Chapter 80 Brother 666
The taxi drove smoothly on the streets of Yuncheng.

The driver master glanced at Yu Lingchu through the rearview mirror.

"Little girl, you are not a local by the accent, are you?"

"Yes." Yu Lingchu smiled slightly.

"Visiting relatives?" The driver asked again.


Yu Lingchu didn't explain, but just followed his words.

Although the law and order in Yuncheng is good, it belongs to the border after all, and dragons and snakes are mixed together. It is better to maintain some vigilance towards strangers.

"Oh~" The driver nodded and said with a smile, "Have you tried the mushrooms from our side?"

"not yet."

When the driver heard that there was no answer, he regained his energy immediately, and recommended: "Then you really have to taste it, the fungus from our side is a must, very fresh!"

Yu Lingchu smiled.

She doesn't know whether it's fresh or not, but she knows that she can see the Smurfs...

"Really!" Seeing that Yu Lingchu didn't speak, the driver was afraid that she would not believe her, so he emphasized it again.

Yu Lingchu blinked, organized his words, and asked tactfully, "Master driver, just... eat the fungus from your place, is there any precautions?"

The driver immediately replied firmly: "Must be familiar with it!"

"anything else?"

Yu Lingchu asked again.

"It's gone." The driver replied calmly.

Yu Lingchu sat in the back row, looking at the driver's silhouette in thought.

The driver glanced at her through the rear view: "It's really gone, you can eat it when it's cooked, and you'll be fine."

"Then what if something goes wrong?"

"That means you're not familiar with it!"

"I cooked it, if something happens after eating, then..."

"You won't have any problems once you get used to it!" The driver interrupted Yu Lingchu decisively.

Yu Lingchu blinked: "Let's just say, is there a possibility that mushrooms are poisonous?"

"How can there be any problems with mushrooms? As long as you cook them and eat them, there will be no problems!"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Okay."

Just... are you really not going to question mushrooms at all?
Imperial Capital, Taohuayuan Restaurant.

In the elegantly and classically furnished box, Nalan Shaojin sat at the head of the table, talking with his tablemate with a smile.

"Brother Jin, you are willing to go back to the imperial capital. Why did it take you so long to go to Haicheng this time? Could it be~" Zhao Hengyu raised his eyebrows and smiled teasingly: "There are beauties in Haicheng who have fallen into Brother Jin's eyes?"

Holding the cup, Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly, the brilliance that couldn't be hidden in his black eyes flowed.

Seeing his reaction like this, Zhao Hengyu was startled, and subconsciously opened his eyes wide and said, "I'll go! Brother Jin, you're like this...won't it really make sense to me?"

When the other people at the table heard Zhao Hengyu's words, their eyes fell on Nalan Shaojin.

Nalan Shaojin put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at Zhao Hengyu: "The male college should be married and the female college should be married. I have someone I like, is it strange?"

Zhao Hengyu opened his mouth.

who!who!Whose daughter is so good that she actually took down their Brother Jin!

Brother Jin's family background, ability, and appearance are all too top-notch. It is no exaggeration to describe the number of women who want to jump on Brother Jin over the years.

Those women may be cute, or glamorous, or pure, or pungent, or gentle, or independent, but none of them can make Brother Jin take a second look.

Zhao Hengyu was really curious about what kind of woman Nalan Shaojin liked...

He pursed his lips, unable to restrain his inner curiosity, and asked, "Brother Jin, the girl you like must be very unusual, right?"

My brother!Hurry up and tell me who is the god who took you down!
Who is my sister-in-law~!

When Nalan Shaojin thought of Yu Lingchu, a happy smile unconsciously appeared on his lips, and the stars in his eyes were shining brightly: " really special."

Everyone at the table raised their ears.

The cycad tree, which has been single for almost 30 years, has blossomed. I can't blame them for being curious!
However, Nalan Shaojin only said this one sentence, and there was no more to say.

The table is full of people, their hearts are like cats scratching.

Brother ~!Can we talk about the special method specifically?
All of you are waiting to hear, so it's inappropriate for you to dismiss everyone with a special sentence, right?

"Everyone greet Brother Jin tonight, why doesn't Brother Jin bring his sister-in-law along?"

Zhou Xinran, who was sitting on Nalan Shaojin's right hand, asked a seemingly casual question.

The others at the table quickly echoed frantically in their hearts.

yes!yes!Why not bring someone you like with you?
Don't tell me, we can see for ourselves~

The smile on Nalan Shaojin's face faded a bit.

Is it because he doesn't want to bring people?
It's because people don't follow him...

Suddenly feel a little depressed...

"She... went out to find friends to play."

Nalan Shaojin said perfunctorily, picked up the mobile phone on the table, clicked on Yu Lingchu's WeChat avatar, and began to edit the message with nimble fingers.

"I've arrived at the imperial capital, how about you? Have you reached your destination safely?"

After editing the message, Nalan Shaojin clicks to send.

"Whenever the sister-in-law has time, I'll make another round and let's get to know each other formally." Zhao Hengyu suggested with a smile.

Nalan Shaojin sent a message, but a red exclamation mark appeared on the phone screen.

He frowned, and under the message that failed to send, a line of small text reminders appeared: The message has been sent, but it was rejected by the other party.

Nalan Shaojin Σ(⊙▽⊙"

what's the situation?
"Brother Jin?"

Zhao Hengyu, who didn't get a reply from Nalan Shaojin, called again.

Nalan Shaojin looked at Zhao Hengyu and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention to what you just said."

Zhao Hengyu immediately repeated what he said before: "I said, when my sister-in-law is free, I will treat you to a treat, and everyone will get to know each other formally."

"She's been very busy recently. When she's free, I'll arrange it."

Nalan Shaojin replied very skillfully.

When Yu Lingchu is free depends on when he catches up with someone.

"Alright." Zhao Hengyu didn't know what Nalan Shaojin was thinking, so he nodded with a smile as if he agreed.

The others also laughed and responded.

"Then let's wait for Brother Jin's arrangement..."

"Brother Jin, what does sister-in-law like, so we can prepare a meeting gift in advance..."

"Yes, yes, yes! Prepare the meeting ceremony in advance."

What do you like...

This question really stumped Nalan Shaojin.

For the time being, he is not sure what Yu Lingchu likes.

The last time he thought he was giving a gift according to his liking, but instead it made Yu Lingchu cry.

After thinking about it, Nalan Shaojin said, "She said that she likes money recently, you should watch and prepare."

Yu Lingchu personally told him that he likes money yesterday, so let's just let him think so.

Everyone at the banquet: "..."

So... straightforward?

"Sister-in-law is really... a pragmatic person, hehe..." Someone smiled and praised.

Immediately, someone looked at the person who praised him with admiration.

Brother is really awesome, so you can praise people who like money like this.


(End of this chapter)

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