Chapter 152 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (46)

After all, he had 6000 yuan in his hand before, and he almost lost his life. In addition, the Jiang family siblings committed a crime, and they were anxious to get away, so they let go of the divorce and gave up their visitation rights.

If they look back and know that the money in his hand has multiplied several times before the divorce, becoming more than 49 yuan, then they will not change their minds!
Fortunately, he got divorced one day earlier, and the 49 yuan had nothing to do with Jiang Xiaofang.

However, he thought that such a big turmoil in the Shanghai stock market would definitely be reported in the newspapers, and the big guy in their factory was driven by Li Minglang to play stocks for a while, so he specially ordered newspapers on Shanghai's economy.

In addition, since Li Minglang followed the car this time, someone who is interested will definitely be able to guess what the news is, and the Jiang family knows that Li Minglang has withdrawn 6000 yuan from the bank for him. After a little association, it is clear that he has benefited a lot this time!
Hao Xuemin narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering how to convince the big guys that they didn't actually make much profit?
After Mo Haoran returned the car, he found his own motorcycle, wiped it clean, and threw his backpack and the things he bought for his family into the back of the car.

As usual, he took out two packs of cigarettes, smoked one himself, threw the rest to his colleagues, smiled and said a few words to them, and then started the car to go home.

By the time we got home, the afterglow of the setting sun had sprinkled the ground with gold, and the villagers had already returned home one after another carrying farm tools, and greeted him with a smile when they saw him.

The children of the Mo family even ran forward, wanting to show off in front of their friends and climb into the car.

Mo Haoran smiled and took out a bag of white rabbit toffee from his bag, stuffed it to the little guy who had already climbed up the side of the car, and said in a low voice: "The big white rabbit toffee bought in Shanghai, I will share it with my brothers and sisters. You two, taste it."

"When I go back, I'll hand over the delicious food to your grandma and second mistress. You won't be able to get so much."

Mo Yongming looked at the huge bag of toffee tangled up, then at the motorcycle, and decisively chose the former.

There are motorcycles every day, but the white rabbit toffee, they may not be able to eat one for a week.Because there are so many children in the family, and the grandma is older, relatives come to the house from time to time, and half of the sweets and cakes are scattered.

He hugged the toffee tightly and ran away with a group of babies hula la.

One step behind the children, the Mo family who had just come up from the field all glared at him.

Even Mo Yongming's grandma, Aunt Mo said dumbfoundingly: "Lao Liu, now that you have a family and a daughter-in-law, you can't spend money like you used to."

The white rabbit toffee is so rare, it is only bought by the residents of the town to coax their children, and they are bought in one or two places.

As a result, he gave a big bag... Who would be his wife, wouldn't he be distressed?
Mo Haoran smiled, waved to everyone, and rode his motorcycle home.

Hearing the chug of the motorcycle, Shu Anyang was sitting cross-legged on a chair, eating a biscuit, reading a novel.

She hurriedly put away the biscuits and books, wiped her mouth again, gulped down two sips of water, then put on her shoes and went out.

However, the man had already pushed the door in with a bag of things, and the two just bumped into each other!

Mo Haoran reacted quickly and hugged the tender daughter-in-law in his arms, kicked the door with his feet, and hugged her eagerly for a while.

The two hadn't seen each other for only five days, and they missed each other very much. If it wasn't almost time for dinner, they would definitely take action!
Slightly relieving his thoughts, Mo Haoran inserted the door and pulled him to the table.

He put the bag on the table and unzipped it, revealing the hundred-dollar bills inside!
"Daughter-in-law, it's really strange. We just finished our business and went to buy stocks early the next morning. As a result, it rose from 91 to 800 yuan in one day..."

"Look, the total is 400 yuan. Others are still working hard to become ten thousand households. We are already one million households!"

His voice was still trembling with excitement.

Shu Anyang looked at the stacks of beautiful and brand-new hundred-yuan bills, and felt very happy in his heart.

In real life, she worked hard to make money step by step, but suddenly she became a task worker and was able to make money for her brother to buy nutrient solution.

There is so much more to that excitement than that!

Now she is using the Prophet to double the money in her hand.

"Now we don't do anything. It is estimated that the organization will make a big move at the end of the year. At that time, we will put all the money in. After that, we will live a small life steadily and wait for the face value of the stock to rise a little... If we want to have a lot For big profits, you have to be patient and wait slowly...but stocks are high-yield and high-risk projects, let's do it again, and we won't touch this thing again..."

Mo Haoran smiled and nodded: "I listen to my wife!"

Money is something outside the body, even if all the money is lost in the future, he can rely on his own efforts to make his wife live a good life.

The two of them wrapped up the money and hid it tightly, and then began to pack the various specialties that Mo Haoran bought from Shanghai.

They only need to keep the things of their own small family, and the rest will be given to Mo's mother, and she will distribute it.

Mo Haoran bought a bag of clothes for Shu Anyang, almost except for the money to buy stocks. After he finished buying special products, he set aside money for meals, and the rest was for his wife to buy clothes, bags, hats, silk scarves and shoes, etc. , there is nothing left!
Looking at his empty pockets, Shu Anyang couldn't laugh or cry, but was moved in his heart, couldn't help wrapping his arms around his neck, and said with a light smile, "Thank you, brother Haoran... I feel that all the hardships I have suffered before are just for It's worth waiting for you to appear and enjoy being loved to the top of your heart..."

The original owner thought so too, right?
Mo Haoran hugged her tightly, "Silly woman, I only hate myself why didn't I just snatch the kiss back then?"

Shu Anyang just smiled, he really stole the kiss, the rest of the original owner's life was ordinary and happy, without so much unwillingness, so how could there be anything about her at this moment?
Everything is the same as before!
"I haven't seen you for a few days, my wife has become more tender again?" Mo Haoran asked in surprise, stroking the woman's face after his emotions calmed down.

Shu Anyang changes every day, and it's not easy for people around her to notice this change, but anyone who hasn't seen her for a few days will be able to notice this sudden change, not to mention Mo Haoran's hands touch...

Shu Anyang snorted softly: "No, since you left, I almost never leave the house. I stay at home all day, and I don't even see the sun."

"And I'm not too old, I'm only 25 years old, and my body recovers quickly... You see, I soak my hands every day to grind my calluses, so I can't see anything now?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her pale white hand in a showy manner.

(End of this chapter)

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