Chapter 126 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (20)

Shu Anyang shook his head, smiled lightly and looked at the man, "Brother Haoran, I'm just an ordinary person, I really don't have that much courage to face death."

"My body is just a deficit that cannot keep up with nutrition all the year round. If I take care of it for half a year, I will take care of it and return you a beautiful and healthy daughter-in-law!"

"The hospital's equipment is not omnipotent, and I can also fool it. If my health is not miserable enough, how can I blame the Su family?"

"Otherwise, in a month, a month, if my health doesn't improve a bit, I promise to obediently follow you to Kyoto to see a doctor!"

Mo Haoran understands that every patient is unwilling to go to the hospital. "Two weeks."

Shu Anyang hummed.

At this moment their door was knocked, "Haoran, is Anyang asleep?"

"We ate dinner too early. I was afraid that Anyang would be hungry, so I cooked two brown sugar eggs."

Mo Haoran looked at the woman with a funny face and immediately straightened her back, like a puppy who heard the sound of a dog bowl. The desire and joy for food made people feel distressed.

He opened the door, but Mo's mother didn't come in, and stuffed the bowl over.

"Your grandma said that tomorrow I will stew pigeons for An Ran...just so you go to the river to catch some fish, shrimp, loach and eels, put them in a pot and spit out the sand, and eat them later..."

"The body is the capital of the revolution. Anyang's body is too thin, and he has to raise his flesh... Only when the nutrition keeps up can people recover..."

Mo Haoran could only respond.

Shu Anyang listened, couldn't help laughing and shouted crisply: "Thank you, Mom!"

I am so happy that my mother can't do it.

The Mo family has a prosperous population, and there are many children from the first and third families, and their second family has two children, Mo Haoran and Mo Weiran.

The daughter married to a neighboring village and gave birth to a granddaughter and a grandson to them.

They finally hoped that their son would be discharged from the army and that they would be in front of them, but they had not waited for their daughter-in-law, let alone their grandchildren.

She has long been envious of other people's daughter-in-law.

For four whole years, her son looked down on everyone and couldn't think of getting married.She had prepared for the worst, thinking that her son was different from others and had different preferences, so she had lowered her requirements to women.

What is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? As long as her son can find a companion, she is willing to support him.

After eating two free-range eggs from the farm and drinking a bowl of brown sugar water, Shu Anyang felt warm all over, and felt drowsy again.

When Mo Haoran finished tidying up, the little girl had curled up on the bed obediently, and fell asleep peacefully.

He had been a soldier, and he was a special soldier. He had learned many skills, including psychology.

This sleeping position represents that the little woman has no sense of security, like a wounded little animal, she instinctively curls up for protection.

He quickly tidied himself up, and gently moved the woman into the bed, her heart beat fast and her body lay stiffly, but the little woman rolled into his arms, holding him like a pillow with her arms crossed and her legs crossed.

In the dark night, the breathing in the room could be heard clearly, the woman's fragrance was released infinitely at this moment, coupled with his restraint all the way back.

Mo Haoran couldn't help but hugged the woman tightly, enjoying the beauty's grace that made his scalp tingle.

Mo Haoran, who hadn't slept all night and took a shower twice, had thick dark circles under his eyes for the first time.

People from several rooms got up one after another. Seeing him like this, the brothers all smiled sullenly and said:
"Sixth brother, my brothers know that you have good physical strength, but you just got married, and your wife and children will have a long time to live on the bed, so take it easy and don't empty yourself out early..."

The sisters-in-law all expressed sympathy for the six younger siblings who have not yet risen in the sun. If a man is too strong, it is happiness and suffering.

Mo's mother was even more guilty, secretly pinched Mo Haoran several times, gnashed her teeth and said: "You child, why don't you know how to feel sorry for Anyang?"

"You, you just wake up in the middle of the night and go twice?"

"Anyang's health hasn't recovered yet, you, you can't bear it, or come by yourself, you have been single for 28 years, and finally got a wife, you are trying to piss me off!"

Mo Haoran was ashamed, indignant and helpless, and argued with red ears: "Mom, I didn't..."

Mo's mother glared at him, "Nothing? Later you go to the town to buy more polished rice and noodles, and then cut a catty of meat back."

"I'll buy some eggs with the big guys later. There are not many at home, so I have to nourish your daughter-in-law's body."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shu Anyang came out refreshed, and stood together with the panda-eyed Mo Haoran, like a little demon who had just had a full meal, and Mo Haoran was the one who was picked...

After eating two bowls of hand-rolled noodles with sausage and eggs, Shu Anyang wanted to follow Mo Haoran to the town to do some shopping.

Mo's mother smiled and called Mo Haoran into the house, and handed over a wad of money, "Haoran, ever since you left home to serve as a soldier and mailed allowances to your home, mom has saved it for you, just wait for this day, take out the money and give it to me." Your daughter-in-law."

"Before, your salary was low, and I deducted five yuan every month. Later, when your salary increased, you paid ten yuan to your family every month... Now you drive a truck, and you can get more than 400 yuan a month. Mom will keep it. I paid 20 yuan..."

"Well, in 12 years, my mother has saved a total of more than 400 yuan for you... Mom doesn't trust the bank, so she keeps saving the money at home."

"Now that you have a daughter-in-law, you should give your salary and passbook to your daughter-in-law... But there are few people in our town, so you should go to the city to save money, so that you don't have to save [-] today, and everyone will have money tomorrow." I know you are a millionaire..."

Mo Haoran took it over with a smile: "Okay, from now on I will stay at home with my wife and pay 50 yuan a month as living expenses."

"I'll give the money to my wife. Later, we'll find a foundation and build a two-story building!"

Mo's mother nodded again and again: "That's fine. Our village is not far from your unit. You can ride a bicycle for about [-] minutes. It's more convenient to live at home... Besides, the houses in the city are good, convenient and clean, but the house is small. If you eat vegetables, fruits, and eggs, spending money is not necessarily better than home-grown food."

"When you have children in the future, your parents will still be able to take care of them for you."

Mo Haoran responded, "Then I will discuss it with my wife later."

Mo's mother said again: "Forget it, I'll go to the town to buy food later. You take your wife to the city and buy some more beautiful clothes!"

"Your daughter-in-law is good-looking, but she has been tortured by the Su family. When she married into the Su family wearing a red dress, if Su Changhe hadn't introduced Su Weida, which younger generation in the village would not want to marry her?" ?”

"It's you, don't you want?"

That is a flower that cannot be found in the whole town, and I don't know what the Su family thinks.

If she had known this, she, she would have made a good fortune for Anyang.

Mo Haoran said with a smile: "OK, Mom, then I'll take Anyang to the city."

Hearing that he was going to the city, Shu Anyang smiled and took out his passbook and stuffed it into Mo Haoran's canvas bag.

(End of this chapter)

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