Chapter 132 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (26)

Mo Haoran staggered, turned around and walked over with big strides, because his aura was so fierce that the woman sitting by the bed was so frightened that he overwhelmed him all of a sudden.

The man has really been having a hard time these few days. There is a lively and active little wife by his side, who burrows into his arms every night after washing her deliciously.

He felt that if he endured it any longer, would he still be a man?
What's more, they are a husband and wife, so it's okay for him to play hooligans once in a while, right?

Seeing that her face was flushed, Mo Haoran asked in a hoarse voice: "Daughter-in-law, you still need to let me explain why you need to take a bath again?"

Shu Anyang was so obedient right now, he turned his head to avoid his fiery breath, felt the strength of the man, his heart was beating fast, and he shook his head repeatedly: "No, I don't need it."

Mo Haoran couldn't bear to look for her lips any longer, their fingers were intertwined, and their young bodies were also pressed together...

However, at the critical moment, Mo Haoran stepped on the brakes, gritted his teeth and buried his head in her neck, hugging her tightly to breathe. "Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law..."

He didn't want to hurt her, he was afraid that her body would not be able to bear it, and he regretted not being able to be husband and wife with her.

If the two of them could meet in the most beautiful time, how much would he love her so much?

Shu Anyang also felt uncomfortable being teased by him, but the man could stop at such a time, making her dumbfounded and warm in her heart.

"Actually, I, I can do it." She has been reborn for more than a week. She eats three meals a day, and the energy and weight of each meal are guaranteed, so her body has been greatly improved.

Mo Haoran kissed her pitifully, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, let's take care of your health first."

It was her urgency to love him, how could it be her urgency?

Shu Anyang snorted: "Then you just hold it back and go to sleep!"

As she spoke, she turned her head to face the wall angrily.

Mo Haoran wrapped the person into his arms from behind, "Why do I sound like someone is dissatisfied with desire?"

Shu Anyang hit him with his elbow, but the man was very alert, so he took it with his hand.

The two fought back and forth in the bed, scratching and scratching, laughing and laughing in low voices, as if they were back to their childhood.

After dinner the next day, Shu Anyang invited the children to her room.

She poured a bowl of Golego for the children, "Is it delicious?"

The children nodded again and again, it was delicious, it was so delicious, they were reluctant to drink it, even though they were going to be late for school, they still took small sips.

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "In the future, chickens, ducks and geese will be raised at home. Then you will have work to do. When you have eggs and milk, I will make delicious food for you!"

"However, you have to promise me a few things, and if you perform well, you can earn pocket money from Aunt Six."

The children listened with wide-eyed eyes when they heard the pocket money.

"First, don't get close to the water. Now that spring and summer are together, the rain is abundant and the river is turbulent, so accidents are easy to happen; second, you should travel with your friends, not alone; third, when playing with children, be careful Safety, we don't provoke others, and we can't let others provoke us, understand?"

The children nodded.

Although she confessed, Shu Anyang understood the power of that luck stone.

What is set in the play will eventually happen.

There is no absolute in everything, the luck stone is powerful, but it is not impossible to crack it!

In the later part of the article, as Su Weiqi's business grew bigger and bigger, some capable people and strange people also emerged.Someone sensed the passage of luck and asked an expert to crack it.

As long as the luck stone works and the person who is absorbed does not suffer any damage, the luck stone will show slight cracks, and the wearer will be entangled in bad luck for the next month.

Therefore, Shu Anyang only needs to keep an eye on the children of the Mo family in chronological order, so that Su Weiqi suffers backlash...

Spring plowing has to be busy for more than a month, and the strong men are dark and thin.

At this time, Mo Haoran would pull a cart of red bricks to Mo's forest every morning, noon and evening.

Although the Mo family was tired after a day's work, they heard that the family would raise poultry, especially Shu Anyang gave a speech at the Mo family, drew a big cake for everyone, and firmly stated that he had enough experience. I can still do it!

The peasant men and daughters-in-law are never afraid of hardship or tiredness, but they are afraid that they will not be able to feed their children because of laziness and lack of food.

The more work they have, the happier they are at it.

What's more, building a wall around the forest, the big guy can consume a cart full of red bricks after eating and digesting!

After the spring plowing was over, the Lin family not only built a three-meter-high fence, but also erected several chicken coops, duck coops, sheep pens, and cattle pens on the mountain.

This reflects the benefits of the Mo family's labor.

In each family, more than 300 chicks, more than 50 ducklings, more than 30 goose babies, [-] sheep and [-] cows have been carefully fed by the wives and children.

Because there are few people in the second room, the old man and the old lady were also separated separately, and did not share with any other room.

Therefore, the juniors of the big house and the third house are responsible for each household!
Serving the old man and the old lady is filial piety.Helping the second room is repaying the love.

The Mo family started working almost with their eyes open. The money for these chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, and cattle was all their savings and IOUs from Mo Haoran.

Shu Anyang prefers the atmosphere of the Mo family. They are all honest and responsible. Although they don't like to use their brains, the old lady of the Mo family and Mo's mother are the souls.

Even though they knew that farming would be easy to lose their money, but the old lady and Mother Mo nodded and said yes, they were willing to take the risk.

When the busy farming season just ended, the villagers lost their tension and walked more leisurely. They had to hold their hands in the alley and chat with their neighbors to eat when they ate.

Especially when Shu Anyang came to Mo's house, the same food became much more delicious after her guidance.

Today is hand-rolled multigrain noodles, topped with a spoonful of braised pork, a spoonful of tomato scrambled eggs, and a spoonful of peppery eggplant, half of the noodles and half of the vegetables, mixed together and then a spoonful of soybean paste, the color is red, bright and fragrant tasty!
The old men of the Mo family squatted in a row outside the courtyard wall, so greedy that the neighbors all stepped forward to pick up chopsticks.

"Hey, less pinch, just taste it... It's all pure meat, and we didn't have much..." They cried out in distress, but their outstretched hands were not vague.

"Okay, I don't see a spring plowing, and your food level is getting higher and higher! Compared with the state-owned restaurants in the town, it is not far behind!" Everyone praised it again and again, it is spicy and delicious.

The Mo family praised Shu Anyang for her good cooking skills. Although she didn't cook for herself, with a little guidance, the women in the family were able to make human meals!

In fact, cooking in the countryside is either cooking or stewing, but here in Shu Anyang, there are many tricks. The condiments in the kitchen alone occupy more than half of the stove.

A lot of ingredients are added, and with some careful thought, it is naturally delicious!

(End of this chapter)

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