Mo Haoran nodded slightly, "Yes."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at old man Su, "Changhe, where do you think my friend and I are sitting?"

The Su family has always been suppressed by seniority, and everything is judged by filial piety. Now they face Mo Haoran, who is a generation older than the old man, and they can only nod silently.

Mo Haoran and Shu Anyang arrived just in time, and the table was just filled with candy and snacks.

As soon as the two of them got to the main table, someone was bound to be squeezed out.

Here are all respected people in the village, but they dare not lose their temper indiscriminately. After all, half of them have the surname of Su, and they want to be called Cousin Mo Haoran.

The Mo family is a small surname in Yandian Village, but the Mo family is capable. The last village head was named Mo, and the daughter-in-law of the current village head belongs to the Mo family.

What's more, Mo Haoran was a soldier, and now works in the county motorcade, he is a very capable person who has seen the outside world.Even though he is young, his prestige in the village is comparable to that of the village head!
Everyone likes to save face, there is only one female guest, Shu Anyang, on the table, and the pastries and candies on the table are untouched, and she keeps breaking them one by one and throwing them into her mouth.

The old men were smoking and talking, with the corners of their mouths twitching. Originally, when the food was served, they would allow each other to grab some for their children and grandchildren.

Now, before the food is served, there are no pastries and candies on the table...

Although sugar cubes have little nutrition, they are high in calories and can quickly replenish energy for the body.

Cakes are poor in nutrition, and their calories are lower than candy, but they are better than nothing.

Sure enough, after eating two plates, Shu Anyang's whole body felt tight, all pain and discomfort were suppressed, even his head didn't hurt anymore, and those memory fragments were reorganized little by little.

An old man next to him pulled Mo Haoran and said in a low voice: "Hao Ran, what are you going to do? Usually you don't care about your seniority and let people call you according to your age?"

"Why are you so fussy today? Could it be because of Shu Anyang? You are so confused..."

"You are still young and unmarried. Last time you helped send her to the hospital, it was outrageous. Why do you want to find a place for her this time? You, you won't be hanging out with her these days, will you?"

Mo Haoran said indifferently: "None of you is going to take care of her. Could it be that I can black-heartedly throw her in the hospital?"

"At that time, if the hospital can't find anyone, they will go directly to the comrades in the bureau and come to our Yandian Village to ask for debts?"

"Our Yandian Village is going to be famous!"

The old man choked, "Then you can discuss it with the village leaders, how can you be so honest about yourself?"

Mo Haoran drank his tea, chuckled lightly and said: "This is obvious, everyone turns a blind eye to it, and if I rush forward, I'm just asking for trouble."

"It's better to let Comrade Shu Anyang take care of his body and seek justice for himself."

"In terms of medical expenses, I am on the side of Comrade Shu Anyang. After all, I paid the money. When my mother asked me for this month's salary, I couldn't get it out. Wouldn't it cause family conflicts?"

Speaking of Mo's mother, who is the same generation as the centenarian, the big guy fell silent. She is a bully in the village, and the villagers can't scold or beat her old ancestor!

The banquets in the village are relatively simple, but Su Weiqi has made money, so he wants to show off in front of his parents and fellow villagers. He specially invited the chef who is off duty in the county to make a decent wedding banquet, and also to show his respect for the young and beautiful daughter-in-law. like.

When the first dish was served, someone sang loudly: "Today is a wedding banquet for the Su family, the first dish is named Fu Yun Mian Chang..."

Hearing the name, the big guy stretched his neck and looked at it curiously. It was just stewed pork slices with vermicelli and cabbage. After changing the name and having a chef in charge, he suddenly became taller!

Seeing the dishes, Shu Anyang smiled and asked Mo Haoran: "Comrade Mo Haoran, are there any elders on this table?"

Mo Haoran's lips had a deep smile, and he shook his head: "No, the Su family on my mother's side is already older, if they are of the same generation as mine, they must be at least around 80 years old."

And in this era, 80 years old is a long life!

At least the people at the table with them are all from the same generation as Mr. Su.

Mr. Su would not find an elder to suppress him on such an occasion.

Shu Anyang nodded, "Then we are friends, are we in the same generation?"

Mo Haoran smiled and said: "That's right, we can't say that we are friends of Wangnian, can we?"

The voice of the two of them was not too low, anyway, everyone at the table heard it.

Living in the countryside, they are Xiahua people who pay attention to etiquette. Everyone in the village has strict rules. The elders do not move their chopsticks, and the rest of the people cannot stretch their arms.

Shu Anyang smiled lightly: "Hey, I'm your friend again, and I'm considered an honored guest, so I'll use the chopsticks first?"

Mo Haoran nodded again, making a gesture of invitation.

Shu Anyang unceremoniously and accurately picked up a few chopsticks from the food, "My nephews, I'm good at math, but I didn't bully the younger with the big ones. The ones I took away were exactly one-tenth of what belonged to me. .”

"I'm a bit of a clean freak, please bear with me."

After finishing speaking, she bowed her head and started eating without looking at their faces.

Anyway, this is her second mission, so it's not wrong to call them big nephews.

The faces of the old men on the table became uglier than the last one, and it was Mr. Su who saw Mo Haoran moving his chopsticks, so he greeted everyone to eat and drink.

Then the meals came up one after another, such as "Resonance of Spring Announces the Dawn" of two roast chickens, "Quanlong He Xinxi" of white spoon shrimp, "Gold Covered Floor" of Potato Stewed Ribs, "Ginkgo Pork Belly" of "Growing Old Together", Stir-fried cashew nuts "Golden Waist Preserving Prince", steamed white pigeon "Flying Together", "Red Robe Brings Festiveness" with braised meat, "Yongjie Xitongxin" with Eight Treasure Rice and "Sinking Fish and Falling Wild Goose" in Water Fish and Chicken Soup!
There were a total of ten dishes, and each dish made everyone salivate. The big guys didn't have time to talk, and they all ate hard.

There is also a basket of flowers and pastries.Almost serve a dish, and clear the plate!
Shu Anyang has a particularly good appetite, but she strictly stuffs one-tenth of the food into her stomach.

Such a thin person, with a faint joy of food on his face, couldn't stop eating.

Seeing that Mo Haoran was a little startled, he said in a funny but sad and distressed voice:

"You are still weak now, you shouldn't eat so much meaty food."

"If you like to eat, I will treat you to a restaurant after your health recovers."

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "Actually, before I came to Su's house, I always had a big appetite, and I can beat the appetite of an ordinary man."

"Although I haven't had enough to eat when I came to Su's house these years, I have filled my stomach with water. The size of my stomach has not changed."

"By the way, you reminded me. I have worked all these years, but they deducted my food, and this account has to be counted!"

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