Chapter 130 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (24)

Shu Anyang lowered the corner of his lips, picked up a few stones from the side, and threw them slowly. The stones hit the water surface, splashing with splashes, and headed towards the wives who were washing clothes by the river.

The weather has warmed up, and the daughters-in-law are all young and pretty, and they put on spring shirts one by one.

The water wets the clothes, revealing faint curves.

Shu Anyang played with the stone in his hand, faced the anger of the crowd, and said indifferently: "Wash your mouths, but, you really are, who are you dressed like this in broad daylight?"

"Don't rely on the water to get you wet. If you wrap yourself up properly instead of wearing such thin clothes, how can you show your ugly face?"

"The theory of blaming the victim, you will, and so will I!"

"Besides, I was already pretty, but I was spoiled by the Su family. After a month, who is prettier between me and her?"

After finishing speaking, Shu Anyang threw the stone in his hand and took the baby away with a light smile.

Those little daughters-in-law just clutched their chests, feeling ashamed and angry, and wondered that Anyang's usual temper was dull, no matter what others said, she seemed to be incapable of hearing.

So when the big guy saw it, his mouth was very sneering and sarcastic.

As a result, the few stones seemed to hit the water, but they actually felt that the stones flew past their scalps.

If she gets angry, she can really smash them with a stone!

They are all masters who bully the weak and fear the strong. Many of them have seen what happened at Su Weiqi's wedding, and they know that Anyang has gone around the gate of hell, and his temperament has changed drastically. He is no longer the poor little girl who was bullied before.

Or maybe she has the support of the Mo family, so the resentment she has accumulated for seven or eight years can be sent to whoever she catches!

The big guy lost the good mood he had before, rubbed his clothes casually, and left in a hurry.

Jing Qiaoman pursed her lips and sneered, no matter how beautiful the woman is, a village woman has no knowledge and no temperament, how can a man with ability be willing to marry back home?
The two little fellows clapped their hands and praised Shu Anyang for being so powerful that he was able to throw a big splash with a stone at such a distance.

Shu Anyang smiled lightly and patted their heads. Farm children were sensible early, and they would follow their brothers and sisters to dig wild vegetables, cut pigweed, and collect firewood when they were very young.

The family worked hard in the fields for a year, barely enough to eat and put on clothes, and had to provide for the children in the family to study.

Today, if it is said that she is looking after the child, it is better to say that the child has found a lighthearted job to accompany her, a patient, for a walk.

"Let's enclose the entire mountain and pond in the future, how about raising chickens, ducks, geese and sheep?"

"At that time, you will herd sheep and collect eggs every day to earn pocket money."

Mo Yongxin shook his head again and again: "Sixth Aunt, it's not okay, it's okay to raise a few chickens at home, but if you raise more chickens, it's easy to kill a lot of them!"

Shu Anyang smiled lightly and pointed to his head, "Aunt Six has studied and remembers how to feed chickens, ducks, geese and sheep to keep them healthy and energetic."

"This is an adult's business, don't worry about it if you are a little kid."

Back home, the second daughter-in-law of the big house, Gao Jiahui, had already started cooking. Seeing her enter the room, she smiled and said, "Sixth brother and sister, go and rest when you are tired. I am here."

Shu Anyang smiled, he had a good appetite, but he didn't stuff everything into his stomach.

Even if the food in the hospital canteen is like this, she doesn't have much hope for the food that the farmers are not willing to put oil and salt in.

She moved a bench and sat aside, occasionally giving advice to Gao Jiahui.

Today is 1990. Although the people in the countryside are not rich, they can still eat multigrain steamed buns, which are several pots each time they are steamed.

There is nothing to do at home. I eat steamed buns, drink rice porridge, and fry two vegetables with meat oil at noon on weekdays.

After eating, the big guy took a short rest and went to work in the field with the farm tools on his shoulders.

Shu Anyang went back to the house, ate a pack of biscuits, ate a can of fruit, and drank a glass of Colago, then rinsed his mouth in satisfaction, and took a nap after a little digestion.

There is a lot of labor in the family, and the children and grandchildren are filial. The old man and the old lady have never been in the field since they had grandchildren.

But the two old people can't stay idle. The old man weaves willow baskets all day long, and sells them at every market. The old lady raises chickens, ducks and two pigs. She also hopes that when Nian Gen's family can eat some meat, they can buy it for the children. Two suits.

When Shu Anyang woke up, the two children who hadn't gone to school had already gone out for a stroll.

The old man was peeling wicker with a pipe in his mouth, while the old lady was wearing reading glasses to clean the soles of her shoes.

Mo Haoran bought the gold-rimmed dry cigarettes and reading glasses. The two of them are very precious, and they bring them wherever they go.

"Anyang is all right, come and sit here with grandma," the old lady smiled and patted the small bench beside her when she heard the movement, and took out a bamboo basket of strawberries from behind her!
"Ningning and Mingming got fish in the river and exchanged it with others. It's so sweet. I specially told them to keep it for their sixth aunt."

Mo Yongning and Mo Yongming are the sons of the eldest son of the big house and the second son, one is nine years old and the other is seven years old, the kind who can't see anyone after school.

Shu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "Did grandma taste it?"

The old lady laughed and said, "I ate it. When I was young, I liked to eat these fruits. Your grandfather often exchanged them with fish and shrimp... In the end, I got tired of eating them..."

The old man was choked up, "You old woman, what are you talking about with the baby?"

This strawberry is not too big, but it is red and cute, with a slight coolness, and it tastes sour and sweet!

"It's really delicious," she ate more than a dozen in one go, and then her eyes flickered slightly.

Shu Anyang is the tasker, in addition to receiving the memory of the original owner, he also has the main plot in the book.

The protagonist of this book is Su Weiqi, a youngest who is loved by his family, a bit smart and pretentious.

However, his luck was indeed very good. He trampled on those who gave him opportunities one by one, and finally became the richest man in the province and an outstanding entrepreneur!

The original owner was one of the cannon fodder for the opportunity.

Anyone who is better than Su Weiqi is a stumbling block to his success, such as Mo Haoran who drives a truck.

Mo Haoran is a person with real skills and a wide network of contacts, but he is not used by Su Weiqi. He even stepped forward to stop Su Weiqi when he saw something wrong.

There is no profiteering or businessman, Su Weiqi walks in the gray area in many things.

The relationship between the two became more and more knotted. It can be said that in the 500 million-word essay about the male protagonist getting rich, 30 words were written about Mo's family.

This Su Weiqi's good luck is not for no reason, but because he picked up a piece of jade from the forest of Mo's family and successfully opened it.

As long as you know the other person's name, address and birth date, this jade can absorb other people's luck for the wearer to squander.

Su Weiqi is jealous of Mo Haoran, and the Mo family is one of the most hard-working families in the village, so he regards the Mo family as the objects of luck!

(End of this chapter)

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