Chapter 136 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (30)

Shu Anyang found perfect reasons for himself fainting three times, "Yes, that's how it is!"

"Look at me, my face is flushed now, my eyes are blushing, like a seriously ill person who has stepped into a coffin with one foot and has not lived for a few months?"

"Shall I perform a flip for you?"

Mo Haoran helplessly smiled and rubbed her hair, "You, don't make fun of your own health in the future!"

Shu Anyang nodded repeatedly, "No, as long as I eat and drink enough, there will be nothing wrong with me."

While talking, her voice changed, "Brother Haoran, did you hear what Su Weiqi said yesterday?"

"The provincial road is going to be diverted to the entrance of our new house, isn't it, we are going to build the house?"

Recently, the houses and fences raised on the mountain have been built, and the chickens, ducks and geese seedlings bought have also grown. They can forage for food and eat some insects and wild vegetables, and feed homemade feed when they return home late.

The homemade formula given by Shu Anyang ensures that the free-range chickens, ducks and geese can keep up with the amount of food and have balanced nutrition when the amount of exercise reaches the standard.

And they had to turn on the lights for three hours in the evening, and they didn't turn them off until nine o'clock.

After school, the children would put down their schoolbags and run up the mountain, leading their cattle and sheep out to find fat leaves and grass.

To prevent others from having bad intentions, Mo Haoran also brought a group of retired police dogs and wolf dogs to raise them on the hillside of Mo's house.

It can be said that the Mo family's breeding business has been on track after more than a month of busy work, and there is no need to spend too much thought.

Now, it happens that the big guy shifts his energy to building a house.

Mo Haoran nodded: "Su Weiqi made such a fuss at Uncle Chang Zhu's house yesterday that he shamelessly confiscated our homestead."

"Grandma and the others are also afraid of long nights and dreams. Starting tomorrow, except for working in the fields, the rest of the time the men in the family will go to build houses!"

"Usually when people build a house, our whole family goes out to help. Now that Mo's house is built, other people can't just sit idly by."

Shu Anyang smiled lightly and said, "Brother Haoran, the road is built very quickly, and it can be repaired in just over a month. Regardless of whether the house can be built or not, we can start a small business."

"The people living next to the provincial road in the neighboring village can't earn thirty or fifty dollars a day?"

"In other words, I can first lend money to the big guy to build a house, and we will all build a beautiful and neat brick house together."

"But I have a condition, that is, I will only lend it out for half a year without interest."

Mo Haoran was stunned for a moment, thought about what she said, and couldn't help but pull her into his arms, "Daughter-in-law, thank you."

There are many people who make money in the village, but there are not many people who can lead the whole family to make a fortune. It is said that brothers and sisters settle accounts clearly, and everyone likes to make a fortune silently, for fear that relatives and friends will come to take advantage of them.

Unexpectedly, my daughter-in-law first took the whole family to breed on the mountain, and then built a house together to start a business.

Shu Anyang smiled lightly and said, "Brother Haoran, I'm not as great as you imagined, it's just a matter of convenience."

"It's like we provided ideas and borrowed money. The big guys helped our second house with work. Basically, my father herded the cows and sheep, and my mother was only responsible for opening and closing the doors and feeding the chickens, ducks and geese at fixed times."

"Besides, the sloping land is common to all of us. If they want to make money, they must be diligent and courageous enough...the homestead is also... I will just say a word and lend them money, but I can gain the favor of the big guy and let the Mo family The overall strength has been improved, so why not do it?"

"It's better for everyone to earn money together than to make money secretly and cause family conflicts, right?"

Mo Haoran kissed her fiercely, "Daughter-in-law, your brain turns so fast and you have a pattern that I can't compare to."

"From now on, you will be the helm of our family. I will go wherever you say, without even asking why!"

Shu Anyang snorted, "You don't need to praise me as a flower. You have to explain to the big guys that this is all I can help, and they have to figure out the rest of the way."

"I can't take them with everything. I hope they can correct their mentality, live their lives well, and learn to be satisfied. After all, people's desires can't be satisfied."

Mo Haoran responded: "I'll talk it over with grandma later, as long as she understands, basically there will be no conflicts in our family."

The couple talked about some details.

At this time, Mo Haoran suddenly patted his head, took out the key and opened the drawer, put his hand in and groped for a while, and pulled off the thing pasted with tape under the table.

"Daughter-in-law, I've been busy recently and forgot to hand in my passbook."

"Actually, since I came back from the army to work in the transportation team of the coal company in the town, basically the car was full and the car was empty. Some people gave us some hard work money and asked us to help them carry things."

"Basically, some family members in the company who do business, and those who want special products..."

"This kind of work is very piecemeal and not long-term. It is a kind of benefit that the unit tacitly agrees to our drivers, but this kind of business is not successful, so I often go to the city and the provincial capital to talk about the business of 500 or [-] units. , almost every time I come back, the car is not empty, well, according to the distance of the journey, there will be a reward of [-] yuan."

"Three or four times a week, the income from this item alone in a month is about 4000 yuan... I always ask them to transfer it to my passbook on a monthly basis, and I will go to the provincial capital to check the accounts every month... "

"I haven't typed the list from last month."

Shu Anyang was stunned for a moment, then looked down at Zhezi, "Ten, 14 yuan?"

This Su Weiqi took the original owner's money and ran away, and cheated outside with the jade pendant, only to toss back more than 20 yuan.

Mo Haoran worked as a truck driver for four years, earning more than 14 in extra money alone.

She put on a wooden face, "Doesn't it mean that your family doesn't need me to borrow money to build a house?" She felt a little stupid...

Mo Haoran smiled and whispered to her: "How could it be?"

"Daughter-in-law, no one in the family knows that I have this money, and it's all at your disposal, including my dowry to marry you!"

Shu Anyang pursed her lips and smiled lightly, her eyes narrowed slightly. For some reason, she had never been able to see Mo Haoran's future before, but at this moment a picture unexpectedly appeared.

Mo Haoran bought short and sold short, and was taken away for the crime of speculation. In view of his many contributions to the organization, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Without someone as powerful as Mo Haoran as a stumbling block, Su Weiqi started from a prosperous life in the city, and within two years, after quadrupling his assets, he went to the provincial capital to develop.

Shu Anyang held his passbook and looked at Mo Haoran seriously, "Brother Haoran, you didn't marry a wife before, you were a bachelor, you ate enough for yourself and the whole family was not hungry, and you had no scruples about doing anything."

"But have you ever thought about the high risk and high reward, and the fact that you accept the job in private is not allowed on paper by the company. What if someone finds out about this matter and reports you with jealousy and hatred?"

(End of this chapter)

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