Chapter 194
After tossing and turning, Tang Zinian still couldn't fall asleep.Zhan Qinchuan has been away on business for more than a month, and I don't know if he has returned.

Will he contact me when he comes back?

Suddenly I miss him a little bit, this is different from when he left three years ago, I didn't know where he was at that time.And now I know that he is on a business trip, but it's just too long.

Will something happen?
The more Tang Zinian thought about it, the more uneasy she felt. She wished she could go back to the capital right now.

Tang Zinian didn't feel sleepy at all just thinking about it. She was just about to get up and go to the yard to get some fresh air, when she saw the lights used for lighting in the yard suddenly turned off.

Although the camera was turned off, Director Liu said that the light should be turned on so that guests can see it when they get up at night.

But why did it suddenly close?

Just when Tang Zinian thought there might be a problem with the wiring, she heard a slight noise.

There are thieves?

The unfinished wild meat was still in the yard. If there were thieves, they would take the wild meat away. In the next few days, their group would have no rations.

Thinking of this, Tang Zinian got up quietly, put on a coat and walked to the door, looking outside through the crack of the door.

Outside the door, several black figures came in through the low door, and they groped towards the wild boar.

Sure enough, it was for wild boar.

Lifting the straw curtain covering the wild boar meat, several people were chatting about something.

Tang Zinian's hearing is very good, and he understood what they said.

"These people actually caught such a big wild boar."

"This is something from our Yuefeng Village. Why do they get it? Go, take it all back, even if these people know that we took it, they don't dare to do anything. This is our territory."

Who said that the rural folk customs far away from the city are simple?
There is a good saying: "The city has deep routines, and I want to go back to the countryside. The roads in the countryside are too slippery, and people's hearts are more complicated."

That's it.

No matter what happened to Tang Wan before or now, these people have nothing to do with simplicity.

"Abu, what are you looking for? The meat is here, take it back soon."

These people are very good at picking their time. Today, the guests climbed the mountain road for a day and then slaughtered pigs for cooking.Everyone including Tang Zinian was very tired.

It's been a while since they've been asleep, and they've all fallen into a deep sleep. These people may have been watching outside, and they didn't come in until everyone was asleep.

"You go first, I still have something to do."

When those people saw a figure walking towards Tang Zinian's room, they all showed wretched smiles.

"The most beautiful woman lives in that house, Abu, do you want to go in..."

It turned out that Abu had also come, and Tang Zinian was still worried that he would not find a chance to deal with that man. Wasn't this just a door-to-door delivery?
"What are you thinking, you go first, after a while they wake up and no one can leave."

Abu said in a low voice, he used a short knife to hold the door bolt open, and opened the door cautiously, only to see a person standing there.

"Go? No one can go."

Tang Zinian was wearing a white T-shirt, black pants, and her hair was not tied up.

The moonlight did not shine in, and Abu did not see her legs clearly, only a woman with disheveled hair, hanging in mid-air with no legs.

"Ah... there are... ghosts"

Abu yelled in fright, but his brain reacted quickly, and he quickly covered his mouth.

The people who were taking the meat outside looked in Abu's direction and saw that he had just entered and shouted loudly, so they lowered their voices and laughed.

Just as he was talking nasty words, he saw Abu retreating from the room stiffly.

"Abu? What's wrong with you?"

The companion saw Abu like this and walked over.

Before he got close, he saw a man in white holding a short knife against Abu's neck.

After leaving the house, Abu also saw clearly that the person in front of him had feet, and it was the woman who went to his house to take Tang Wan away.

This woman is a bit evil, and she can't be deceived. When she went to his house last night, Abu fell in love with her immediately when he saw her face.

His mother was also beside her, but she was fine, sober, and took Tang Wan away.

How could she not fall asleep?
"Abu, why didn't she fall asleep?" The companion came, "It's just a woman, we knocked her out and we are taking the meat away. We can even take her away, so we can have fun tonight Heh. These women come from big cities, the skin is tender and the meat must be very delicious."

"Happy, happy?"

Tang Zinian walked out slowly, and Abu also backed away slowly: "You guys have such a wicked heart, can you have this ability?"

The moonlight shone on Tang Zinian's face, making her skin look whiter. She spoke very slowly, which made everyone feel a chill in their backs.

"You used dirty tricks on my sister, didn't you? I was worried that I couldn't find a chance to deal with you. You ran into it yourself. And your companions are stealing meat. What are you trying to do in our house? ?”

Abu swallowed, and hearing Tang Zinian's question, he quibbled: "No, I didn't want to do anything. Me and... also fell in love at first sight."

"Fucking love at first sight." Tang Zinian spat at Abu, "The so-called love at first sight is just an excuse to fall in love with you."

"I... Wanwan and I really like each other."

Abu was still quibbling, Tang Zinian raised his foot and kicked him on the leg, kicking him to the knees.

"Wanwan is also what you can call?" Tang Zinian hit Abu on the head with the back of the dagger.

"My sister is a daughter of the capital, would she like you? Do you dare to swear to God that you didn't do anything?"

"People like you are the most disgusting. If the toad wants to eat swan meat, you deserve it too!"

Seeing that Abu was beaten, those who wanted to leave after taking the meat put down the meat one after another and came over, chattering at the bottom.

"Why, are you justified in stealing our meat?"

Tang Zinian looked at the people around her. If Qin Pulin was here, he would see Tang Zinian's excited eyes.

How could she let go of such an opportunity to beat someone upright.

Tang Zinian's cosmic universe, which had been suppressed for a long time, broke out again. Those people were beaten by her and fled with their heads in their arms. Of course, they couldn't escape.In the end, Tang Zinian tied them up like a normal pig and threw them into the woodshed.

Back in the yard, Tang Zinian turned on the lights and put the meat back in place, as if nothing had happened.

What made Tang Zinian feel a little strange was that the fight was so loud just now, those people were not woken up, were they so sleepy?
This is a bit illogical. It stands to reason that people in deep sleep can still perceive the sound of the outside world, but they don't have the consciousness to wake up independently.

The noise they made was not a few, but lasted for a long time. Why didn't Qin Pulin and the others wake up?

Poisoned by eating wild boar?
 I've been too busy recently, digging the ground in my hometown in the countryside, and my hands are blistered, so I don't have much time to write a book.

(End of this chapter)

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