With tears in her eyes, Jiang Xiaofang said, "Okay, okay, the proprietress is a good person, I'm the only one who is narrow-minded and has too many things to do?"

Hao Xuemin frowned slightly, and said in a low voice displeased: "Xiao Fang, what is your temper?"

"If there is a fire, you are coming at me. How can irrelevant people be involved?"

Jiang Xiaofang looked at him bitterly: "Hao Xuemin, do you still remember what you said to me when you got married?"

"I'm afraid you don't remember it long ago? It's been 13 years, and I still remember it clearly. You said that you would spend the rest of your life with me, and go through every difficulty hand in hand, without any second thoughts..."

"I know that I don't have any principles when dealing with my mother's family, but I ask myself to do my best for you, my children and my in-laws... I have paid so much for this family, but you only remember my fault..."

Hao Xuemin pursed his lips tightly, that's true, if it wasn't for watching her treat Xiaojia with snacks, the family would help her speak.

At the beginning she almost delayed the elder brother's treatment, he would never easily turn over the matter with her, how could she continue to make progress later?

In addition to the endless quarrels in their marriage now, it made him ridiculously understand what it means for a poor and lowly couple to be miserable, arguing every day over trivial things that cost money.

Obviously his monthly salary has risen to 300 yuan, and she also has a salary of more than [-] yuan a month. Compared with other families in the factory, the conditions are already considered good.

But their family's life is extremely tight... So, she is willing to spend her own salary for her natal family, but his salary, which she can't touch, is locked in her hands, and she won't spend it if she can't...

Hao Xuemin didn't even have the strength to quarrel with her now, so he looked at her lightly, "What's the matter, can't we talk about it when we go home? You said you were going out for dinner today."

"Hao Xuemin," she asked with a low voice and gritted her teeth, "Yesterday morning your nephew helped you withdraw 6000 yuan from the bank. Where did you get so much money?"

"If I'm not wrong, he followed the car to Shanghai to buy stocks again?"

"You say I'm a prodigal and can't keep the money. Don't tell me you don't have my share of the [-] yuan. You don't even ask me, just buy stocks?"

"In case I lose, I don't know the money from the beginning to the end, and it has nothing to do with me if I win, right?"

"What position do you put me in? I have always been an outsider?"

"Playing stocks is gambling, don't you know that?"

Hao Xuemin laughed lowly: "So, Jiang Xiaofang, are you eyeing the fifty-six thousand?"

Jiang Xiaofang looked at the man in front of her, as if time had treated him extra leniently. From the time she knew him to the present, apart from becoming stable and mature, all the vigor and enthusiasm in him had been wiped out. When he started getting fat and greasy in middle age, he stayed where he was.

When he entered the factory, he was dressed in a white shirt and blue trousers. He was obviously a worker in the well, but he was more dignified than the workers on the ground.

However, he has outstanding ability and has developed how to mine coal efficiently, which has increased the monthly output of the entire mining area by [-]%.

He didn't leave any relationship, but with such a great merit, he was transferred to the ground by himself, and even sat in the position of deputy factory director at such an age!

But the couple drifted away from each other, unwilling to stay at home for too long, seeing each other bored, it was like a cage that bound them to each other.

Fifty-six thousand, she can only earn it by working for four to fifty years without eating or drinking, even if it is him, it will take two to thirty years.

She didn't believe that the money was clean, and subconsciously felt that he was taking advantage of his position to grab money.

That being the case, his corruption and acceptance of bribes will be exposed sooner or later. Why should she not enjoy the money, but be implicated and pointed out by others?
Jiang Xiaofang didn't hide anymore, and said directly: "Hao Xuemin, didn't you always want a divorce before?"

"Now I understand what you mean a little bit. After the divorce, you can use the money to squander it in a fair way."

"Since that's the case, it's not too late for us to divorce now, you take your child and leave the house!"

Hao Xuemin was stunned for a while, gripping the chopsticks tightly, and confirmed word by word: "Jiang Xiaofang, what did you say? Say it again!"

Jiang Xiaofang put the chopsticks on the table, glanced at her younger brother who was already walking here outside the door, took a deep breath and met Hao Xuemin's serious eyes, "Hao Xuemin, when I was born Yangyang, I almost didn't get off the operating table."

"It can be said that Hao Zhiyang traded my life for it. Letting her stay in Hao's house is already my biggest concession."

"But for her future happiness, all the deposits of our husband and wife, this house, and the [-] that your nephew took away belong to me. I will give it to her when Yang Yang grows up. I must not let me work hard to keep it." The money will be used by future generations!"

The two of them spoke very quietly.There was a lot of noise in the noodle restaurant, except for Shu Anyang, no one else noticed what was wrong with them.

Shu Anyang couldn't help laughing silently.

This woman obviously wanted to make money with one hand, and didn't want her daughter to be an oil bottle with the other, so she changed to a fresh and refined method.

Hao Xuemin laughed angrily, "Jiang Xiaofang, why? When I went down the well, you risked my life to earn money, but you gave it to my natal family without hesitation."

"Now, you want a divorce and let me and my daughter leave the house? Do you really think I have no temper?"

At this moment, Jiang Xingwang came up to him, hooked a chair and sat down carelessly, "Brother-in-law, what kind of temper do you have, let me see it?"

Behind him are a few big and three rough brothers, who are not easy to mess with.

Seeing this, the people in the noodle restaurant went to the proprietress one after another to ask for bags and disposable tableware to take away. After a while, only a group of them and Shu Anyang were left.

The proprietress was a little impatient, and she kept winking at Shu Anyang, but the little girl lowered her head and ate seriously, still eating slowly!

Hao Xuemin looked at their posture expressionlessly, and sneered: "So, Jiang Xiaofang, do you have to divorce me today, or are you planning to let me leave the house?"

Jiang Xingwang sneered: "Brother-in-law, no, you will be gone soon! Hao Xuemin, where did you get the fifty-six thousand?"

"We don't necessarily tell the truth when we ask you, but you may even be fascinated by playing stocks. I can't watch my sister get hurt by you."

"Didn't your family always want a son? It's just right, divorce my sister, and you can find a female college student in the mine to give birth to a son for your Hao family. How wonderful!"

"No amount of money can buy back my sister's loss of youth..."

"As for me, I don't like procrastination, and my brothers are not always free...Hao Xuemin, take advantage of today's working day, sign an agreement with my sister and get divorced!"

Hao Xuemin twitched the corners of his lips: "Divorce is fine, but it doesn't make sense for the children to belong to me. The property is [-]/[-], but the house is adopted to the children."

Dear, Happy Labor Day...

The update is unstable during the holidays, sorry, the author is crazy...

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