But she also ate it, shouldn't it be poisoned?It may be that this group of people is really too tired, and they have slept so dead that they can't hear the movement.

Tang Zinian, who was not sleepy in the first place, couldn't fall asleep after such a toss, so he just pulled a chair and sat in the yard counting the stars.

After counting, she felt bored, so she just took a basket and went out of the yard. She planned to dig some blood orchids from the previous mountain and bring them back to raise, so that she could make medicine for Tang Zinian at that time.

In the early morning, when the big rooster raised by the villagers started crowing, people in the yard got up one after another. The first one was Qin Pulin. Went for a few laps in the morning before returning.

Director Liu had already started the live broadcast, and the other guests got up very early in order to get a few more shots, because all the cosmetics and skin care products were confiscated, and the female guests didn't dare to come forward to say hello to the camera.

They just greeted each other from a distance and went to do their own thing, but in order to gain attention, they either did yoga or jogged in the morning.

It was almost nine o'clock, and Tang Zinian still hadn't woken up. Qin Pulin couldn't help being a little curious, would Tang Zinian stay in bed?

In the live broadcast room, the people who had been waiting to see Tang Zinian didn't see her, so they started asking where Tang Zinian had gone.

Sitting behind the camera, Director Liu watched the inquiries in the live broadcast room, and then he remembered that he hadn't seen Tang Zinian, so he asked Tang Wan to call her.

"I'm a little curious. Is Tang Zinian also this lazy in their village? It's already nine o'clock and I haven't woken up yet."

"It's not like my Xia Xia, who wakes up early to do yoga. Sure enough, beautiful women are very self-disciplined."

"I'm dying of laughter. Is your Xiaxia the most beautiful among these female guests? My Bao'er is the most beautiful, okay? Even if she is lazy, what's the problem? Do you have to get up early in the morning to show that you are very self-disciplined?" ?”

"It's already nine o'clock, so you should get up even if you're staying in bed?"

Tang Wan didn't pay attention to whether Tang Zinian was still asleep. She was able to talk when she woke up this morning. When she returned to the room, she found that Tang Zinian's quilt was neatly folded and there was no temperature at all.

"Director Liu, sister Niannian is not in the room."

Tang Wan's words surprised Director Liu: "Not here? Didn't you see where she went?"

Tang Wan shook her head, she slept so soundly last night, she really didn't know where Tang Zinian had gone.

"You didn't see it either?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Jing Su put one hand in the pants of the sweater, looked at the crowd looking for Tang Zinian, and sneered, this Tang Zinian has no sense of teamwork at all, he can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't even let the program crew go. in the eyes.

"Does this Tang Zinian have a sense of teamwork? She just left without saying a word to anyone. I really don't know what Tang's thinking, even letting this kind of person into the crew, isn't it a drag on others? ?”

Jing Su's fans were really just like him, they all complained about Tang Zinian in the bullet screen of the live broadcast room.

What they said was so ugly that Nian Fen opened his mouth to speak.

"Then whoever's fans don't feel ashamed to say this. Feel your conscience and say, if there were no my Bao'er and Qin Tianwang yesterday, your idol would be hungry. My Bao'er just left for a while, why doesn't he have a sense of teamwork?" gone?"

"What are you talking about with them? These people say that Bao'er has no sense of teamwork. They are waiting for us, Bao'er, to cook for them. Didn't you see that no one went to the kitchen? They all washed with cold water when they got up of."

"I guess someone will instruct Qin Tianwang to light a fire and cook. When I think of that scene, I feel very happy."

It can only be said that the eyes of the crowd are discerning. Not long after the bullet screen was posted, that Jing Su spoke again.

"Should we go to the kitchen to light a fire and cook now?"

Qin Pulin sat lazily in the yard basking in the sun. Hearing this, he raised his head and looked at Jing Su: "Does Jing Dingliu want to volunteer? Then we will wait for Jing Dingliu to cook a feast."

"Qin Tianwang stop teasing me, how can I make a fire and cook? We are so stupid, of course we can't compare to Qin Tianwang, we can do everything."

"Hehe!" Qin Pulin leaned on the chair with his head in his hands, and closed his eyes: "You just expect me to cook for you? What are you thinking? I'm not hungry, whoever is hungry will do it."

Qin Pulin didn't bother to assign someone to do what, so as not to be blamed sometimes, whoever was hungry would do it himself.

"Yes, but we don't know how to do it, Miss Tang does, but she is not here, so what should I do?"

Jing Su's look of powerlessness made Qin Pulin sneer.

"Then, why don't we divide the labor and cooperate? Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing. You can't wait for Miss Tang to cook, can you?"

Seeing that Jing Su was about to fight Qin Pulin, Lan Ling hurried out to smooth things over.

"Then, let me go make a fire. I saw Miss Tang make a fire yesterday. It shouldn't be difficult."

Wen Luqing volunteered to raise her hand, and Tang Wan and Qin Xuan said they were going to pick vegetables.

"Then, let me chop wood."

After Lan Ling finished speaking, she didn't care about Qin Pulin and Jing Su, and let the two of them take care of themselves. The stomach is important, and only when the stomach is full can they have the strength to do other things.

He didn't believe that the program team really had no task for them, otherwise what's the point of them filming this program?

Lan Ling's exclamation soon came from the yard: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

In the firewood room, as soon as Lan Ling entered, he saw a few people tied up and thrown there, with bruised noses and swollen faces, and a few pieces of raw pork stuffed in their mouths.

"what happened?"

Just as Director Liu was about to see what Lan Ling ghost was called, he saw a large group of villagers walking towards them aggressively.

"Director Liu, these people don't seem to be friendly. Where's our translator? Haven't you come yet?"

This is a village of ethnic minorities. Most of the people here are old people who have never left the village. They cannot speak Mandarin, so it is very difficult to communicate.

Director Liu's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Tang Zinian caused trouble?

As for why Director Liu thought it was Tang Zinian who caused the trouble, it was also because of the incident in the production crew, someone actually wanted to use the hands of the production crew to kill Tang Zinian.

This Tang Zinian is a troublemaker.

"I haven't come yet. It's not convenient to communicate here. The translator we contacted before is out again. I'm afraid I won't be back for a while."

The two muttered, and those village women rushed into the yard aggressively, scaring everyone in the yard.

"What's the matter?" Director Liu bravely came out to stabilize the situation, but no one understood what he said, and the women chattered a lot.

"We can't understand what you're saying, can you find someone who can speak Mandarin? One

Director Liu also has a very headache, this is the gap between nations.

A woman stood up, pointed at Tang Wan behind Director Liu, and said in Mandarin with a particularly strong ethnic accent: "Your people took my daughter-in-law away, and I'm here to pick her up."

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