Chapter 93 Familiar
Han Zexin came to a sudden: "So that's the case. Hearing what you said, your fiancé's family background is quite good."

Yu Lingchu replied truthfully: "That's simply not too good."

"Is he good-looking?" Han Zexin asked again.

Thinking of Nalan Shaojin's appearance, Yu Lingchu had no choice but to nod his head again.

"What about character?" Han Zexin asked again.

"I don't have much contact with him, so it's hard to say. But as far as I feel, he has eight hundred minds and is as cunning as an old fox. He does everything seamlessly and is so terrifying. Anyway, I can't beat him."

Yu Lingchu picked up the chicken soup and took a sip.

"Wealthy, powerful and handsome, the only shortcoming is that IQ is too high, but the children born after high IQ are smart, and your family has saved his family, so he can't murder you like a beast in the future.

Therefore, considering it all together, this person is actually a high-quality marriage partner. "Han Zexin analyzed seriously.

Yu Lingchu raised her eyes to look at Han Zexin: "Senior sister, marriage is not a matter of two people, but a matter of two families. Do you think I am suitable for marrying into a wealthy family?"

Han Zexin took a bite of the food: "Why isn't it suitable? As far as I know, isn't your family also a wealthy family?"

"My family can only be considered a rich family, and my family is very simple. From my grandfather to my elder brother, it has always been a single lineage. There are no messy brothers and relatives fighting openly and secretly for the family property.

Furthermore, our Yu family started to prosper from my grandfather's generation, and it can be regarded as barely flourishing with my father.

So the Yu family has some money, but it doesn't have the family heritage of a wealthy family, nor does it have many etiquettes and etiquettes passed down from generation to generation.

It is precisely because there are not so many constraints and struggles that I can live more freely.

But if my marriage is to marry into a rich and famous family, then as the hostess of a big family, my words and deeds will be scrutinized and measured by everyone all the time, and I will have endless interpersonal relationships and family affairs to deal with , I will be bound by countless rules and etiquette, to be dignified, to be elegant, to be slick and to handle things properly.

Once I do not do well, other people's accusations and disappointment will hit me mercilessly.

For the sake of the so-called family face, I can no longer live as I wish, I have to change, I will become no longer like me, and even lose myself! "

After hearing Yu Lingchu's words, Han Zexin shuddered, and slapped the table decisively: "Retire! This marriage must be resigned!"

Just hearing what Yu Lingchu said, she felt that such a life was simply too depressing.

Sure enough, it's not easy to be a rich family, and it's not easy to be a rich young mistress!
Yu Lingchu raised his forehead: "But he won't back off with me! I've been run out now, and I don't dare to go back..."

Han Zexin showed a clear expression: "I said, why did you personally lead the team to come to Yuncheng to look for me? I dare say that you didn't miss me, but came here to seek refuge→_→"

Yu Lingchu chuckled, put her hands on her cheeks, and blinked her eyes: "I still miss my senior sister~"

"Tch~" Han Zexin chuckled lightly, "Then what are you going to do next? Just hiding like this is not an option, is it?"

"When he first met my family, he said that the term will be half a year. If I don't want to marry after half a year, the engagement will be automatically void."

" want to hide for half a year?"

Yu Lingchu nodded.

Han Zexin raised her eyebrows and smiled: "By the way, after talking for a long time, who is your cheap fiancé, and what is his name?"

"Nalan's family in the imperial capital, Nalan Shaojin."

Yu Lingchu picked up a piece of roasted pig's trotter, dipped it in chili noodles and put it in his mouth.

While eating, Han Zexin frowned and thought about it. After a while, she said, "Nalan come the more I think about this name, the more familiar it becomes?"

She tried to recall for a while, took out her mobile phone, logged on to the webpage, and tried to input the four characters Nalan Shaojin.

After the entry about Nalan Shaojin came out, she stared at Yu Lingchu with wide-eyed eyes: "Your cheap fiancé, wouldn't it be Nalan Shaojin from the Nalan Group?"

Yu Lingchu chewed the food in his mouth and nodded casually.

Han Zexin opened her mouth wide in surprise, and swallowed hard after a while: "Junior Sister, don't joke with Senior Sister, it's not funny."

Yu Lingchu raised her eyes to look at Han Zexin: "Senior Sister, do you think I would make such a silly joke?"


Yu Lingchu nodded.

"Just, the one who just confessed to you, Nalan Shaojin?!"

Yu Lingchu nodded again: "I suspect that he is a ghost. I can count the number of times I meet him with two hands, and every time we meet is not pleasant, he even sent a message saying that he likes me, hehe...

Is this normal?Is this reasonable? "

Han Zexin looked at her: "I don't know if it's reasonable or not, all I know is that my grandpa brought you a great Buddha!"

The mobile phone on the table beeped an information prompt, and Yu Lingchu picked up the mobile phone.

Nalan Shaojin sent another message, plus the first two, these three messages are:

"Yu Lingchu, I like you."

"Lingchu, I hope you can try to accept me. Try it, and I will try my best to be a qualified boyfriend."

The last one is: "Lingchu, liking you is my business, you don't need to be burdened, it doesn't matter if you don't like me, I will try my best to make you like me, just let nature take its course and do what you want."

Follow your heart?

Because of these four words, Yu Lingchu immediately replied a message to Nalan Shaojin.

"Are you talking?"

If she was really allowed to do what she wanted, she didn't want to do anything else, so she wanted to quickly dissolve this ridiculous engagement.

Han Zexin looked at Yu Lingchu gossipingly: "Junior Sister, what did I send you again?"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "The hope of breaking the engagement."

Han Zexin ⊙⊙?
"No, didn't you just tell you that you like you? Why did you think about breaking up the engagement as soon as you turned around? Is your cheap fiancé... so fickle?"

As soon as Han Zexin finished speaking, Nalan Shaojin directly sent a voice message to Yu Lingchu.

At the beginning of Yuling's opening, Nalan Shaojin's deep and magnetic voice sounded: "Other matters are up to you, and we don't need to talk about breaking the engagement!"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Got it!
Before she even opened her mouth, Nalan Shaojin came up and blocked her way, she is really cunning and cunning!

Yu Lingchu raised her eyes to look at Han Zexin, and spread her hands: "Hope is shattered."

Han Zexin couldn't laugh or cry: "He confessed to you, but you actually talked about breaking the engagement with him?"

Fortunately, she misunderstood that Nalan Shaojin was too fickle just now, but it turned out that her junior sister was too ruthless.

Yu Lingchu looked innocent: "He said he wanted me to do what I wanted, but in the blink of an eye he backtracked. It's really shameless!"

Han Zexin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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