Chapter 111 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (5)

When Mo Haoran came back, he clearly felt the woman's indifference towards him, and the smile on his face was perfunctory.

"Are you back?" Shu Anyang smiled lightly, "Comrade Mo, I am very grateful for your care for me these days, but we have no relatives and no reason, so it is inappropriate for you to stay in the hospital for me."

"I think it's necessary for you to call my relatives to settle the medical expenses."

Mo Haoran was silent for a while, and put down the fruit in his hand, "Recently they are busy..."

Shu Anyang raised his eyebrows, it seems that Mo Haoran went back just now, "What are they busy with?"

Busy with the wedding ceremony for Su Lao Wu who just came home!
Mo Haoran clenched his fist, turned around and went out to push a wheelchair, "Sit on it, let's go out and talk."

Shu Anyang nodded, family ugliness should not be publicized, and she is not interested in letting new patients listen in.

They were on the second floor, and Shu Anyang slowly swayed out. When she went downstairs, she saw the man tensely like a hen protecting a chick, with his arms stretched slightly open.

A smile flickered across her eyes.

After going down the stairs, Mo Haoran said, "Sit down first..."

But Shu Anyang didn't listen to him, and continued to sway slowly with his hands behind his back, "I'm not a child, my body knows it by itself."

"When I am tired and unable to hold on anymore, I will naturally sit down. So, Comrade Mo, what do you want to tell me?"

Mo Haoran pushed the wheelchair and followed her helplessly. Although he couldn't bear it, he still told her: "I went to a friend to inquire first. The couple only held a wedding without a certificate, so they are not recognized and protected by the law. , At most, it is considered to be an illegal cohabitation... If you separate, it is only called a breakup, not a divorce, and there is no need to go through any procedures..."

"In other words, Su Weiqi's property has nothing to do with you... And, you voluntarily help Su's family, and there is no legal possibility of claiming labor fees..."

With a few simple words, Shu Anyang endured the pain in his head and pieced together some truths.

Was the original owner cheated into marriage?

Seeing that the woman was so quiet, Mo Haoran said again: "But your illness is all caused by the Su family, even if you voluntarily, their family has to pay half of the responsibility!"

"What's more, Su Meiting pushed you when you fell on your head... As long as they live in Yandian Village and don't want to be stabbed in the back, they can't stay out of it..."

Shu Anyang rubbed his forehead, "Stop, I still can't think about problems, I need to be hospitalized to take care of my body."

"However, they should have someone to take care of me out of emotion and reason, right?"

"So, what are they busy with?"

Mo Haoran paused, "Su Weiqi wants to make up a wedding for his partner."

Shu Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly, "Is it just today?"

Mo Haoran nodded, "Are you going to watch the ceremony?"

He reacted quickly, and Shu Anyang smiled deeply, "Yes, as the old man, I have to give way to the new man. How can the coronation ceremony be without the predecessor?"

"Comrade Mo please take me back, don't worry, I promise to come back and stay in the hospital until my brain is completely recovered!"

"How can it be so easy to take advantage of me in Anyang?"

Mo Haoran hesitated, "Then I'll ask the doctor first..."

Shu Anyang turned his head to look at him: "Farewell, Comrade Mo, if you dawdle a little longer, the wedding banquet will be over. What kind of debt should I go for?"

After hearing this, Mo Haoran took a deep breath, pushed her outside without saying a word.

He had paid a deposit to borrow the wheelchair, so he put the wheelchair away and tied it to the back seat.

"It's not Comrade Mo, where am I sitting?" Shu Anyang looked aside for a while, looking at the thin pole on the girder, and seemed to remember that he was half-carrying him when he was just reborn and dazed.

Although she had a severe headache at the time, the other pains in her body seemed insignificant, but now she still seems to feel a faint soreness in her buttocks...

Mo Haoran was also stunned, and asked her hesitantly: "Can you sit in the back?"

Shu Anyang wanted to nod, but he was afraid of a headache, so he said, "It must be possible. I kowtowed before, and I was not feeling well, so I couldn't hold it up by myself. But now I am refreshed. I will sit in the front again and go back to the village. When I trouble them, we will be criticized as villains!"

Facing such a serious person, she didn't have the nerve to say the words of adulterer and adulterer.

Hearing her words, Mo Haoran suddenly laughed lowly, "Then you sit in the back, if you can't hold on anymore, you have to tell me in time."

"Also, when you get there, you can vent your anger on yourself, but the premise is that you don't let yourself get hurt..."

Shu Anyang raised his head forward with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "Comrade Mo Haoran, has anyone said that you are a good old man?"

Mo Haoran was stunned for a moment, looking at the woman who was close in front of him, he took a step back silently, but he also cleverly understood her meaning from her words, "You are different."

This is different, why is it different?

Shu Anyang didn't dare to answer the words before he fully received the memory of the original owner, so he took a step back and looked at the sky and the earth with a smile.

Mo Haoran's expression also calmed down, and he tied the cushion on the wheelchair to the back seat, and fixed the wheelchair to the handlebar again.

A purely human machine like a bicycle also exists in Interstellar, but as a tool for people to exercise, it is also a way of life.

Occasionally, advertisements are shown on TV, and the nostalgic campus theme also evokes the literary and artistic cells of the big guys. In the spring breeze of summer, boys and girls are riding bicycles and speeding along the tree-lined trails.

However, this kind of scene flashed through Shu Anyang's mind, mainly because the beauty of the original owner was honed by the years, and was called "comparable to Mo Haoran's mother" by the nurses...

Well, she felt inferior for a moment because of this, but the original owner is only 25 or [-] years old, as long as she pays more attention in the future, and she has a special constitution, it will be easy to raise her back.

The person is beautiful, so the aura is naturally strong, but the more miserable she is now, the more she can vent her anger for the original owner!
"Comrade Mo Haoran, can you tell me about my situation? My brain is uncomfortable now, and it hurts just thinking about the past." She said with a light smile.

Now her brain is like a computer. The things stored in the past have been attacked and broken, waiting to be repaired and retrieved, which does not affect the input, processing and extraction of current information.

"What happened before? When did it start?" Mo Haoran didn't refuse, but asked instead.

Shu Anyang said lightly, "Everything, as long as you hear, understand and see!"

Mo Haoran thought for a while, but did not hide anything.

The original owner was a girl from the town, and her father was a railway soldier who was in danger while building a dam.

The original housewife's mother was taken care of by the organization, and worked as a female worker in the largest home and printing factory in the town, pulling the original owner to grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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