Chapter 131 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (25)

Thinking of this, Shu Anyang took a bite of the strawberry viciously.

In the past, her focus was on the original owner, and she didn't sort out the plot in too much detail, but only touched on the main line. Now, with the help of refreshing her mind and the bruises on her head, she can solve the side plot of the Mo family. All came out!

The family was destroyed, yes, the Mo family was a kind family for several generations, but they did not end well.

First, when the brothers Mo Yongning and Mo Yongming went down to fish in the river, someone dropped something while crossing the river.The two little brothers went to pick it up with good intentions, but they forgot that the river was rushing and the water and grass were overgrown. When the adults arrived, they had already drowned...

Now all the children in the family are treasures, and they can make adults feel sorry for them to death.

The second daughter-in-law couldn't bear the pain of losing her son, so she went crazy, and even the big guys jumped into the river without watching.

The second child, Mo Haoyuan, suddenly lost his wife and children, and left his hometown sadly, never to return.

The eldest family was not much better. They finally got out of the shadows and wanted to have another child. As a result, the eldest daughter-in-law Xu Peiling died of dystocia, and the child she gave birth was also weak and sick...

The successive blows made Mr. Mo die in a panic on the spot, while Mrs. Mo suffered a stroke and collapsed on the bed.

Sanfang's eldest grandson, Mo Yongxin, was abducted, and Mo Yongchang was blinded when he was fighting with his friends.Their mothers, one was sad and divorced and remarried, and the other was suffering from epilepsy...

Everyone in the village said that the Mo family must have done something outrageous and suffered retribution.

None of the girls from all over the world would dare to be the wife of the Mo family.

The family needed money everywhere, so Uncle Mo, Father Mo and Uncle Mo went to work as miners behind the backs of their families, but they encountered a mining accident, killing one and injuring two...

Shu Anyang was so angry that he wished he could go looking for Su Weiqi now with a knife in his hand. This dog has to be lucky to get rich, but he can't grab a wool!
Wouldn't he look for those black-hearted things to gain luck?

"Hey, my darling, you like to eat strawberries, and grandma will give you a basket of eggs in exchange for it now," the old lady heard her granddaughter-in-law eating ferociously, and turned her head to see that her skin color was a bit dark , People with a little rough skin, their mouths are full of juice.

Shu Anyang also came back to his senses, and wiped it off with a handkerchief embarrassingly, "I'm fine with the baby, but I slept too long, and my arms were pressed, and the accuracy of putting my hands into my mouth was a bit poor."

The old lady smiled and shook her head: "These strawberries are grown in the village next door. They have hot springs, and every year when they are green and yellow, they come down with strawberries and cherries, and sell them in the city. This year's food, clothing and chewing are used. I earned it back."

When the old lady was young, she worked as a girl in the landlord's house. She knew how to read and write.

Shu Anyang took the old lady's arm, "Grandma, I was thinking about something just now, Xiaoxin and Changchang took me to our forest for a walk in the morning."

"I see that the environment is good. It can't cultivate land, but it can raise some chickens, ducks, geese and sheep."

"I used to have a lot of books at home, some of which were about planting, but then my mother disappeared, and the things at home were almost sold out."

"I want to enclose our woodland and the pond next to it for breeding. After I get started, there won't be much work in the woodland..."

"Forty acres of land, exactly ten acres for my grandparents, ten acres for my uncle, my father, and third uncle...Each acre of land can raise sixty chickens...We can raise a group of chickens to eat meat, and a group of chickens to lay eggs... …has a pond and can raise ducks and geese too…”

"Mutton is delicious, and the price is not cheap, and goat milk is also a rare commodity... Well, you can also raise a few cows..."

The old lady was taken aback when she heard this. Is this because the whole family's work has been arranged?

"We buy chicks directly, and free-range chickens can produce eggs for about five or six months... But as long as we feed them properly, we will build a plastic shed in winter and keep eggs all year round... Three acres of chickens are raised on ten acres of land , an acre of ducks, an acre of geese..."

"Conservatively estimate more than 100 eggs, 20 goose eggs and [-] duck eggs each day..."

The old lady listened to her wringing her fingers, and her analysis was decent, and she couldn't help asking: "Anyang, the most feared thing about raising poultry is getting sick. If one chicken gets plague, the whole flock will be gone."

Shu Anyang smiled and said, "Grandma, as long as you feed scientifically, you can avoid this problem to the greatest extent."

"Let's try it? Chicken, duck and goose seedlings are not expensive, and the free-range poultry don't eat much feed."

At this time, the old man said: "Young people should boldly implement it if they have an idea. I am worried that I have nothing to do."

The old lady nodded: "When the busy farming season is over, except for the men who go out to do odd jobs, your aunt, your mother, your aunt and sister-in-law are all at home, and you will send people."

Shu Anyang hummed, but he was thinking about whether to use bricks to enclose the forest and the pond, or use railings to mix thorns.

After Mo Haoran came back at night, she expressed her thoughts.

"Brother Haoran, you also know that I'm used to working at home, and I'm not used to the leisure time of doing nothing, so I just want to toss our woodland."

Mo Haoran nodded, "How sure are you?"

Chicken farms are very risky, and a single plague may wipe out half a year's hard work.

Shu Anyang stretched out his hand: "Eighty percent, I like to do it or not, this is the safest number. Otherwise I can say [-]%!"

Is the scientific breeding experience from the future a joke?
The above is a list of all the things that need attention, and there are many tips to improve the meat quality and egg production.

"Sure, then I'll get in touch." Mo Haoran couldn't help but pat her head, "Go to the brick factory first to get some bricks, and build the chicken, duck and geese house, and build the fence while raising them. "

Shu Anyang handed over the notebook: "I drew this, and there must be ventilation holes... The poultry house uses hollow iron nets to keep the house clean... It also needs to be prepared for lighting, so that the egg production rate can be guaranteed in winter... "

While watching, Mo Haoran listened to her whispering in his ear.

Obviously he heard every word she said, but his mind was unwilling to turn, and all his attention was on the faint fragrance of flowers that she had just taken a shower.

He still chose the rose-scented soap.

The light was slightly dim and flickering, the woman's breathing was light and her smile was full, and the traces of hard life on her body were mostly covered by the darkness.

It is said that looking at beauties under the lamp, Mo Haoran is a little crazy...

After Shu Anyang finished speaking with his head down, seeing that the man had been slow to move, he raised his head and looked into those fiery eyes.

It seems that there is a beast that can swallow people hidden inside!

Mo Haoran stood up abruptly, with a hoarse voice: "I'm going to take a shower..."

Shu Anyang asked faster than his brain: "Why are you still taking a shower? Didn't you just come into the house after taking a shower..."

(End of this chapter)

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