Chapter 134 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (28)

The original owner hated Su Weiqi, this person left for seven or eight years, leaving the original owner at home as a widow.

He took the original owner's money outside to make a fortune, and brought the woman back home in fine clothes. The first thing he did was to replace her, the yellow-faced woman.

The original owner was also burdened with the complaints from the Su family, because she was the bastard that made the youngest go away, and the original owner also thought that she refused his begging, which made the man feel uncomfortable and left home angrily. The Su family made things difficult, and endured it silently, and all of this was because she was so disappointed in the world and punished herself in this way?

It was the Su family who united to deal with the original owner's PUA, making the original owner think that he was worthless and lived numbly.

Shu Anyang hated the Su family's honesty and nonchalant attitude. In fact, what they did had a great impact on the original owner.

After eating and drinking enough, Shu Anyang's body recovered quickly. This strength is the most direct expression of the meal just now.

And where do fists and slaps hurt, naturally you have to scratch with your nails and pinch with your fingers!

Just now, Shu Anyang looked at Su Weiqi's threatening appearance, and his mind moved. Sure enough, when she was pulling Su Weiqi, he saw the red thread hanging around his neck.

Shu Anyang grabbed at Su Weiqi with her nails, diverting his attention with pain, while her hand pulled out the red thread, held the jade pendant, and poured all her strength into it. Only when she heard the fine and crisp cracks did she feel satisfied Let go, and fall into Mo Haoran's arms weakly!
"Anyang," Mo Haoran was angry and anxious, hugged Shu Anyang horizontally, and said coldly to Su Weiqi: "You'd better pray that Anyang is fine, otherwise I will let you leave the village and come back!"

After speaking, he strode away with Shu Anyang in his arms.

Su Weiqi was very angry, "Is your Mo family the rules of our Yandian Village?"

"Obviously it was this crazy woman who came up to beat me. Look at how I was dragged by her. How did you become mine?"

"She is not in good health. It's because she doesn't know how to cherish herself. She is tired from beating me, so she blames me instead?"

"I'm going to call the police!"

The man from the Mo family curled his lips: "A big man was beaten by a woman, and he still has the face to call the police. Tsk tsk, don't say you belong to our Yandian Village after you go out, shame on you!"

The villagers also nodded, one-sidedly: "I think it's still a light blow. I left the cute little girl at home and ran away for seven or eight years. The handsome girl has been tortured to the point..."

"You also said that nothing happened with Anyang, but as long as you are a man, it is impossible for nothing to happen... When you take advantage of others, you just get beaten and wronged?"

"You're making such a fuss, you can't be staring at the Mo family's homestead, deliberately blackmailing people, right? Hey, you are indeed a businessman, this head turns so fast, is it a fool to be a big guy?"

"The Mo family is a kind family, just you, a rotten person, can't get cheap, let us be your gunmen..."

Su Weiqi gritted his teeth and covered his burning neck, and rushed out of the crowd and walked home with an ugly expression.

"I didn't want to attack people from my hometown, Mo Haoran and Shu Anyang were the ones who forced me!"

He held the jade pendant, returned home with a sneer, and was dragged over by Mrs. Su who made a fuss, and took the potion to apply.

Jing Qiaoman sat beside him worriedly, "Wei Qi, what happened?"

Su Weiqi took a deep breath and told the news he had inquired in the city today, "At first, I thought our family could take down the homestead at the east end of the village, so that brothers and sisters-in-law would each have a homestead on the side of the road. Setting up a stall easily squeezed into 10 yuan households, or even [-] yuan households, but was cut off by the Mo family!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Su stood up in fright, "What? The Mo family took our chance to become a millionaire household?"

Su Weiqi nodded and talked about the diversion of the provincial road.

The business next to the provincial road is good, and everyone in the towns and villages knows it, and everyone is jealous.

Especially Mrs. Su's relatives are one of them. Every time she goes back to her mother's house, seeing her cousin showing off, she is so sad that she can squeeze out water.

It was the youngest who drove back with his daughter-in-law, and she raised her eyebrows once.

Jing Qiaoman also heard what Su Weiqi meant, and regretted: "The Mo family is lucky, when will the homestead not be divided, it must be last month?"

The old lady Su didn't know what was going on, and suddenly remembered Mo's mother's words, saying Shu Anyang Wangfu.

Seeing Su Weiqi come back in such a state of embarrassment, the Su family knew that the homestead might not have anything to do with them.

When the big guys were busy, Su Weiqi pretended to casually talk to the old lady, asking about the eldest grandson and second grandson of the Mo family.

"Yesterday I saw those two children... One was so little when I left, and the other was not born yet. What's their name?"

"Mom, do you know their birthdays? I want to see if I can save it..."

The old lady is not stupid. To save the homestead, there is no important person's name and birthday.What's more, the old lady is still a little superstitious, thinking that her son knows some kind of expert.

She quickly promised to find out about this matter!

Sure enough, the old lady went out for a walk, and said to Su Weiqi in a low voice: "The eldest grandson of the Mo family is named Mo Yongning. birthday..."

Su Weiqi wrote it down carefully, then said a few words to the old lady, and then said it slowly to get some air.

In fact, he came to the back of his house, pulled out the jade pendant, pierced the belly of his finger cruelly, pressed blood on it, and said the names and birthdays of the two children word by word in a cold voice.

"I want all their luck! Just let these two children drown..."

He wants to see if the Mo family is ruined, and they still have the mind to fight for these vulgar things.

The sky was dark, and Yupei seemed to hear his voice, and the fluorescent light disappeared after a swipe.

He didn't notice that the brightness of the jade pendant had weakened this time, and the cracks inside the jade pendant were like mesh!
During this time, Shu Anyang's body has recovered well, and he is alive and kicking. Doesn't he look like a person suffering from uremia?

Moreover, her appearance seemed to be shedding her skin, she became white and tender in a few days, and her body gradually grew flesh, and she was no longer so thin and thin.

They usually have a lot of work, and the couple are together in private, always hugging each other to relieve their greed, Mo Haoran only feels that time flies, but he forgot to take the woman to see a doctor!
Seeing Shu Anyang collapsed with a pale face, his heart was about to burst out of fright.

Shu Anyang regained his strength at this moment, smiled and said in a low voice: "Brother Haoran, I'm fine, it's just that I beat him too hard, it's a bit low..."

She just wanted to say hypoglycemia, but she just had a meal!

So she changed her words: "I've been squatting for too long, and I got up violently. Just in time for me to scare him..."

(End of this chapter)

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