During the wedding banquet, Su Weiqi and his new daughter-in-law Jing Qiaoman toasted the big guys, while Shu Anyang continued to sit still and slowly eat the food in his own bowl.

Mr. Su glanced at the crowd, and said with a smile: "Our old Su family has been farming all his life, and he is just an ordinary mud leg with his face facing the loess and his back facing the sky. I didn't expect that Lao Wu, a kid who strives for success, is smarter than others since he was a child. "

"Of course, our family, Xiang Di, has a good brain. He has changed from an ordinary worker to an art worker, and his salary is twice as much as that of a workshop worker!"

"The wives of these uncles and nephews are better than the other...Xiaolan is the daughter of our family and the director of the printing factory. Although she is a high school student, she works as an announcer in the factory and is very capable... As soon as he entered the door, he gave birth to a big fat grandson for our old Su family..."

"This Xiaoman is a college student who graduated from a provincial normal school. He works as a math teacher in an experimental elementary school in the city... It has fundamentally improved the quality of our old Su family's children... In the future, maybe our old Su family can also do it. A college student..."

"I'm so happy today. My fifth son has a family and a career, and the rest is for the children to live on their own...Come on, let's eat and drink well..."

The bruises in Shu Anyang's mind were slowly washed away, and the concussion was relieved a lot, followed by the memory of the original owner, the plot of the mission world, and the missions that required her to complete.

The original owner's story is similar to what Mo Haoran said. The Su family treated the Shu family as a gold mine, dug away Shu's mother's job to Su Xiangdi, and dug away the original owner's 2000 yuan that the mother and daughter did not touch. The pension, and the 500 yuan that Shu's mother had saved for eight years, and a [-]-square-meter two-bedroom house in the town.

It was only because after Shu's mother passed away, the original owner couldn't bear the pain and drank to relieve his sorrow, but after waking up once, he lay on the same bed with Su Xiangdi!
The original owner is a girl with traditional thinking.She was well protected by Shu's mother, and she was not wary of others, and because Shu's mother entrusted her to the Su family, this incident happened, and with Su Xiangdi's shy and indignant guidance, she thought she was shameless. When the skin became a problem, he let the Su family scrape his oil and water.

When the unit collectively applied for the real estate certificate, the original owner was still in a filial piety and was not in a high mood, so Su Xiangdi went through the formalities. Who knew that the owner of the house became Su Xiangdi...

Later, she came to Su's house in red and found that Su Xiangdi was married to the factory director's daughter Zong Feilan. She felt that the sky was falling.

At this time, Master Su beat and scolded Su Xiangdi, showing that he was on the original owner's side, and even introduced his most beloved youngest as a successor.

How could the original owner have experienced so many things, so he responded confusedly, and felt guilty for Su Weiqi, so under his coaxing, he took out all his savings to do business for him.

Three thousand five hundred yuan more than seven years ago is not a small sum!

In addition to work and pensions, there is even the issue of ownership of the house. The Su family really bullied the orphans thoroughly.

In the original world trajectory, the original owner had no money to see a doctor because he was kicked out by the Su family, so he could only work in a restaurant to make ends meet. On the contrary, his uremia worsened, and eventually he died of edema and pain.

On the contrary, the Su family became a wealthy family in the entire township, and built a small two-story building at the entrance of the village. The entrance was the provincial road built a year later.

Mr. Su's family opened a small hotel to provide board and lodging for passing drivers, along with various specialties.

Su Weiqi opened a chain clothing store in the city, and also opened a garment factory, and was judged as an outstanding young entrepreneur.

Su Xiangdi took over from his father-in-law and became the director of Jiahe Printing Factory...

They didn't know that they all stepped on the flesh and blood of the original owner, and that's why they got what they are today!
The original owner's wish is to seek justice for himself, make more money, live a beautiful and confident life, become an upstart himself, and have a happy family.

But she said that at the female guest table next to her, the old lady of the Su family was so angry that she changed places with someone and sat with Mo's mother, "Little... little aunt..."

Mo's mother was eating, when she was suddenly called aunt, she turned her head and saw the old lady of the Su family, and said, "What are you doing, Mrs. Changhe?"

The thinking of this old lady of the Su family is still stuck in Xia Hua's feudal thinking for thousands of years. After a long time, the daughter-in-law became a mother-in-law, and there are a group of granddaughter-in-laws.

Everyone in the whole village who saw her would call her big sister, big sister, aunt, aunt, grandma?

How many years have passed, and she has been called "Changhe's daughter-in-law" again...

"Grandma, you don't care... Cousin Haoran? He is hanging out with Shu Anyang now. If it gets out, how will uncle find you a daughter-in-law in the future?" The old lady of the Su family smiled.

Mother Mo sighed: "Daughter-in-law Changhe, no one worries me. Look, our Haoran is 28 years old!"

"A young man who is about his age, who hasn't married a wife and has a baby? And the baby is in elementary school!"

"When he was a soldier, I was worried. I was afraid that he would find the kind of city wife who disliked rural people, so that he would not be able to stand up at home for the rest of his life... and I was afraid that he would be injured in a dangerous mission..."

"You just think of me as holding on to my son's allowance every month, but you don't know that I live in fear every day... Later, he returned from the army after serving in the army for eight years. I'm so happy for your aunt, so hurry up and find someone for him..."

"You said that your cousin is good-looking and tall. He is a high school student with culture. He also served as a soldier and now works in the county transportation team. He can choose anywhere. Girls from all over the world are chosen by him?"

"In the end, it's been four years, a full four years, I've found him a hundred or eighty good girls, and no one has even looked at him... Occasionally I play tricks on him and lead girls to his class, but he turns out to be black The face made people cry..."

"Later, when anyone heard that they wanted to tell your cousin Haoran, they all waved their hands and said that your cousin Haoran is a blind man who can eat people..."

"What do you think I can do, aunt? He will be thirty if he doesn't find a wife...he will be a bachelor for the rest of his life...but if he can find me a woman, even if he talks about sisters with my aunt, I will admit it! "

The old lady of the Su family stared at her blankly.

She definitely did it on purpose!
Usually, the old lady of the Su family called Mo's mother by her first name, and Mo's mother also called the old lady of the Su's family a sister-in-law.

It is true that Mo's mother is ten years younger than Mr. Su, and this Mr. Su is also very favored at home. Under the influence of his mother, he thinks that girls are losers, and he doesn't respect women very much. He has never called Mrs. Mo aunt.

Instead, relying on his own strength, he kidnapped Mo's mother and called him brother.

At this moment, Mo's mother talked about her aunt and uncle, and shouted at the old lady of the Su family's heart.

Moreover, the old lady of the Su family didn't expect Mo's mother to be so open-minded and have no demands on her future daughter-in-law!

"No, grandma, cousin is so good, you can raise your requirements for your daughter-in-law... Well, Shu Anyang has been in love with my family, Xiang Di, and married my fifth son... The relationship between men and women is too messy, You don't mind either?"

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