Mo's mother kept chopping her chopsticks: "No, daughter-in-law Changhe, if you call me aunt, you can call me aunt, what are you doing?"

"You are younger than Changhe, so Changhe still calls you little wife?"

The old lady of the Su family choked for a moment, and said embarrassingly, "Grandma..."

Mother Mo smiled and said, "That's right...but you're talking about the lesbian sitting next to your cousin Haoran?"

"A bit older, but she looks good, and your cousin Haoran has no bad face, you can consider it!"

"She is much better than I imagined. Why is the relationship between men and women chaotic? Isn't it because your Su family is ungrateful and plays your benefactor like a football?"

"Let me tell you, this girl is blessed, but all the gay men who get involved with her are more prosperous than each other!"

"However, for those who don't cherish her and abuse her, I'm afraid this enthusiasm won't last long... You old Su family should pay attention, this lesbian has left the gate of your Su family, regardless of your wealth and official luck , will be taken away..."

The heart of the old lady of the Su family was bumped one after another, "Grandma, now the organization does not allow the propaganda of feudal superstition."

Mo's mother was recognized by a Taoist nun in a Taoist temple on the mountainside as a daughter since she was a child, and she learned some tricks. If it weren't for the fact that their Su family was a big surname, and she married the Mo family, she might have been forced to jumped the well.

However, since the organization has liberalized the economy, people have also liberalized their thinking, and there is no strict control in this regard.

In addition, people of the older generation believed in this, and Mo's mother was still secretly invited to see Fengshui, calling souls, exorcising evil spirits, combining horoscopes, etc. She was the famous Mo Xiangu.

Mother Mo smiled: "Okay, if you don't believe it, don't believe it. Anyway, as long as this girl nods, your aunt and grandma will definitely agree to her entry. It depends on your cousin's actions."

Not only did Mrs. Su fail to attract allies, but she was agitated by the disturbance.

She kept turning her head to look at the shameless Shu Anyang who was sitting at a table with a group of gentlemen, no matter how she looked at it, this girl was not a bit lucky.

With a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, there is not much flesh on his body, and he is so dry that he can run away when the wind blows. How could Shu Anyang be Wangfu's life?
Most likely this Su Wenjing is talking ironically, let their old Su family catch Shu Anyang and not harm Mo Haoran!

After all, everyone believed in Mo Xiangu's ability, even the Su family didn't dare to take her words as a joke, so the old lady of the Su family believed in her guess even more.

The two of them did not suppress their voices when they spoke, but let the people at the same table listen to them, their eyes rolled around, and they were full of desire to talk, but they were reluctant to part with the food on the table.

The Su family's wedding banquet was quite complete, at least the Su family thought so, and they stood at the door smiling to see off the guests.

When only the messy tables were left in the courtyard of the Su family, Su Meiting looked at Shu Anyang who was sitting eating melon seeds, frowned and said, "What are you doing sitting around, don't you see how messy the house is?"

Shu Anyang laughed out loud: "I said Su Meiting's great-granddaughter, you blamed me for murdering my life, I haven't cleared it up for you yet."

"At this moment, you are still instructing me to work? Could it be that you were abandoned by your family, and your head is muddy?"

"I've never seen a big fool who bumped into, those are your sister-in-law and niece and daughter-in-law, order them to the posture you used to bully your grandma and me!"

Su Meiting stared angrily.Although she is the only daughter of the old man and the old lady, no one in the family cares about her except the old lady who takes her seriously.

does she dare?
Shu Anyang snorted, "You Su family, you don't have any other skills. I'm afraid this bullying is inherited from your bones."

"As for me, I used to be an orphan. I had no one to support me, and my brain was not very flexible. I was deceived by you..."

"Now, my death is not far away, I have just walked around the gate of ghosts to get familiar with my living environment... This King Yama asked me to give up the affairs of the world first, otherwise I will become a ghost, wouldn't it be troublesome? "

Grandpa Su winked at the grandson at the door, and the latter hurriedly closed the door.

He looked at Mo Haoran lightly, "Hao Ran..."

Mo Haoran also looked back: "Call my cousin!"

"If it's a distant relative, I don't care about it, but my mother is your aunt, your grandpa's sister, and a third-generation close relative in law."

"Old Su's family has always paid attention to ethics and filial piety. This generation can be messed up. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to say it?"

"My mother was young at the time and called you brother, but you are so old that you have the cheek to agree. Oh, isn't the so-called filial piety a joke? No wonder the generations of children and grandchildren are messed up..."

Grandpa Su's face was flushed, and he gritted his teeth: "Cousin, this is our family business, should you go home?"

Mo Haoran nodded, and when the Su family wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, he said with a smile: "I don't want to worry about your foolish accounts, but I paid for the hospitalization of Comrade Anyang and the money for kidney dialysis. "

"I am her creditor and have the right to participate in her debt collection activities to protect my own interests."

Shu Anyang raised his eyebrows: "Why do I feel that you are going to drive out outsiders and discuss how to kill me and destroy my body?"

"I have to ask someone to report the case for me, lest I go missing and no one notices..."

Su Weiqi gritted his teeth: "Isn't it just a few thousand yuan, as for?"

As he spoke, he took out his wallet from his body, randomly took out a wad of money from it, and threw it in front of Shu Anyang. A dozen or so hundred-yuan bills were scattered all over the floor.

The Su family stared straight at him!

He sneered: "Hurry up and get the money and get out. You said I took your money, but do you have evidence? You don't even have this common sense, do you?"

"How to collect debts without evidence? Besides, I earned all my money by laying down my life so hard. Why should I give it to you and let you talk like a lion?"

Su Xiangdi also said: "The house was originally mine, but the unit lent it to you mother and daughter to live in, it's not really given to you."

"When applying for a real estate certificate, the owner of the house can only be an employee of the factory, so this house is mine!"

"Also, your mother gave me the job, but when your mother was in the hospital, I often ran on both ends, and your mother's funeral was handled by our Su family, this is the reward..."

Shu Anyang was amused by the shamelessness of the Su family's back-and-forth, "All right, I think you won't cry until you see the coffin."

Speaking of this, she looked at Su Weiqi indifferently, "I have wandered around in the underworld anyway, and I know something...Since the South is so profitable, why do you want to come back to develop?"

"Isn't it that you messed with someone you shouldn't mess with, or made some black-hearted money?"

Su Weiqi's face froze, and he said stiffly, "Don't promote feudal superstition, or I will send you into the bureau!"

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