Chapter 133 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (27)

The big guys were talking and laughing, and they saw Su Weiqi driving straight to the village chief's house from a distance.

There was excitement to watch, and everyone gathered at the village chief's house with bowls in hand. As soon as they entered the courtyard, Su Weiqi shouted: "How is that possible! Isn't the land at the east end of the village still vacant? Why is it divided?"

"Uncle Chang Zhu, you didn't say that on purpose, did you? You can see my eagerness, and deliberately manipulate me?"

"Such a big homestead, how come there is no such thing!"

The village chief was also eating with his hands in his hands, he was very surprised and couldn't help but thank himself for his wisdom.

When Mo's family wanted a homestead, he decisively followed suit and distributed the three sons, taking away the last three homesteads.

Although he didn't know why the Mo family valued that trip to the homestead, and why Su Weiqi was so eager to ask for it, now he said slowly:

"Wei Qi, why did Uncle lie to you about this?"

"Just over a month ago, didn't you come back with your new wife and kicked Anyang out of your house?"

"Your uncle Haoran married Anyang. The two of them were afraid that their family members would be judged by the villagers, so they took the initiative to ask for a separation."

"You... your grandma's parents-in-law are more open-minded, so they took advantage of the opportunity to separate out all the married males in the family, and chose the first homestead in the east of the village... and left three yuan, which was used by the three scumbags of my family. The kid crossed it out, is there a problem?"

"We have already gone to the county to stamp and register and go through the procedures!"

"No, you didn't even go home in such a hurry, why did you just drive to find your uncle?"

"What happened to the homestead at the east end of the village?"

Su Weiqi wiped his face impatiently. If it was another family, he could still buy a few dollars with the money, but the Mo family is well-known in the whole village.

When he provoked Shu Anyang, he made the Mo family an enemy.

Su Weiqi lowered his eyes, swipe his calculations, and said helplessly: "I just came back from the city. The provincial road originally passed through our neighboring village, but isn't there a coal yard there?"

"Coal mining has seriously caused ground subsidence, and it needs to be filled and repaired every now and then. This time, the document for the diversion of the provincial road has been approved, and it may pass through the east entrance of our village..."

Hearing this, the big guy was so surprised.

They have seen what it means to pass the dart road and what benefits it can bring.

Anyone who is next to the provincial road can open a small restaurant, grocery store, specialty store, etc. Many vehicles will stop to rest.

The few families in the neighboring villages next to the provincial road were the first to become ten thousand households in the town!
That's really making money selling everything.

Because the provincial road is not too wide, there are barely two lanes, and all the traffic is trucks, so stalls are not allowed on the provincial road.

Once the patrol vehicle finds out, they will confiscate all the hawker's belongings, take him back to the police station for education, and fine him [-] yuan!
It is not easy for the villagers to make money. Once this regulation came out, the big guys could only envy and hate and watch others make money, while their own families continued to face the loess and back to the sky.

"Such a good thing, can't let the Mo family and the village chief occupy it?"

"No matter what, you have to eat meat, let us big fellows drink soup..."

Su Weiqi said bluntly.

Someone among the crowd responded: "That's right, why didn't we know that the Mo family had split up and landed? You have taken all the benefits out of your words?"

"The Mo family is too greedy. There can be a dozen or so families in that row, and they took them all?"

"The village head must know something first, why does your family have three homesteads?"

"It's not fair! I suggest we build our village office there, everyone can set up stalls on the side of the road, and if we have money, let's make money together..."

Such voices are getting louder and louder, "Anyway, the Mo family hasn't built a house yet, so it's not too bad..."

"It must be Mo Xiangu who secretly pinched her fingers... She is really cruel, and she swiped over in an instant. If the Mo family didn't have so many households, I'm afraid even the village head's family wouldn't be able to get any money..."

The Mo family didn't expect to eat melons and eat themselves.

"What are you doing, our homestead is registered in the town, why, you can't deny it with jealousy, can your home be confiscated?"

"Don't think that we just bully people because we don't like to use our brains! This Su Weiqi is not a good thing. He deliberately provokes our villagers to live in harmony. I didn't hear that he asked for the homestead first, but later found out that the homestead was given to our Mo family... ...What do you want, to bring disaster to the east? Make our Mo family an enemy of the whole village, ah bah, it really is a black-hearted can't learn from him..."

"Why, my aunt is right, the sixth sister-in-law is a prosperous man. If the sixth sister-in-law hadn't come to the house, we would not have separated, and we would not have thought about going to the east of the village to plan a spacious townhouse. ..."

"Look, it's only been over a month, and the provincial road has been changed to our door... Some people can't bear this blessing..."

"Don't think that we don't know why you are making trouble with Su Weiqi. You have jealousy. If it were you, would you agree that your homestead recognized by the organization would be confiscated?"

"You don't care if you take this matter to the county, city or province!"

When the villagers saw the tall and mighty men of the Mo family talking fiercely, they all smiled.

They were able to agree with Su Weiqi so much because of the ugly and twisted jealousy in their hearts.

While talking, the men of the Mo family glared at Su Weiqi: "Su Weiqi, if you play tricks again, believe it or not, all your business will also be confiscated?"

"After all, you came out of our village. You can't spend the money you earn with the big guys? It's seventy or eighty thousand, and each household can share more than 100 yuan..."

"That's right, you show off your wealth in front of our villagers, don't you want to pull down the old folks?"

"What kind of shop are you going to open in the city? The waiters in the shop have to invite the boys and girls from our village...the fat and water don't flow to outsiders..."

Who can't run on people, it's natural!
Su Weiqi was so angry that he clenched his fists and said in a cold voice: "I advise you not to mess with me. So what about Second Aunt Mo's feng shui skills, she leaked so many secrets, sooner or later she will suffer the consequences..."

There was a lot of excitement here, Shu Anyang and the others were all attracted.

Hearing this, Shu Anyang directly squeezed out from the crowd, kicked the person down, knelt on the person's back and beat him head and face!
"You black-hearted bastard, you ruined my life without telling me, and even cursed my mother-in-law... don't you want to see me?"

"I have settled with you, but you just want to continue to abuse me... I will die with you, and I won't make it easier for you..."

While crying and shouting, Shu Anyang frantically scratched Su Weiqi's head and face.

The big and small men of the Mo family lined up in a row, silently preventing everyone from fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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