Chapter 135 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (29)

Mo Haoran sneered: "You didn't scare him, but you scared me!"

"This is not the first time you've fallen over for no reason. We have to go to the hospital for a comprehensive checkup."

Shu Anyang knew that no matter what he said, the fact that he fainted was still there, so he would not easily believe that she recovered.

She nodded helplessly: "Okay, but I won't go to the city, I will check at the hospital in the town."

"I promise to be very obedient this time, and I won't make small movements during the inspection. When you get the report that I am in good health, you will understand that what I said is true!"

Speaking of this, she chuckled and pulled his hand, "If I'm fine, can I ask for the benefits of being a wife?"

Mo Haoran's footsteps stopped, and he looked down at the woman whose face was back to blood, and who was shaking her feet and laying in his arms very comfortably.

Maybe the two meet every day, and he has always known how beautiful the woman is, so he didn't realize that the woman really returned to her original appearance little by little.

Her face is not fair now, but her skin color is similar to that of girls in the city, and her skin is smooth and tender, and her beautiful appearance can no longer be concealed!
Whenever the two of them are in the same room, he, he always wants to be intimate with her.

Now being teased by the woman in turn, his neck became red, and he strode home with a sullen face.

The men of the Mo family also came back, seeing him thought he was very angry, so they all said: "Hao Ran, the sixth younger sibling is letting out the flames, don't take it to heart..."

"The Su family is a pit of fire. The sixth younger sibling is such a smart lesbian, so I can only stay away. Don't think too much about it..."

No, what is he thinking about?Mo Haoran was at a loss.

Shu Anyang took the brown sugar egg water and ate it slowly, replenishing his excessively lost energy.

She was really in a hurry.Her body has finally recovered after a month of non-stop eating, at least her life is not in danger.

And she was worried that something would happen to the children, so she took advantage of the fight to destroy the jade pendant on Su Weiqi's neck.

However, this body's energy storage is not enough, but she also believes that he will be able to shatter that jade pendant if he suffers the backlash of luck three times at most.

The jade pendant is broken, but she can't rely on her. Su Weiqi will pay back all the things that the jade pendant has done to absorb people's luck!

In this world, there has never been a good thing like a pie from the sky. It is a wicked thing to be able to absorb people's luck.

As the person who broke the jade pendant, he had to bear the karma.

Today, she and the Mo family have offended Su Weiqi very much. With his small heart, he might have already attacked the two children!
Shu Anyang pursed his lips slightly, with a sneer on the corner of his lips.

Today Mo Haoran was indeed frightened, and when he entered the room, he pressed her against the door and kissed her!
"Can you?" The man hugged her tightly, his voice was hoarse but serious, "Daughter-in-law, think clearly..."

Shu Anyang laughed angrily, "Mo Haoran, what do I want to know? We have obtained the certificate together, and I am still innocent after being hugged and kissed by you, and can I get out of my body?"

Mo Haoran quickly explained: "Daughter-in-law, that's not what I meant."

Shu Anyang raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean? What do you mean by discussing this with me now?"

Mo Haoran...he knows what she means!
It was because he was afraid of forcing her, but the daughter-in-law was right, they both slept under the covers.

They are a legal couple with a certificate, why can't they get close?

Mo Haoran cherished his wife piously, but...he suddenly raised his head, ""

Shu Anyang frowned in pain, "Why are you so aggressive, don't you know how to be gentle?"

Mo Haoran doesn't have a virginity complex, but his daughter-in-law belongs to him wholeheartedly, which makes people feel satisfied physically and mentally, as if she has been waiting for him to appear.

The next day, Shu Anyang opened his eyes and saw Mo Haoran who was dressed and sitting beside the bed reading a book, and said foolishly: "I don't want to go to the hospital, I've been tossed like this by you, I'll be laughed at!"

Mo Haoran touched his nose, he was a little excited because the daughter-in-law was too sweet and delicious.

However, because of Shu Anyang's physique, her skin turned red when she touched it, and she didn't even feel any pain when she exerted a little force, and her skin was already bruised and purple.

This man who has tasted, how can he hold back the meat around his mouth?

He was afraid that before the traces on his daughter-in-law disappeared, he would add new ones.

Could it be that you haven't checked it all the time?
Shu Anyang chuckled lightly and said, "I'm really fine, or would you ask the Chinese medicine practitioner in our village to feel my pulse?"

The old Chinese doctor in the village is really capable. Many diseases that the hospital can't look at can be treated by him.

Mo Haoran nodded, waited for his daughter-in-law to get up, brought her a meal, and went to invite the old Chinese doctor.

The old doctor squinted his eyes and checked his pulse for a while, then frowned and said, "Hao Ran, your daughter-in-law is in very good health, even a hammer-headed ox."

"You invited the old man here, you are not teasing the old man, are you?"

Mo Haoran was stunned for a moment, "Grandpa Sun, is there really nothing wrong with my daughter-in-law's health? The medical certificate issued by the hospital before said that she is... the advanced stage of uremia. Apart from kidney transplantation, the only way to do it is to keep doing it." Dialysis."

The old Chinese doctor nodded: "The old man with uremia knows it. It is called Guan Ge in Chinese medicine. External evils invade and the course of the disease is lingering and hard to heal."

"It's like uremia at an advanced stage, and the patient's veins should be stagnant, resulting in a blockage of qi and blood. But your daughter-in-law's pulse is good, similar to that of a strong man. How can there be no flow of qi and blood?"

"I'm afraid the hospital deliberately issued the wrong medical certificate in order to earn black-hearted money?"

Mo Haoran still doesn't believe it, it shouldn't be possible, if Shu Anyang is not sick, then when he first met her, the decayed appearance of her terminally ill is fake?

But the old Chinese doctor is quite accurate in feeling the pulse.

Mo Haoran sent Dr. Sun away in a daze, came back and stared at Shu Anyang, and asked for sure: "Daughter-in-law, what's going on? When you were in the city hospital, you were given a critical illness notice."

Shu Anyang shrugged: "I told you, that is, when the instrument was testing, I did a little trick."

"As a result, I was diagnosed with uremia, and I was also very helpless, so that wherever I went, I was pointed out..."

"Nowadays, as long as you have money, do regular dialysis, or get a kidney replacement once and for all, uremia is not considered a terminal illness. But the big guys think that you have been taken advantage of by taking over me as a second-hand product, and you can't have children..."

"Actually, I'm quite sorry for you!"

Mo Haoran glared at her, "Then how many times have you fainted?"

Shu Anyang snapped his fingers, "I kowtowed for the first time, and bled so much, I can't justify it if I didn't faint, right?"

"The second time was because I was anemic, and this time it was because I got up too fast."

(End of this chapter)

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