When Shu Anyang remembered that Su Weiqi absorbed the luck of the two children of the Mo family, causing them to almost drown, his eyes were filled with coldness and disgust.

Not sure whose luck he drew seamlessly this time!

Su Weiqi didn't care about her cold face, and said with a light smile, "Anyang, this woman has to be sensible, you know?"

"When you're beautiful, you can't be too high-minded. It's boring to pretend to be too much. And when you're ugly, you can't be slovenly, and you can't please men."

"It's not that I kicked you out of the house, it's that you treat yourself too much. Let me see how long the Mo family can protect you!"

"However, we used to be husband and wife after all. When you come to Su's clothing store in the city, it's the one on the old street, and you can pick whatever you want... The goods purchased from the south are of good style and quality..."

Shu Anyang pretended not to hear, and continued walking with his sisters-in-law.

Su Weiqi smiled, and drove away abruptly, rolling up a layer of loess.

Everyone waved their hands and scolded him angrily, but got his arm stretched out and waved.

Shu Anyang imitated the others, picking up stones from the ground and throwing them.

Su Weiqi drove so fast that everyone's stones didn't touch the car at all, but her sharp stone was directly stuck in the tire.

Because Su Weiqi had just inflated the car for maintenance today, the tire burst immediately after being punctured, and flew out from one side, and the car lost a wheel, so the direction changed, and his speed was not slow, and it was directly heading towards the Hit the tree beside the road!

Everyone watched as the car smashed into a not-so-strong tree, and the two wheels hung on the tree with a flick of the tail. The whole car fell into the mud of the ditch and stood up...

The big guys stared blankly, and suddenly they burst out laughing, "Hahahaha, I said that people should not be too complacent and arrogant, this is not a current report at all, it is clearly a live report..."

"The uncle and nephew of the Su family got into the ditch? A bicycle went in, and a car went into the ditch..."

All the nearby villagers, who still have the mind to work, threw away their hoes and shovels, and ran over to watch the excitement.

Su Weiqi was furious, but the ditch was not wide, just the width of a car.

It can be said that the car was thrown in by inertia, and the four doors and windows were all stuck, which was not enough for him to climb out, unless the front windshield was smashed!
He was so angry that he thumped the steering wheel hard, he really should stabilize his luck before coming back.

As a result, he lost money and was flustered, and the luck he had just gained was used in business, so that his own luck hadn't improved much.

One of the tires of this car exploded, the front of the car was flattened, the car body must have had a lot of scratches in the process of entering the ditch, and the front windshield was about to be smashed, and everything needed money to fill it!
He bought a new car that he didn't drive many times, and it was almost turned into a waste product.

The Su family also ran over after hearing the news. Seeing this, they were so anxious that they didn't know what to do.

Shu Anyang smiled softly: "Since the family is here, let's stop joining in the fun and go home to cook."

The sisters-in-law responded one after another and walked away.

The crowd watching the excitement also understood at the moment, some turned their heads and followed Shu Anyang and the others, some muttered that there was a lot of work in the field, and for a while there were only the Su family beside the ditch.

Su Weiqi gritted his teeth: "From the passenger's seat, smashed the car window, the crack was bigger, I'll climb out!"

Mr. Su immediately ordered the two sons to do this.

Before Su Weiqi came out, old man Su groaned angrily, "The people in the village don't know what kind of ecstasy soup has been poured into them by the Mo family, they are all swarming around like flies in a latrine."

"When they encountered our matter, they ran away without a trace! After all, the Mo family became prosperous through that girl Shu Anyang. The rows of red brick and blue tile houses are a grand family."

"And the meals they serve to help the villagers include meat and eggs... Hmph, our Su family is no worse than them..."

"Old man, if this person is well-off, he has to build a house first and prop up the facade... Doesn't this provincial road pass by the entrance of our village? Although we didn't grab the row of house sites on the side of the road, we can still build the house Gai is more beautiful and majestic, let people see that our Su family is not as good as before... You are a young man who doesn't understand, the feng shui of this ancestral house, the house, is related to your luck..."

"Why in ancient times, people who were high-ranking officials in the capital had to build a magnificent house in their hometown? That's the reason!"

Su Weiqi believed in luck. Originally, he had some complaints about his family, thinking that they didn't help him at all, and were dragging his feet. If he hadn't come home, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

But now he feels that he is not lucky enough.

When he planned the luck of the Mo family before, he wanted to let the two children drown and steal all the luck.

In the end, the two children were rescued instead of dying, so that he really lost his wife and lost his army, and was severely backlashed.

Now he didn't dare to take such a big risk, he just asked for the name and date of birth of Zong Shaoyi, daughter of the richest family in the city, and gradually absorbed people's luck.

So he had to control the dosage, otherwise it would be easy for him to focus on one thing and lose another.

He thought about it and nodded.

Mr. Su was overjoyed, and began to say: "We also plan a row of foundations with the village chief. Anyway, it's not next to the provincial road, it's the same everywhere... Let people calculate Feng Shui, and then start to build..."

"My youngest son, your current achievements are all thanks to a few older brothers... You have been smart since you were young, and you will play tricks whenever you are asked to work, and you will study behind closed doors. Fortunately, our Su family's ancestral grave There are also times when there are green smokes, you and Xiang Di are both seedlings who are studying... In order to support you to study, the family has put in a lot of effort..."

"Your brother and nephews have been staying in the village all their lives, and the only thing that reaches out to you is to build a house... You develop in the city, and your father and mother depend entirely on their filial piety... I and Your mother has enough food and clothing, without your help, it's just a good face..."

"Besides, you are the only big boss in our village, our house, your brother's and nephew's houses are also your face..."

"Our rural areas are not the same as in the city. Brothers defend each other, fighting for this and that... Your brothers let you go, even your nephews let you go... Your mother loves you the most... You are a prosperous family We have a prosperous career... We can't be robbed of the limelight by the Mo family... What do people think of the Su family, and what do they think of you, the big boss..."

"Look what happened. Others are hiding far away. It's your brother and nephews who are anxious to help you..."

The old man is especially good at handling people's psychology.

When he said this, Su Weiqi didn't resist at all, watching the two brothers who smashed the window to save him, even the elder brother's hand was cut by the glass.

His eyes were red: "This is what it should be. Dad, you first ask the village chief to draw the foundation, and I will contact the materials."

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