Chapter 159 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (53)

"This group of people are too shrewd, they just took my brother and his brothers who are young, have no experience, panic when they see blood, and have no idea..."

"Who doesn't know the importance of the neck? My younger brother's friend did something wrong. He shouldn't be carrying a knife, but he threatened it from a distance. He didn't expect Hao Xuemin to hit it... It wasn't Hao Xuemin and Mo Haoran's wife who cooperated. How could it be such a coincidence that Hao Xuemin almost injured his carotid artery?"

"To put it bluntly, in the mining area, he, Hao Xuemin, covered the sky with one hand... Oh, and, my brother also heard that Mo Haoran had withdrawn a full 23 from the bank... How can he have so much money as a truck driver? "

"He must have some shady dealings with Hao Xuemin, and the fifty-six thousand that Hao Xuemin took out may not be all his money..."

Jiang Xiaofang angrily made up nonsense, and the more she said, the more she believed it.

"Ma'am, our Jiang family is just an ordinary family, how can we beat the Hao family?"

"I think Hao Xuemin just looks at the proprietress of the above restaurant. She is young and beautiful, can give birth to sons, and can do business to make money. Naturally, she can coax men around..."

After figuring it out, she shared a breaking news with this aunt, "On the day Li Minglang and Mo Haoran came back, the stock in Shanghai rose from 90 yuan a share to 800 yuan a share!"

"Hao Xuemin's 49 yuan has directly become [-] yuan..."

The aunt gasped after hearing this, "Well, is this stock really so profitable? It has doubled so many times in just one day?"

Jiang Xiaofang nodded: "Aunt Qian, it's not just this day, otherwise why did the two of them rush back? I'm also bored today, and I'm going to the library to read. When I remembered this, I paid attention to the economic newspapers in Shanghai, and saw This message!"

"No wonder Hao Xuemin wants to divorce me, I guess he has studied this stuff thoroughly..."

Aunt Qian is still dizzy now, "Oh my dear, 49, how much does it cost?"

"I thought Deputy Factory Manager Hao was good, but I didn't expect him to be such a beastly person!"

She cursed angrily in a low voice, "Xiaofang, don't worry, we can't let this bastard fool people... He didn't explain the relationship between men and women clearly, and he didn't give away the 23 yuan and the [-] yuan in Mo Haoran's hand." If the source of the money is clarified, it is impossible to continue to sit in the position of deputy mine manager safely!"

After Madam Qian finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

Jiang Xiaofang sneered, if she didn't get something good, the proprietress of the noodle shop wouldn't want to get it either!

In just three to five days, all kinds of stories came out.

Mo Haoran just went to work today, and was dragged aside by his colleagues: "Haoran, tell me honestly, did you do anything illegal?"

Mo Haoran narrowed his eyes slightly, and understood what the other party wanted to say.

He chuckled and shook his head: "How could it be? Isn't the Jiang family and others biting their tongues?"

The colleague curled his lips: "It's fine if you don't have one. Anyway, it is widely rumored that Deputy Mine Manager Hao followed his nephew to buy stocks in Shanghai to make a fortune, and kicked his wife out of the house in advance... Also, our Deputy Mine Manager Hao I have unclear relationships with several women, among them, there is..."

He said with some embarrassment: "There are siblings!"

Mo Haoran felt cold all over, "Oh, I'm really getting impatient watching Jiang's family, my daughter-in-law doesn't leave the house every day, she only came to the city once, and my grandfather came to see her off. "

"I'm afraid my daughter-in-law doesn't even know who Deputy Mine Manager Hao is, but they are pouring dirty water on my daughter-in-law!"

"Brother Kang, please take a leave of absence for me. I want to sue this rumor-monger."

The colleague sighed, and really wanted to tell him from the bottom of his heart, let him have a better understanding, everything can't be groundless, but Mo Haoran strode away long ago.

Mo Haoran went to find Hao Xuemin first.

Hao Xuemin poured tea for him with a wry smile: "I'm sorry Haoran, the matter between me and the Jiang family has caused my younger siblings to get involved."

"Don't worry, I will never be kind to Jiang Xiaofang again this time. It has to do with her spreading rumors about the two of us making money. My younger siblings and the owner of the noodle shop have ambiguous relationships with me. I will investigate to the end!"

Mo Haoran nodded, "I'll help you."

Hao Xuemin said with a smile: "Brother Haoran can help, that's the best thing."

Both of them were activists, and directly sued the family court of the entire mining area for their reputation damage.

One is the deputy mine manager of the mining area, and the other is the mining area hero. Both of them are role models in the mining area. This time the rumors involved both of them, which has a great impact on the image and atmosphere of the mining area.

The relevant departments in the town attached great importance to this and directly sent many staff members to participate in the investigation.

They were all wearing uniforms and big caps, and the badges, armbands, and epaulets on their bodies gleamed coldly in the sun.

Just looking at them, the big guys felt chills in their hearts, and they almost knew everything about them.

Soon the staff found the source of the rumor, and as expected by Mo Haoran and Hao Xuemin, it was Jiang Xiaofang!
Mo Haoran and Hao Xuemin were firm, claiming that they had been hurt greatly, and asked Jiang Xiaofang to apologize, clarify the rumors, and restore their reputations.

Jiang Xiaofang had just been released for two days, and was detained for another fifteen days, and Mo Haoran and Hao Xuemin were sued separately.

After Jiang Xiaofang is released next time, he will be detained for another [-] days...

Hao Xuemin also held a mining area meeting very quickly, explaining the ins and outs of the matter, and it was well-founded.

Even so, a damaged reputation is like a shattered mirror that cracks when glued together.

Su Weiqi opened a clothing store in the city, because he was backlashed by Yupei. Not only did he not make any money recently, but he was tricked from time to time to buy low-quality clothes, or customers used false identities to pay for credit, and some ruffians on the street came to collect protection fees. He really clogged his teeth after drinking cold water!
He vaguely responded to the old family's urging him to go home again and again, and dragged it off until Doom left.

Su Weiqi couldn't wait to absorb the luck of the city's No. [-] upstart pampering his daughter in the palm of his hand. Sure enough, the color of the jade pendant gradually became richer, and his luck turned, and he closed a batch of deals with a profit of thousands of yuan that day.

After a busy week, Su Weiqi saw that all the previous losses had been made up, so he drove home in a small car.

On the way, he met Shu Anyang who was carrying water home with his sister-in-law. The car slowed down, rolled down the window, looked her up and down with greed in his eyes, and whistled: "Okay, Shu Anyang, it's been a while since I saw you." , You have changed a lot... Sure enough, you are watered by a man, your face is full of spring, no wonder you are also famous in the town..."

Shu Anyang glanced at him coldly. It seemed that the negative influence of his previous backlash had disappeared, and, moreover, it was very likely that he would not change his mind and absorbed other people's luck!
(End of this chapter)

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