Chapter 137 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (31)

"You set your partner in the city and the provincial capital, so why not prevent the people in the town from knowing?"

"It's a small fight, no one will involve all the big guys for you alone, but brother Haoran, you are too smart to spread the stall so big..."

"Recently, the organization has been very strict. We have made a lot of money, and now we have a shop that pays you all the time. Brother Haoran, promise me that we will not do this anymore."

Mo Haoran held her hand, "Okay, I'll listen to my wife!"

Shu Anyang solemnly emphasized: "It's hard to chase after a gentleman's words, and you are not allowed to obey me."

Mo Haoran smiled lightly and put her hand on his chest, "Daughter-in-law, I don't need to lie to you. I used to be a soldier, even though I am retired now, in my heart, I am always waiting for the call of the organization."

"Obeying orders and paying attention to promises are the most basic qualities of a soldier."

"Before I was alone, I liked to think about it. I didn't want to waste time when I returned to the city, so I made some money by the way."

"Now that I have a daughter-in-law at home, I wish I could grow my feet and not go out. Why would I be willing to delay outside?"

"There are many ways to make money, and I will choose the safest one in the future!"

Shu Anyang naturally believed him, and carefully put away the passbook according to his method.

Only then did Mo Haoran go to the main room to convey to Mr. Mo and the old lady that Shu Anyang was willing to lend money to everyone and build a brick house directly in one step.

The old man and the old lady listened carefully, and the old lady even took out a pen and paper to record the key points of the meeting in traditional characters.

"Hao Ran, why did our family marry a granddaughter-in-law? It's clear that we invited a grandma who is the God of Wealth."

"The Mo family will firmly remember Anyang's kindness... Grandma's children and grandchildren have such a temper, they have a clear mind. Your uncle, your father, and your brothers and sisters have learned since childhood that you can fight for what you want with your hands. Only by being down-to-earth can you live a good life.”

"There are so many capable people in the world. We compare this and that all day long. We can't get anything except wasting time and emotion. Why don't we pick up a hoe and dig the ground twice."

"In half a year, no matter if we don't buy enough money to build a house, we will pay back Anyang's money!"

As she spoke, the old lady stomped back to the house, took out a reddish-brown mottled box, pulled out the key from her neck, and opened it, "You can give this box to my daughter-in-law for me. Although there are not many gold, silver and jade ornaments in it, it is not very expensive. But that's my grandma's promise."

"When we pay back the house payment, you will pay us back."

Mo Haoran was not polite either, and smiled into his arms, "Okay, grandpa, I'll contact Brick right away, let's choose an auspicious day to build a house!"

The old lady also nodded: "Building a house is a big deal, you have to let your mother figure it out."

Back in the room, Mo Haoran handed the box to Shu Anyang.

Shu Anyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't shirk it, instead he found a place to hide with Mo Haoran.

After Mo's mother had chosen a date, the Mo family invited relatives and friends to build the house together.

Even the village head's family joined in, but their family didn't have enough money, so they had to build a mud-brick house.

The busy farming season came to an end, and the Mo family and the village chief's family were very good people in the village, so almost the whole village came out to help build the house.

Mo's father and Mo's mother are helping at home, Mo Haoran is busy driving to work, and Shu Anyang is still sick.

When she had nothing to do, she took the children around, occasionally standing by the river and frowning in thought.

Under the publicity of Mo's family, Shu Anyang is almost becoming a walking God of Wealth. When everyone sees her, they will stop talking about her cheating and illness, but will smile and stuff things into her arms.

What kind of fruit, steamed buns, meat, Shu Anyang suddenly had the illusion that they were offering offerings, and he almost burned incense and knelt down to himself!
Even the children of the village ran after her.

"Aunt Mo Liu, what are you looking at? Is there something wrong in the river?" A young man carrying firewood couldn't help but asked.

Shu Anyang looked sideways at him and asked, "Can you swim?"

The young man scratched his head and answered honestly: "No, I am the only child in the family. My parents are strict with me and don't let me go into the river."

Shu Anyang said with a smile, "Then your chance to make a fortune has come."

The boy's eyes lit up, he looked around guiltily, and asked in a low voice, "Aunt Mo Six, what do you mean? Me, how do I make money?"

Shu Anyang also lowered his voice and said: "I found out that the river has risen a bit too much recently and is very fast. I'm afraid some water ghosts want to find a substitute..."

In the rural areas of the 90s, the big guys had relatively free speech, but they were also slightly superstitious secretly.

The boy held his breath.Every summer, many children go swimming in rivers or ponds with their parents on their backs, and there are always one, two, or even three or four children drowning in ten miles and eight towns.

The big guy said, this is the water ghost looking for a substitute.

The boy's scalp was numb: "Aunt Mo Six, then, what does that have to do with my making money?"

Shu Anyang raised his eyebrows, "This water ghost likes to confuse people. We have to pass this wooden bridge to get to the back mountain from our village...I'm afraid that some people will be bewitched and kill people..."

"What about you, just squat around here if you have nothing to do, especially when the children are out of school, accidents are most likely to happen...Sometimes someone falls into the water, and you call for help while stopping them with a thick stick..."

"As a lifesaver, don't you make money?"

The boy's eyes widened. Not only did he make money, he also became a little hero!
"But you have to ensure your own safety, remember to call for help..."

Shu Anyang was afraid that he would not be able to see it. One more person, one more insurance.

And she felt that if she showed up, the other party might not make a move, so she had to find a little helper.

Shu Anyang had a hunch that if Su Weiqi made a move, he would take advantage of the few days when everyone was helping the Mo family build a house.

On Saturday afternoon, Shu Anyang was thinking about things at home.She always felt that she had overlooked a major event, and this major event would definitely save her life.

She and Mo Haoran agreed to remit the money within half a year, which seems to be based on this matter, what exactly is it?

Just when she thought she was about to come out, there was a sudden noise outside, and chaotic footsteps poured into the yard.

"Hurry up, eldest daughter-in-law, go boil water, make two bowls of brown sugar and ginger water, and give the children a good bath... Yes, Xiaoji, go to the village and grab some wormwood leaves..." Mo's mother was calm and anxious. voice came.

Shu Anyang's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly opened the door and went out.

Sure enough, she saw Uncle Mo and Mo Haoyuan each holding a child in their arms and running into the house.

The young man followed behind the crowd. When he saw Shu Anyang coming out, he trotted forward and gave his thumbs up in shock: "It's amazing, Aunt Mo Liu, you are really good, and you really confirmed it."

It's just that he didn't expect that the stand-in favored by the water ghost would be the two boys from the Mo family.

 There are a lot of things around May [-]st, and the update time and quantity are a bit unstable. Please forgive me, it will return to normal after the holiday... Wuyi took the baby to see the panda Yaji.Kung fu herbal tea boy.

  I look forward to Yaya's smooth return and Lele's soul returning to her hometown!
(End of this chapter)

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