Chapter 127 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (21)

Mo Haoran smiled and stuffed a wad of money into her hand, and said in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, the money my mother saved for me is now in your hands."

Shu Anyang opened a corner of the cloth bag, and there were neat hundred-yuan bills all over it!
It was the first time for the original owner to see so much money, and Shu Anyang was also a part-time worker. Although she said that she had 13 yuan in her passbook, how could the numbers on the passbook have such a big impact from a wad of money?
She immediately smiled and said, "Then let's buy a motorcycle, the one with a bucket, so you don't need to pedal a bicycle to and from the city."

You can't buy a car, but you can buy a motorcycle.

Mo Haoran raised his eyebrows, nodded with a smile, "Listen to my wife!"

The two went to the city and went straight to the department store.

Just entered the 90s, although motorcycles are not yet popular, but there are already some fashionable young people who have already started to buy them, and you can see speeding and rattling motorcycles everywhere on the street.

Both husband and wife pay more attention to practicality and performance, and Mo Haoran has a lot of research on vehicles, so he bought a 5000 yuan one directly.

There are also two commercial streets in the city. The shops people love to go to are department stores and people's shopping malls.

The clothes hanging on the wall were quite standard, and Mo Haoran frowned upon seeing them, "Daughter-in-law, let's buy two to replace first, and I'll bring you some when I go to Shanghai to deliver the goods in a few days."

Shu Anyang has no objections, even so, she also bought three long skirts, two short skirts, three pairs of trousers, five shirts, three pairs of shoes and various accessories.

Of course, Shu Anyang also bought three sets of clothes for the man, and selected some gifts for the family members.

After eating at the restaurant, Shu Anyang asked for a paper bag of meat buns, and went home on a motorcycle.

"Hey, this kid from the Mo family is really quick... Shu Anyang just got 13 yuan on his heel, and before we saw her, the kid from the Mo family abducted her back home... Look, People coaxed them to buy motorcycles..."

"Or the people who come back from outside are smart... The Mo family boy has never looked for a wife. Now, for money, even Shu Anyang, who has only a few days to live, has married back home..."

"She gave me 13 yuan, and I can give her a pension until she dies..."

The big guy was working in the field, watching the motorcycle whizzing by sourly, feeling so regretful in his heart.

As long as they are a little charitable, they are the ones riding the motorcycle at the moment, right?

Think about them passing by 10 yuan households, who is psychologically balanced?

"I heard Mo Banxian talk to Su Weida's mother before, saying that Shu Anyang was Wangfu's life... She must have asked her son to pick up Shu Anyang..."

The Su family, who went to work in the fields, were very angry, especially the old lady, who was so angry that she remembered the 13 that the family gave out, she hadn't eaten well for several meals.

Now she directly cursed bitterly: "Shame, it's too shame, this little bitch can't live without a man?"

"Hooked up with our family Xiang Di at a young age, the boy matured late... Fortunately, my family Xiang Di was upright, and she didn't win her way, so I have a good future... Without Xiang Di, she turned around and followed my youngest... Lao Everyone was angry with her and left, and she was still slouching at my house..."

"Now she has entered Mo's house as soon as she left the Su's house. She is really a vixen without her... I don't know how many men she has hooked up with behind our backs. No wonder her kidneys have problems... @#¥#@% $#"

She was scolding to the point that a piece of iron shovel rushed towards her face.

The soil that has just been poured with farmyard manure has a tangy stench!
The old lady of the Su family had it all over her head, face and clothes, and she even took a big mouthful of it.

She was so disgusted that she bent over and vomited until she was in a daze, with runny nose, and she was so concerned that she couldn't even speak.

The Su family grabbed the farm tools in their hands and glared at them.

It turned out that the old lady of the Mo family was standing not far away holding the shovel angrily.

She had just returned from delivering soup to her family, when she heard the dirty words of the old lady of the Su family, she rolled up her sleeves angrily, and borrowed a shovel from the neighbor.

"What's wrong, to show off that you have a large Su family, or you have high morals? I said why there is a stench in the air. It turns out that Changhe's daughter-in-law is spraying feces..."

"Let me tell you, Shu Anyang has already obtained the certificate from Xiaoliu of our family. She is the granddaughter-in-law of our Mo family, your cousin Changhe, Su Weida and his uncles, and Su Xiangdi's grandparents!"

"Dare to be disrespectful to the elders, do you want to open an ancestral hall for your Su family to discuss ethics and morality?"

"Shu Anyang has been tormented by you until he is covered with illnesses. You don't say you are guilty and repent, but instead curse people here. Think she is still a poor child who was never cared about or cared for before?"

"Let me tell you, the Mo family is her family, and bullying her means making trouble with our Mo family!"

"If you have some money, you can bear it, and forget how to be a human..."

The old lady pinched her waist and cursed out of breath, and the people around her also pointed at the Su family.

The old lady Su managed to catch her breath, rinsed most of the mouth of the jar, and then gritted her teeth and said, "Do you dare to say that the motorcycle Mo Haoran rides in your family is not holding our Su family's money?"

Mrs. Mo snorted coldly and said: "I really dare to say this. My family has the ability to make money, and the monthly salary is several hundred... He is a bachelor, and the whole family is not hungry. He even gave out work clothes, he has nothing to spend money on, his mother saves all his wages... Isn’t it just a few thousand yuan motorcycle, who can’t buy it?”

"You don't even look at how your own money came from, but you still have the guts to give advice to others, bah..."

"Let me hear you say bad things about my good grandson-in-law again, even if our Mo family doesn't farm the land, we will turn your family into a cesspit!"

As the old lady said this, the village chief's family had already heard the news and stood aside.

The village chief's daughter-in-law is the old lady's granddaughter and Mo Haoran's cousin.

Naturally, the village head's family will not ignore the in-laws' affairs!
Of course, the Mo family also carried farm tools and stood imposingly on the ground.

The Su family was weak, so they could only get angry at the field in resentment.

Like a victorious rooster, Mrs. Mo left with her basket held high and her chest held high.

When everyone went home for dinner in the evening, they saw the children sitting in rows under the eaves of the main room, eating meat buns!

When the children eat well, the adults feel at ease, "Where did these meat buns come from?"

The children all laughed and put the meat buns on the adults.Where the adults were willing to eat, they patted the children's heads and praised them.

The four-year-old girl answered solemnly. "It was bought by my aunt. There are two children. The big meat buns from the supply and marketing cooperative in the city are so big that they look like my face..."

"My aunt said, after eating the steamed stuffed buns, each of us will have two pieces of white rabbit toffee!"

(End of this chapter)

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