Chapter 153 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (47)

Mo Haoran held her hand in a funny way, and after more than a month of feeding, the woman visibly plumped up.

In the past, she was very white, tender and beautiful, just like she is now, but during the seven or eight years in the Su family, she became thinner and shriveled a little bit, and it would not be too much to describe her as skinny.

He still remembered that when he picked her up from the pool of blood, he could hardly feel the weight, as if he was holding a skeleton, the spine pressed against his arm, and even the thigh bones could be vaguely felt.

As a pure outsider, he couldn't help but wince in distress.

Looking at the lively, beautiful and playful woman, Mo Haoran couldn't help pressing her down and begging for kisses.

"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law... don't be brave in the future, don't go out alone, and don't let yourself get hurt..."

Shu Anyang originally wanted to share Hao Xuemin's family affairs with him, but when she heard this, she shrunk her neck guiltily and nodded with a smile.

The two were rubbing each other's ears in the room, and Mo's mother coughed softly outside the window: "Then what, Haoran, it's time to come out for dinner."

Mo Haoran and Shu Anyang looked at each other, got up with a slight blush on their faces, arranged their clothes, and then went out with their things.

"Mom, I left the things I bought for my daughter-in-law, and you can arrange the rest."

With a heavy bag full of things, Mo's mother smiled and waved her hands: "You child, how can you buy things for your family as soon as you go out?"

"Mom knows that you make a lot of money, but now that you are married to a wife and have children in the future, there are many places to spend money. How can you spend as much money as before?"

Talking about him, Mo's mother said to Shu Anyang: "Hao Ran is good in everything, but he doesn't know how to manage money. In the past, his mother took his salary and saved it for him."

"Now that you are married to him, Anyang, you want to control the financial power, and you can no longer let him be generous..."

Shu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled: "Mom, this time is also special. Brother Haoran finally went to the magic capital, so why don't you buy some special products?"

"Besides, mom only has him and his sister. Let mom arrange these things, so that people can see how good brother Haoran is. It's not just boasting. We have practical actions."

Knowing Mo's mother's character, she shouldn't have said that, so she didn't say a word.

So Shu Anyang came close to her ear and whispered: "Brother Haoran made a lot of money by going to the Demon City this time, and I am very happy. Let's have fun together, but you can't say it outside."

"Otherwise there will be an endless stream of relatives coming to borrow money."

Mother Mo nodded with a smile, "Okay, as long as you have a plan for your life, Mom won't say much."

She didn't take these words too seriously, thinking that Mo Haoran's money would only be a few hundred dollars, how could she have thought that it was not a few hundred dollars, but millions of dollars...

Mother Mo happily accepted the filial piety of her son and daughter-in-law, first carried the things back to the house, and after looking through them, kept half of them, and handed the rest directly to Mrs. Mo at the dinner table.

"Mother, this is a special product bought by Haoran on a business trip to Shanghai. Anyang and I have kept some, and you will share the rest."

Mrs. Mo accepted it with a smile, and said that her grandson was promising, and she could see the specialties of Shanghai.

She also didn't have time to eat, so she went back to the house to look through the things first, two big bags of white rabbit toffee, what butterfly cakes, pear paste candies, egg yolk crispy rice cakes, fresh meat moon cakes, green balls, evergreen biscuits, rice wine, tea leaves , cream, silk scarves, etc., any one of them made her feel that it was not something that ordinary people could eat. The packaging alone seemed very high-end, not to mention that the quantity of each item was quite large.

She picked out silk scarves according to the number of daughters-in-law and daughters in the family, five for the eldest family and five for the third.The cream is also distributed in the same way, and there are three or four kinds of snacks.

The rest of the old lady put it away carefully, and took it out when she went back to relatives or came to relatives.

Daughters-in-law looked at the bright, beautiful and soft silk scarves, and loved them so much. After seeing them over and over again, how could they remember eating?They can't wait to take a shower right now, put on the most decent clothes, put on silk scarves and go out to show off.

The old lady also understood the mentality of the big guy, and said with a smile: "When our house is built, before the autumn harvest, everyone will take turns to go to the mother's house... Then come to me to bring two bags of pastries..."

The daughters-in-law were all sobbing, and they all went to thank the young couple Mo Haoran and Shu Anyang, saying that they would bring delicious food from their mother's house.

The big guys tasted rice wine together again, saying that the wine in the south is not as strong as the wine in the north, and it is not strong enough, but the women like it.

Shu Anyang couldn't help but drank two small cups, his head was a little dizzy.

After the meal, the old man smoked a pipe as usual, while Mo Haoran sat next to him, the whole family gathered around and were busy with their hands, listening to what he had seen and heard along the way.

"I was also in a hurry to come back this time, so I didn't have the time to go shopping, and I didn't go to the famous local seaside market, otherwise I could bring some seafood here... If there is a chance, our whole family will go..."

The Mo family and their wives have been to the farthest place, which is the city.They haven't even been to Fucheng, so how dare they want to go to Shanghai?

The big guys all smiled, but it didn't prevent them from following Mo Haoran's words and imagining the appearance of the devil city.

At eight or nine o'clock, the big guys began to wash and go to bed.

Mo Haoran continued to silently mix the bath water for his daughter-in-law, while he took a fighting bath in the kitchen.

After tidying up, he found that his wife was drunk, her beautiful fox eyes seemed to be fogged, and her fair cheeks were glowing with a beautiful peach pink. As he was busy, she was gurgling here and there, behaving well. It's rare to be quiet!
Knowing that he was done with work, Shu Anyang stretched out his hands and smiled softly: "Honey, give me a hug..."

Mo Haoran's heart melted, so he didn't care about other things, he just threw him down, "Daughter-in-law, how can kissing and hugging be enough?"

Unexpectedly, the drunken daughter-in-law is clingy, and she is so enthusiastic that he can't stand it.

The sun shone through the window, Shu Anyang stood up suddenly, there was no movement in the yard, obviously everyone was out and busy, only she was sleeping late at home.

Even if Shu Anyang can turn the food into energy and take the lead in repairing the discomfort on her body, she still feels a little sore when she wakes up right now.

She blushed slightly, finished dressing and washing.

There is a plate of egg pancakes, a plate of small pickles, and a bowl of shredded chicken egg soup on the table in my room, all of which are covered with bowls to keep warm.

There was also a note pressed down, and the man's powerful words carried the casual arrogance of the owner, "Daughter-in-law, I'm off work for two days and went to help the new house..."

Shu Anyang chuckled and ate his meal, thinking about the establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange at the end of this year in the Gregorian calendar. At that time, all the family's money will be bought into stocks, or buy electric vacuums!

(End of this chapter)

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