Chapter 81
During the banquet, everyone chatted happily.

Nalan Shaojin took the mobile phone, edited and sent the message just now.

This time, it is still a red exclamation mark indicating that the message failed to be sent, but the small words below have changed to: The elf has turned on friend verification, you are not his (her) friend yet, please send a friend verification request first, and the other party can only pass the verification chat.

Nalan Shaojin(°ー°〃)
Not a WeChat friend?

Yu Lingchu actually deleted him? !

Jade!spirit!early!actually!Of course!Bundle!he!of!micro!letter!delete!up? !

At this moment, Zhou Xinran leaned into Nalan Shaojin's ear and whispered, "Brother Jin, what do you plan to do with your fiancée who is said to be married with your fingertips?"

Nalan Shaojin glanced at him: "What should I do? Of course I want to marry and go home!"

Yu Lingchu actually deleted his WeChat friends, good!very nice!

Zhou Xinran thought about it: "Then what about the one you like?"

Holding the mobile phone, Nalan Shaojin sent Yu Lingchu a friend request, without even thinking about it, he said, "Marry and go home!"

What's the difference between the one he likes and the one he marries with his fingertips? Aren't they all alone!
Zhou Xinran:? ? ?

Just... so fierce?

If you are not enlightened, you are not enlightened. As soon as you are enlightened, you want to marry two?

He's kinda...

Married two wives, Brother Jin, do you want to be a legal coffee?
Friends for many years, he has to persuade him no matter what!
"Brother Jin, polygamy is not allowed in the Xia Kingdom, and bigamy is illegal. Besides, your old man..."

I will never let you make such a scandal...

Finally, a verification request was sent, and Nalan Shaojin looked at Zhou Xinran in surprise: "What are you talking about? Polygamy? Who? Who wants bigamy? What does it matter to my old man?"

Zhou Xinran: "?"

Nalan Shaojin: "?"

The two looked at each other for two seconds, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Zhou Xinran was the first to speak: "It's not Brother Jin, you said... your fiancée... and the one you marry together?"

Nalan Shaojin frowned slightly: "The person I like is my fiancée."

Zhou Xinran withdrew his gaze and smiled mischievously.

Brother, you made your words clear, you scared me...

Nalan Shaojin approached Zhou Xinran: "It's just me and my fiancée, do you think it's fate?"

Zhou Xinran: "..."

How do I know about the two of you...

"Then what do you think?" He asked Nalan Shaojin back.

Nalan Shaojin smiled happily: "I think so!"

Zhou Xinran→_→

You think you are still asking me.

A person who is usually very dignified and elegant, why is he smiling so ripplingly now, it's hard to see...


"She was my fiancée from birth. I fell in love with her not long after I saw her. Why?"

Zhou Xinran cheered sensiblely: "Because of what?"

"Because of fate! The two of us are destined to be destined, and we are destined to be together!"

Zhou Xinran nodded: "Congratulations on leaving the order."

"Hmph!" Nalan Shaojin smiled triumphantly, "You are wrong."

Zhou Xinran looked at him puzzled: "?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled triumphantly: "I'm different from you guys. I was born never single, and I was born with a fiancée."

Zhao Hengyu looked over at this moment, and said with a smile: "Xinran, you and Brother Jin, what are you muttering behind our backs?"

Zhou Xinran took a deep breath, took a sip from the wine on the table, and said with a slight smile, "There's nothing to talk about."

Zhou Xinran also found out by chance that Nalan Shaojin had a finger pulp as a fiancée, but the others at the table did not know about it.

If Nalan Shaojin wanted to talk about this kind of thing, he would say it himself, so there was no need for him to talk too much.

Cloud City Hospital.

Yu Lingchu sat in front of Han Zexin's hospital bed and listened to Han Zexin's vivid recounting of the scene where she saw the Smurfs.

The phone in her pocket rang, but Yu Lingchu ignored it and continued chatting happily with Han Zexin.

Imperial Palace Peach Blossom Restaurant.

Not long after Nalan Shaojin sent out a friend request, the phone vibrated.

Sensing the movement, Nalan Shaojin immediately looked at the phone screen.

It's not the news that Yu Lingchu passed the verification of friends.

He withdrew his gaze indifferently, and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

Yu Lingchu didn't respond for so long, did he not see his friend request?

It's getting late, and I don't know what she is doing...

Why should he be deleted?
He didn't mess with Yu Lingchu, did he?
Nalan Shaojin looked at Zhou Xinran beside him, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder.

Zhou Xinran, who was chatting with others, looked back at Nalan Shaojin.

Nalan Shaojin had a serious expression on his face, his deep eyes revealed a trace of cautiousness, he leaned closer to Zhou Xinran and said, "Siblings...Have you blocked your contact information?"

Zhou Xinran looked at Nalan Shaojin in surprise: "?"

Why do brothers ask this question?
He quickly came to his senses, approached Nalan Shaojin with a chuckle, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Jin, did sister-in-law block you?"

Nalan Shaojin: "..."

"I'm asking you, not asking you to ask me."

Zhou Xin understood.

Brother Jin's words are definitely out of embarrassment, which means he guessed right.


I never dreamed that one day I would be able to see Brother Jin deflated...

Zhou Xinran suppressed a schadenfreude smile, and said in the tone of a person who came here: "I've been blacklisted."

"Because of what?" Nalan Shaojin asked.

"What else could it be?" Zhou Xinran smiled: "She's angry with me."

"Actually..." Zhou Xinran continued to speak in the tone of a person who came here: "Girls are angry and block you. Doing is a temptation.

They are using this method to test their position in your heart.

If you find that you have been blocked, quickly try to find ways to add her back, she will feel that you still care about her very much, and the anger in her heart may be relieved by half at this time, and then you will be fine if you coax her well. "

Nalan Shaojin seriously thought about Zhou Xinran's words.

He felt that his situation was different from what Zhou Xinran said.

He felt that Yu Lingchu blackmailed him, most likely because he simply wanted to blackmail him...

Seeing Nalan Shaojin's silence, Zhou Xinran quickly reminded: "Brother Jin, you have to coax your woman as long as you want, but don't hold her back, otherwise the daughter-in-law will be really angry and run away, and it will be too late to regret it."

Nalan Shaojin took a sip of the wine on the table, and asked Zhou Xinran, "How did you chase after your siblings?"

Zhou Xinran thought about it seriously, and smiled, brows and eyes full of happiness: "Brother Chu Qingjin and I, don't you know? We were childhood sweethearts, and we loved each other in our hearts when we grew up.

Being together is... a matter of course.If you have to say who chased whom, I can only say that I confessed first.Girls are thin-skinned, but men, of course they should take the initiative. "

(End of this chapter)

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