine o'clock last night, Yu Lingchu received another call from Assistant Han Zexin.

The assistant told Yu Lingchu that Han Zexin had food poisoning and was hospitalized...

When she received the call, Yu Lingchu was really taken aback.

Food poisoning, maybe it will kill people!

Fortunately, the assistant quickly said that Han Zexin was fine, she just ate a poisonous mushroom by mistake...

One of the special delicacies in Yuncheng is various fungi that are famous for their freshness.

When Han Zexin first arrived in Yuncheng, she couldn't wait to taste it. As a result, not long after returning to the hotel, there were many Smurfs standing in the hotel room.

The assistant told Yu Lingchu that at the beginning, Han Zexin squatted on the ground, talking to herself.

What did you say to tell the little elf to stay obediently and not to leave, she will not treat them badly, then she became anxious while talking, stretched out her hand for a while, and even used kung fu, doing somersaults and punches in the room, He said that he must capture a few Smurfs alive and show them to Yu Lingchu for a surprise.

The assistant realized that something was wrong and quickly called 120.

The phenomenon of eating poisonous mushrooms by mistake in Yuncheng happens from time to time, and the local hospital has very rich experience in treating them.

After 120 came over, the medical staff only asked a few simple questions, and concluded based on experience that Han Zexin was poisoned by fungi.

After simple diagnosis and treatment, Han Zexin was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

(End of this chapter)

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