The original owner and Su Xiangdi were classmates.Although the little girl is a child of a single-parent family, the burden of the family is not heavy. She looks good and wears fashionable and beautiful clothes. In addition, she has been in the Children's Palace since she was a child. Her overall temperament is different from others. She is cheerful and lively, which is very attractive .

This Su Xiangdi is a rural kid, but he is smart and eager to learn, and he is excellent in both academics and academics in the class.

It's a pity that the original master hadn't graduated from high school yet, and Shu's mother had a sudden illness and was admitted to the hospital.

Shu's mother was afraid that no one would take care of her daughter, so she approached Su Xiangdi and the parents of the Su family, saying that Su Xiangdi would take over, but the Su family must agree to take good care of Shu Anyang for her.

The Su family promised well, but they hurriedly ran through the procedures for Su Xiangdi's succession, leaving the original owner alone in the hospital to accompany his mother, facing his mother's sickness and death day by day!
Even Shu's mother's funeral was particularly sloppy.

The original owner mourned for her mother for three years. She finally came out of the grief of losing her mother and was about to marry Su Xiangdi.

Su Xiangdi had already secretly talked about the object with the factory manager's daughter Zong Feilan. Facing Shu Anyang who was no longer of any use value, the Su family delayed the marriage again and again.

However, the little girl simply put on a red dress and came to Su's house in a donkey cart.

Coincidentally, she happened to meet Su Xiangdi and Zong Feilan getting married that day.

The Su family is guilty. Everyone in the village knows how Su Xiangdi got his job. They don't want to be ungrateful, especially the little girl with a poor background, so the old man jumped out and asked Su Weiqi, the fifth old man, to hold the head of Su Weiqi and pay homage to the original owner. marriage.

The original owner was heartbroken by Su Xiangdi and brainwashed by the old man for a while, so he really agreed.

Su Weiqi went into business within a few days after marriage, leaving the original owner at home to take care of the whole family!

The more Shu Anyang listened, the angrier he became, and his head hurt in a daze.

The Su family is too bullying, if they can't take care of the original owner, then don't have the cheek to get the job that the Shu family's parents risked their lives for.

Even if they regret it, they can fully explain it to the original owner, and exchange the equivalent property for a job, instead of trapping the original owner in the Su family for the sake of face...

Hearing the sound of the woman grinding her teeth behind her, Mo Haoran smiled, without the burden of previous memories, this woman's mind was finally normal, and she was no longer working numbly.

I remember when he saw her after returning home from demobilization.She is a very ordinary peasant woman, and it is completely impossible for people to match her with the person they met when they first met.

It was as if a piece of beautiful jade had been scratched in many different shades suddenly, and the body was covered with dust, surrounded by a group of broken stones.

The man's physical strength is exceptionally good, and he can pedal at thirty miles per hour on dirt roads!

The wind at noon in early summer brought some coolness, Shu Anyang turned his eyes around, thinking about how to find a place later.

As soon as he entered the village, Shu Anyang stopped shouting. He pulled out the handkerchief he got from no one knows where, asked the route of the Su family, and started to walk over there howling:
"Mother, please open your eyes and look at your poor daughter... The Su family is not a man, and they promised you to take good care of their daughter, but in the end they took care of their daughter... They were eaten up one by one. At first glance, there are groups of black hearts..."

"Your daughter will keep your filial piety for three years, and Su Xiangdi hooked up with others. This is because our mother and daughter are clinging to the powerful... so cruel, my daughter is not bad. If it weren't for the Su family's ability to act, How could such a good job fall on the head of a country kid like him..."

"It's so rare for high school students now. If you catch a lot of them, you can find a job in the city, and you don't have any acquaintances to give you generous gifts. It's impossible... The Su family has taken advantage of us, and they can be a mean girl. Is there any reason..."

"Father, mother, because of this job, you left your daughter one by one, and now my daughter has nothing left, and she is just dying to accompany you... You might as well accept me, so that I don't have to live in this world." With no one to rely on, the Su family's reputation was trampled into the mud..."

"Su Meiting, why don't you beat me to death, you can't push me to death, and let me suffer in bed... Now the hospital is in critical condition... I, I will die on the land dedicated for seven or eight years... "

Shu Anyang's howling was like singing a tune, every sentence had eighteen bends, but every word was bitten very clearly and had strong penetrating power, he sang from the village to Su's house.

The sad tone, the woman's forehead was wrapped in white gauze, her face was pale, and her body was thinly dressed in a hospital gown, which was in stark contrast to the festive red in the yard.

For a moment, the people watching the bustle outside the door, and the people attending the wedding banquet inside were all stunned, and the joy stopped, but Shu Anyang's crying did not stop:

"The old man of the Su family is so dark-hearted. He lied to me that marrying someone is not a marriage, and that work is my dowry... When he arrives at the Su family, if he still takes a breath, he will definitely not let me suffer... It's better for him to shut up." I'm out of breath, maybe I can still breathe..."

Old Master Su's face was livid with anger, the older he was, the more he could not hear such words!

"That's enough, Shu Anyang, how far are you going to make trouble?" Su Weiqi was wearing an iron gray suit with a red flower on his chest, and on the ribbon on it were written the three gold characters of "Bridegroom".

The bride next to her is also wearing a red cheongsam, with heavy makeup and a slim figure, holding her chest arrogantly and laughing, the winner's posture should not be too obvious!

Shu Anyang glanced at him, then patted his legs and wailed: "This Su family really eats human flesh and doesn't even spit out bones..."

"What a good thing this Su Weiqi is. He came in a good manner, but he took my money and ran away... He took my money and made money, but kicked me out of the gate instead...I didn't sue you The theft is already thinking of the 'kindness' you have enslaved me for so many years..."

Su Weiqi furiously said: "Shu Anyang, you must pay attention to evidence when you speak, how did I take your money?"

"If you don't have proof, it's slander, and I'll sue you!"

Shu Anyang originally thought that the original owner's mother was so kind to the original owner, and the original owner's father died in the line of duty, the family must have little savings.

Otherwise, the Su family wouldn't trap the original owner here just for the sake of saving face, unless the original owner is still profitable!

Unexpectedly, if she exploded casually, Su Weiqi couldn't cultivate well, and the guilt and surprise that flashed across his face had already revealed everything.

However, after Su Weiqi got angry, he explained to everyone rationally: "Folks, I, Su Weiqi, have never taken a penny from Anyang from her."

"When I left here, I went south with others. Everyone knows that I moved bricks from the construction site and accumulated capital little by little. Only then did I start doing business and have achieved today's achievements."

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