Shu Anyang snapped his fingers and said so much in one breath, the sound of banknotes rattling could be heard in the ears of the Mo family's detachment of women.

It’s really that the Mo family has no heart for foodies. They only have the ability to cook pig feed. They are blindly worshiping Shu Anyang’s craftsmanship. Just listening to her, the big guys feel that the business must be booming, and they are surrounded by delicious food. up!

Shu Anyang wrote down the ideas one by one, "Except for the hotel, there are nine shops in total. Which one of us runs which business depends on whether you have the talent in this area."

"When I finalize the details, we will start to practice our skills... We will be able to start a business when the shop is completed... One day earlier, we can make money one day sooner..."

The big guy nodded again and again, rubbing his fists together impatiently.

Shu Anyang put all these things on paper and added many details.

She habitually goes through the memories of the next week every day, because as time approaches, events will be stripped out and become clearer.

Looking at the calendar on the table, Shu Anyang suddenly remembered that after the original owner was kicked out by the Su family, because he had no money to see a doctor, the original owner worked in a small noodle shop in the town to barely make ends meet.

The proprietress of the noodle restaurant was pretty good to the original owner, allowing her to enjoy some warmth when she was dying.

However, if Shu Anyang remembers correctly, on the last working day of this week, that is tomorrow, there was a fight in the noodle shop.

The son of the proprietress of the noodle shop also participated in order to protect the shop from being smashed. He was beaten to the point of his cerebellum and fell to his knees on the spot, becoming a vegetative state. Someone in the noodle shop also died on the spot in a pool of blood...

The noodle shop couldn't continue to open, and the original owner was also sick and began to swell and ache all over. She couldn't take care of herself, so there was no news of the proprietress.

Shu Anyang held the pen tightly, and she wanted to go to that noodle shop to eat noodles tomorrow no matter what she said!
After a month of food supplements, Shu Anyang's body is still a bit fragile, but her kidneys have almost been repaired, and it will take at least two or three months before she fully recovers, but she is not in any fatal danger.

Mo Haoran knows that his daughter-in-law loves everything, so every time he comes back from work, he always brings her some delicious food.

The two of them closed the door for extra meals, especially after knowing that Shu Anyang was in good health, he was more than happy to feed her, mainly to make his daughter-in-law full of energy to cope with his deep love!
With such an extra meal, while Shu Anyang recovered, her skin had already turned several shades whiter, and her skin was much more delicate and clean. At least she now has the appearance of a city girl when she goes out.

She was wearing a blue and white striped classic T-shirt, blue denim overalls, braided braids, a pink straw hat and a canvas bag. She said hello to her family, and then went to the entrance of the village to take a ox cart.

"Go to the entrance of the village to take a ox cart, we have cattle at home, and the cart at home is still clean..." Mrs. Mo said with a smile: "Your master is fine, let him take you off in a cart... just right There is not much rice, flour and oil at home, let your grandfather buy some, and let him bring you back after you finish your work..."

"Your father is always greedy for Wang Laowu's family to have an ox cart. It's not the time when the farming is busy. You can pick up people back and forth to earn some money... You also let him have a cart-like addiction..."

Shu Anyang pursed his lips and responded with a smile, "Okay, I'll be grandpa's first passenger."

Mr. Mo was overjoyed when he heard that, so he went to his own woodland first, picked a half-sized and strong cow, brought it down and put it on the cart that the old lady had packed.

Shu Anyang sat on the cart covered with sacks, and wobbled towards the town.

The old man cherished the cattle, and when he met a villager who wanted to ride in the middle of the road, he stingily refused to let him sit, for fear that the cattle would be exhausted.

Not to mention others, even he was always walking and driving, which made Shu Anyang feel embarrassed to sit down.

But she has always had a thick skin, and she squinted against the rising sun for a while in the car.

When she arrived in town, she made an appointment with the old man at four o'clock in the afternoon.

The original owner grew up in the town, but her mother eloped with her father. It was a romantic love story between a rich daughter and a poor boy. Unfortunately, they ended badly.

Her father was an orphan and had no relatives.

In addition, the original owner's private life was messed up by the Su family, and the neighbors basically walked around her, so she didn't have anyone to visit in the town.

Shu Anyang went to a supply and marketing cooperative, bought some snacks, and went for a walk in the park before heading to the mining area.

With the memory of the original owner, the more she came here, the deeper the feeling in her heart. It was almost like the original owner swallowed all the pain and despair in her stomach alone after she learned that she had only a few days to live.

The better the proprietress treats her, the more the original owner feels how blind he was before, and was cheated by the Su family.

"Comrade, is this your first time here? Our Sichuan-style noodles are very authentic and delicious. There are many side dishes, and the price is cheap and the quantity is large...Look, it's not time for the meal, and the guests have already started..."

The proprietress greeted with a smile.

Shu Anyang nodded, glanced at the little gangster outside the door whose eyes were almost glued to her, and said with a chuckle, "I want a big bowl of noodles, add two eggs, put two rolls to fry, two lion heads, one piece Bacon, four kelp knots, two beans..."

The proprietress couldn't help asking: "How many comrades are there?"

Shu Anyang smiled and said, "It's just me, but I'm a rural person with a big appetite, so if I can't eat, I'll take it home."

The proprietress didn't say anything, she put two plates of side dishes for her, and also put a plate of cold dishes poured with sesame juice, "This is for you, I usually eat with my children, and I love this cold dish. "

Shu Anyang said yes and thanked him.

It happened that the restaurant started to have people, and the proprietress went to greet them.

Shu Anyang eats slowly. The noodles are machine-pressed fresh noodles, which are smooth and seasoned. One mouthful of noodles comes with a side dish. The spicy and salty flavor is really delicious.

Not long after, it was time for the ground workers in the mine to get off work, and a couple sat behind her.

The man in his thirties looked dignified and majestic, but the woman looked like a doormat, cowering and cowering, as if everyone had bullied her.

Some people are born with this unpleasant feeling.

The man ordered two bowls of noodles, and also ordered a cold dish prepared by the proprietress very familiarly.

However, his wife twitched her lips, "Sister Juan? Xuemin, do you often come here to eat? I remember that the restaurant doesn't have any cold dishes, right?"

Hao Xuemin frowned slightly, "Sometimes I come here to eat with my colleagues, and the lady boss sees that we order a lot, so she will send an extra plate or two of cold dishes."

The proprietress also nodded with a smile: "That's right, our regular customers here know..."

Shu Anyang also raised his hand and said: "The proprietress is super nice, she gave me a plate for the first time I came here! It's really delicious."

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