Chapter 92 The Sudden Confession

Yuling's first breath came over, and she pushed Han Zexin with a smile, and while rudely rubbing the cheeks that Han Zexin had shaved, she pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Senior sister, you are in the show business anyway, can you pay attention to your image? Don't talk and act like a street scammer, frivolous!"

"Hahaha" Han Zexin smiled brightly, returned to her seat and sat down again: "We are so familiar, who doesn't know who. But..."

Han Zexin put her arms on the table and leaned forward to stare at Yu Lingchu: "Xiao Chuchu, there is something wrong with you."

Yu Lingchu looked at Han Zexin.

Han Zexin pointedly looked at her mobile phone on the table: "It surprised you so much, what's going on, please explain it at your convenience."

Yu Lingchu looked at Han Zexin and sighed, "I don't really want to talk about it."

Han Zexin sized her up: "Lingchu, you won't be such a scumbag of an innocent young man who messes with his stomach and makes her come to you to death, right?"

Jade Lingchu→_→

System (°Д°)
"Host, I didn't expect you to be quite comprehensive!"

Jade Lingchu (¬_¬)
"piss off!"

System o(^`)o
How can you let people get fucked, rude!
Yu Lingchu looked at Han Zexin speechlessly: "Senior sister, am I that kind of person? Even if I am, I don't have that ability."

Han Zexin picked up the chicken in the pot and took a bite, staring straight at Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu sighed: "It's really hard to talk about it."

Han Zexin quickly swallowed the chicken in his mouth, and looked at Yu Lingchu with piercing eyes: "No! Are you really going to harm someone else's boy?"

Jade Lingchu (¬_¬)
System (°ο°)
"Host, what great achievements did you do before we met, that people think of you so much.

I thought you were just a girl at most, but I didn't expect you to be a hidden female hooligan. Isn't that sweet, weak and kind Lianlian me in danger? "

Jade Lingchu (¬_¬)
"System, get out of my way and make less trouble! If you hadn't forced me to bind me, I wouldn't care about you. You are a dangerous piece of wool! With you, it is really my bad luck! Used it to meet you!"


If you despise me, just despise me. What you say will hurt your feelings.

╯^╰Garbage host!
Seeing Yu Lingchu's speechless look, Han Zexin laughed dryly, leaned closer to Yu Lingchu and said in a low voice, "Well, I'll ask you another way. Are you being harmed by others? Tsk! I don't even believe this question myself. , who is so brave to harm you?"

Jade Lingchu (¬_¬)
"Ding dong~"

The phone screen on the table lit up again.

Han Zexin's eyes were attracted.

Yu Lingchu picked up the phone from the table, unlocked it and checked the messages, then raised her hand and rubbed her forehead.

Han Zexin looked at her with raised eyebrows: "Oh, junior sister, don't worry about it. If you encounter any difficulties, talk to senior sister, and senior sister will give you advice."

Yu Lingchu raised her phone and turned the screen to Han Zexin.

Han Zexin leaned over and saw the content on the screen, her pupils trembled, and she reached out to take Yu Lingchu's phone, and took a closer look.

Yu Lingchu was one step ahead of her and put the phone back.

"What's going on?" Han Zexin's eyes glistened with gossip: "Someone confessed to you? Who? Are you handsome?"

Yu Lingchu sighed.

Han Zexin frowned: "Your reaction makes me feel that it's not good to confess to this person..."

Yu Lingchu lay powerlessly on the table.

Han Zexin was puzzled: "It's not what you're worried about? If you allow him to confess, then you are allowed to refuse. If you don't want this thing, can he still force you?"

Yu Lingchu sighed again: "Senior sister, you don't know, my situation is more complicated."

Han Zexin picked up the chopsticks and picked up some vegetables: "You tell me how complicated it is, and I'll help you figure it out.

Come, come, come, it's useless for you to worry, get up and talk while eating.The sky is falling, and the senior sister will support you. If the senior sister can't stand it, there are still master and our group of senior brothers. Are you afraid that there are so many of us that we can't protect you? "

"Oh~" Yu Lingchu sat down again.

Han Zexin picked up a few pieces of chicken and gave her: "Try it, it's delicious."

Yu Lingchu picked up the chopsticks, ate a few mouthfuls of food, and then slowly said: "The person in WeChat just now has a marriage contract with me."

When Han Zexin heard this, she pursed her mouth firmly, swallowed the food in her mouth with difficulty, and stared at Yu Lingchu in disbelief: "What are you talking about? You are unmarried? What year is it, and there is such a thing?"

Yu Lingchu nodded: "That's right, fingertips are marriage."

Han Zexin blinked: "'s not that I'm speaking ill of your parents, they treat you with a lifelong just somewhat sloppy?"

Yu Lingchu nodded in agreement: "It's really sloppy."

Han Zexin analyzed: "So the problem now is that you didn't like your fiancé who married blindly, but he wanted to pester you. You wanted to refuse, but you didn't know how to explain to the elders in your family, did you?"

Yu Lingchu said in a deep voice, "Things are more difficult than you think."

Han Zexin frowned: "How do you say that?"

Yu Lingchu didn't hide it, and said: "The other party is rich and powerful, I can't offend him too much, the marriage is about to be retired, and I have to try not to make enemies because of it, don't you think it's difficult."

Han Zexin pursed her lips: "Do you still want to end the marriage without getting revenge? Is your difficulty level comparable to hell!"

"It's not that there is no enmity at all, just... I have to control his resentment towards me to a certain extent, so that he can't vent his anger."

Han Zexin_

"Junior sister, I'm a little dizzy from what you said, you... what kind of operation is this?"

"My grandfather was kind to his grandfather for saving his life. If I offend him a little, as long as I don't offend him too hard, he can't do anything to me or our Yu family." Yu Lingchu explained.

Han Zexin looked at her with her mouth open: "Wait for me to stroke. Did your grandfather save his grandfather's life?"

Yu Lingchu picked up some vegetables and put them into his mouth, nodding while eating.

"That is to say, your family is his family's benefactor?"

Yu Lingchu nodded again.

"That's not right!" Han Zexin frowned: "Your family is their benefactor, and there is no repayment for the kindness of saving your life. Shouldn't your family be the one who promises you? This... promises you out Is it the other way around?

I've never heard of someone who, after saving someone, would bring in another granddaughter to help the rescued solve the problem of the next generation of bachelors...

What is this operation?Good people to the end?
Good guy!If this is the case, the bodhisattvas in the temple will have to get up and give up their seats when they see your parents, right? "

Yu Lingchu sighed: "I heard from my family that when the other party wanted to repay their kindness, my grandfather insisted on not asking for anything in return. They valued my grandfather's character, so they insisted on marrying the unborn children of the two families.

I guess the other party should be in the name of forming an in-law and doing their best to promote my family.

It's a pity that in my father's generation, no girls were born on both sides, so the marriage contract has continued to my generation. "

(End of this chapter)

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