shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 82 I don't know what to do!

Chapter 82 I don't know what to do!
After listening to Zhou Xinran's words, Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly.

"Take the initiative..."

Zhou Xinran nodded: "Take the initiative!"

"For example..." Nalan Shaojin pondered for a while, and said, "I mean, for example, I take one step forward, and the person I like takes three steps back, what should I do?"

Zhou Xinran_
Brother Jin, what do you mean?
Why do I not hear what you said?
It's a little bit... King Xiang has a dream, but what about Goddess Wuxin?

After thinking about it, Zhou Xinran said with a smile: "It's up to you, Brother Jin, to see if you really like that girl."

"How to say?"

"If you really like her, if she takes three steps back, then you will take four steps forward~ The so-called strong girl is afraid of being pestered by her husband, if you do it sincerely, gold and stone will separate you."

Nalan Shaojin raised a smile on his lips, and raised his hand to pat Zhou Xinran's shoulder.

Zhou Xinran raised his glass: "I wish Brother Jin will get his wish as soon as possible, and bring the beauty home."

Nalan Shaojin raised his glass and smiled.

The door of the private room was pushed open, and the waiter came in with a smile on his face, carrying a dish.

Zhao Hengyu noticed the person coming in, subconsciously frowned, and looked at his friend Zheng Huaizhou not far away.

Zheng Huaizhou also noticed the people who came in, his eyes flashed with surprise, he got up and said, "Jun Ning? Why are you here?"

The waiter called Jun Ning smiled slightly: "Brother Huaizhou, I'm working here."

While talking, Jun Ning put the dish in her hand on the table, and explained with a smile: "I just found out that brother Huaizhou was eating here, so I wanted to come over to say hello and add something to everyone. Don't be disgusted. .”

As Jun Ning spoke, her eyes glanced nervously at everyone present.

Everyone at the table had different expressions, but no one paid any attention to her.

Zheng Huaizhou frowned: "Part-time job? Is it because your living expenses are not enough?"


Hearing Zheng Huaizhou's question, Jun Ning quickly explained: "Brother Huaizhou, you have helped me too much. I am an adult now, and I should find a way to support myself."

"You are still studying!" Zheng Huaizhou frowned disapprovingly: "Making money is not something you should think about now, you should focus on your studies."

"Huaizhou, what you said is wrong."

Zhou Xinran spoke in a calm voice, causing Zheng Huaizhou and Jun Ning to look at him at the same time.

Facing the gaze of the two of them, Zhou Xinran smiled lightly: "There are many college students working part-time and part-study, and I haven't seen anyone whose studies have been affected by part-time work, right?
On the contrary, the work-study experience can improve students' practical experience, increase their social experience, broaden their horizons, and at the same time be able to support themselves, which can be said to be beneficial. "

"The work-study program is so good, why didn't you go when you were in school?" Zheng Huaizhou asked casually.

Zhou Xinran smiled: "I was raised by my family since I was a child, and I started to formally contact the family business when I was a teenager. You can say that I was born in Rome, but you can't say that I don't work hard.

As the saying goes, each has its own destiny, and the starting point is different, so the direction of hard work is naturally different.

But you Huaizhou, my friend, I have to mention a few words about you.

Helping others is fine, but crossing the line is bad. "

At the end of Zhou Xinran's speech, he glanced at Jun Ning meaningfully.

The last sentence is not good for crossing the line. He said it not only to Zheng Huaizhou, but also to Jun Ning.

Jun Ning bit her lip in panic.

When Zhou Xinran looked over, her gaze was so penetrating that she felt that someone had peeped into her secret thoughts.

Zheng Huaizhou was a little displeased: "Xinran, what do you mean? The relationship between Jun Ning and I is pure and clear, where did you say that you crossed the line!"

Zhou Xinran looked at Zheng Huaizhou again, with a calm expression on his face: "I didn't say there was no innocence between you, why are you so anxious? What I mean is that you are right to help others, but you shouldn't interfere with Miss Jun's life.

To put it more bluntly, you and this Miss Jun are not related by blood, nor do you have a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship. You are just a simple support relationship. You have funded her all the way to college, which is considered a complete meritorious deed.

As for the future, you have your life, she has her way.Adults, especially adult men and women, must pay attention to the sense of boundaries so as not to cause troubles for each other, which is beneficial to each other, what does Miss Jun think? "

After Zhou Xinran finished speaking, he looked at Jun Ning.

Jun Ning pursed her lips, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"This gentleman is right, I caused trouble for Brother Huaizhou..."

Zhou Xinran smiled coldly.

What he said was simply deliberately misinterpreting his meaning.

If Zheng Huaizhou doesn't hurry away from this kind of woman who is not innocent, sooner or later her house will be disturbed!

Jun Ning looked at Zheng Huaizhou: "Brother Huaizhou, let's keep in touch less in the future. I will remember all your kindness to me, and I will remember it forever! If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you! Take your time, I will Don't bother."

After Jun Ning finished speaking, she quickly left the private room.

Zheng Huaizhou looked at Zhou Xinran with dissatisfaction: "Zhou Xinran, you're going too far! It's not easy for Junning to be a girl, so what's wrong with me helping her? We are innocent, so there is no boundary!"

"Hmph!" Zhou Xinran's expression darkened, and he snorted coldly: "Sir Zheng said this, do I still have to praise you for pity and pity?

You pity this girl so much, have you ever thought about your girlfriend Mu Si's feelings?She is the one you should cherish the most! "

"Musi is not a stingy person." Zheng Huaizhou argued.

"Oh." Zhou Xinran sneered: "Then according to what you said, I asked my wife to persuade Mu Si to subsidize a poor male student. It's not easy. Not the stingy one, is it?"

"Zhou Xinran! There is no need for you to dictate the matter between me and Mu Si!" Zheng Huaizhou was dissatisfied.

Zhou Xinran sneered: "If Mu Si hadn't been wronged and went to my wife to confide in her, making my wife unhappy, would you think that I would take care of your crap?!

Zheng Huaizhou, let me advise you, keep your eyes open, distinguish the priority, don't hurt the person who loves you for an irrelevant person, and it will be too late to regret it! "

Zheng Huaizhou said unconvinced: "I have my own measure, so I don't need you to talk too much!"

Seeing the tension between the two, Zhao Hengyu hurried out to smooth things over.

"That's it, you guys! We are all brothers, there's no need to worry about an irrelevant person."

Zheng Huaizhou sat down angrily, Zhou Xinran looked away from him.

Nalan Shaojin suddenly chuckled at this moment, and said, "I don't know what it means."

This sound caused everyone at the banquet to look at him.

Nalan Shaojin put the wine glass upside down on the table, and looked at everyone with a calm smile: "I still have some things to deal with, that's all for today."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and looked at Zhou Xinran: "It's getting late, aren't you going back to accompany your siblings?"

Zhou Xinran immediately got up and left with Nalan Shaojin.

(End of this chapter)

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